The meaning of the symbols of borrow and car seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Borrow | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Borrow Car

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about borrow and car related.


See “automobile”...

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If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime, you will meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up. Small ills will vanish. But playing for st...

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To see a carpet in a dream, denotes profit, and wealthy friends to aid you in need.To walk on a carpet, you will be prosperous and happy.To dream that you buy carpets, denotes grea...

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To see carpenters at their labor, foretells you will engage in honest endeavors to raise your fortune, to the exclusion of selfish pastime or so-called recreation....

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To dream that you are participating in a carnival, portends that you are soon to enjoy some unusual pleasure or recreation.A carnival when masks are used, or when incongruous or cl...

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To see a carriage, implies that you will be gratified, and that you will make visits.To ride in one, you will have a sickness that will soon pass, and you will enjoy health and adv...

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A flower representing a joyful and sentimental occasion...

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It is unlucky to dream you see a cardinal in his robes. You will meet such misfortunes as will necessitate your removal to distant or foreign lands to begin anew your ruined fortun...

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To dream of carrots, portends prosperity and health For a young woman to eat them, denotes that she will contract an early marriage and be the mother of several hardy children. ...

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Eating carrots signifies success in any undertaking, including marriage and parenthood, because you will have the fortitude to make it successful....

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1. Caution in financial matters.2. Sorrow and loss.3. Help will be available (if loaning something). ...

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1. If the dreamer is being carried, he/she feels like an emo­tional burden to the carrier.2. If the dreamer is carrying some­one, the person carried may or may not be viewed as a...

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To dream of riding in a cart, ill luck and constant work will employ your time if you would keep supplies for your family.To see a cart, denotes bad news from kindred or friends.To...

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To dream of carving a fowl, indicates you will be poorly off in a worldly way. Companions will cause you vexation from continued ill temper. Carving meat, denotes bad investments, ...

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(Load, Shipment) Receiving a shipment in a dream means a burden, impediments, an illness, affliction, uneasiness or anxiety.(Also see Car)...

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Going around and around in circles, but not moving ahead...

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Playing around instead of being serious...

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Credit Card

A plastic promise; see “plastic”...

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To dream of seeing cars, denotes journeying and changing in quick succession.To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices t...

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To see water-carriers passing in your dreams, denotes that your prospects will be favorable in fortune, and love will prove no laggard in your chase for pleasure.If you think you a...

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Shopping Cart

1. If one is pushing a filled shopping cart it is tangi­ble evidence of success.2. If shopping cart is empty, this sym­bolizes lack of success. ...

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Tarot Cards

1. Understanding the relationship between the past and the present (study the tarot and its message for clues to the many symbols).2. A need or desire for a broad approach to an is...

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(Gem, Stone, Semi-precious. Also see Carnelian-red, Ring)...

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Mail Carrier

(See Carrier)...

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(see Altar, Bones, Animals, Death)Appearing on an altar: The hope of blessings from a “higher” power, including authority figures.The Mesopotamians, Babylonians, and Hebrews al...

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Business Card

Handing out business cards in a dream may point to the need to expand your business interests. Receiving someone’s business card may predict an important future business contact....

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Motor Car

(See Collision, Skidding).The significance of riding in a motor car depends largely upon the attendant circumstances! whether the car is running smoothly, swiftly, slowly, or other...

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To dream of cartridges, foretells unhappy quarrels and dissensions. Some untoward fate threatens you or some one closely allied to you.If they are empty, there will be foolish vari...

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If you dream of a letter-carrier coming with your letters, you will soon receive news of an unwelcome and an unpleasant character.To hear his whistle, denotes the unexpected arriva...

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Aircraft Carrier

Revealing a powerful authoritative force of help, unless an enemy aircraft...

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A supplemental protective covering for one’s outside activities; not restricted to transportation...

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Baby Carriage

1. Urges for a family, to have a baby.2. A need or desire to care for the child within. ...

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Feeling that in a romantic relationship he/she is the caretaker. ...

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Race Car

1. Forward-moving attitudes and “drive.” 2. Rivalry and competition.3. Possible health issues related to lifestyle, a need to slow down. ...

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Sports Car

1. If driving, one is immature.2. Trying to be “cool.” ...

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If you are being carried in a dream it symbolizes protection, shepherding, or covering by God or the person carrying you, Ps. 28:9 ...

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Cards, Playing

Opportunity; sense of fate.The different suits depict different things. Hearts: emotions; relationships. Diamonds: riches; intellectual. Spades: one’s body; move­ment; sensualit...

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Playing Cards

Happenstance, luck, and skill....

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Report Card

See School. Expression of old fears of failure or failure of performance.The dreamer is evaluating his own life, his actions, and his performance.It is either validation and accept...

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Carpet / Rug

A rich ornamental or oriental carpet means you wall receive riches.An old and worn carpet means you will fall on hard times....

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Carriage / Cart / Chariot

The carriage is a symbol of majesty and power, and a chariot also represents the sun and the divine.The cart is a more mundane symbol signifying down-to-earth hard work....

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Card Game

Simple playing cards represent taking a chance; if tarot cards, see “witchcraft”...

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According to the type, i.E. Hug, massage, fondle; research accordingly...

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Noble, womanly, caring; figuratively, one who sings or proclaims a joyful message...

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Service or provision that is filled with problems...

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One should focus on ridding oneself of certain serious problems, emotional or relational. ...

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1. Omnipotence.2. Desire to return to childhood.3. In need of relief from stresses of life. ...

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