Insects Dream Interpretation

Insects Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 25 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Insects Dream Interpretation

General Meaning: In a prophetic dream or a vision where the connotation is negative, various insects can speak of: • • Destruction, an attack from the enemy.

• • Negative words spoken against you.

• • Things that are an annoyance.

• • Things that bring fear.

• • A spirit of destruction (as in the ointment that was spoiled).

• • The presence of Satan himself, displayed as the Lord of the Flies.

Dreams Positive:

It is important to remember that insects can mean different things to different people. Apply the principles in the Way of Dreams and Visions book for all internal dreams, and ask yourself this question: • What does this insect mean to ME (or to the person who had the dream)? • It is very seldom that insects would be positive. However you might dream that you are crushing insects. Or perhaps you are overcoming them in a dream, where you are the main character.

• This would be positive! It would mean that you are overcoming something negative in your life.

• A lady bug is an insect that pollinates fruit and is a good picture of something that is being used of God to assist you in bringing fruitfulness in your life.

• I shared an illustration in the Dreams and Visions book of a lady who had a fear of spiders. She had a dream where she was crushing them. Spiders represented fear in her dreams. By dreaming that she was crushing them, it spoke of how she was overcoming fear in her life! • So ask yourself, “How do I feel about this insect in real life? Does it bring fear? It is just an annoyance? It is a pet? Does it provide a benefit? (like a bee that provides honey).” • You decide and apply it then to your internal dream. Negative: Once again, what does the insect mean to you? If you dream of having insects swarming you, this is not likely a good dream! • It could speak of things annoying you that are overpowering you in real life. It might speak of fears that are assailing you, or problems that are getting too much.

• I grew up having some horrible experiences with cockroaches.

To this day they give me the creeps even more than spiders! Although they clearly speak of the work of the enemy in visions, in my case dreaming of a cockroach would likely speak of my inner fears or things that I would rather avoid.

• Do you see how important it is to identify the symbols in an internal dream?

Visions Positive:

There are some positive references to insects in Scripture.

For example locusts were something that the Israelites were allowed to eat.

(Leviticus 11:22) • There is another passage that speaks of how Samson was given honey from some bees that had made their home in the carcass of a lion.

(Judges 14:8) • Then again let us not forget the plague: • Exodus 10:14 And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous [were they]; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such.

• So my conclusion is this: If your vision or prophetic dream has a positive connotation, then the insects would speak of something that provides sustenance.

• It speaks of spiritual food, or the Lord providing for your basic needs.

• However, the Lord also sent a plague of insects on Egypt to deliver His people. So in this case, seeing a plague of insects in a positive light could speak of the Lord sending judgment on the system of the world to bring blessing to His people.

Negative: In general insects are unclean in scripture and speak of the work of the enemy I often see insects in the spirit when praying for healing. When I see them I know that I am dealing with a spirit of infirmity.

• Bees.

• David spoke about a swarm of bees that stung like thorns.

• Then the enemy of the Israelites was referred to as a swarm of bees.

(Deut 1:44) • Flies • Flies specifically always have a negative connotation. They are often tied in with Satan himself, being known as the Beelzebub, Lord of the flies.

• On a personal note, in the spirit when I have seen Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, the vision has often represented things that relate to the New Age cult.

• When I have given personal ministry and seen this demon, after questioning the person it turns out they had some New Age involvement.

• I do not encourage you to get ‘hung up’ on demons, but if you do come across this in personal ministry, you know what it is and how to deal with it.

• Remember, the enemy CANNOT attack you, unless he has been given license through sin.

The book the Way of Blessing is a powerful resource to understanding this better.

• Leviticus 11:43 You will not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps, neither will you make yourselves unclean with them, that you should be defiled by it.

• Cockroaches.

• These are loathsome creatures that scurry in the dark and feed in dirt.

If you • see cockroaches in the spirit then you know that the enemy has gained license to your life. Because of their nature they are a good representation of small sins that have crept into your life.

• The good news is, that just as they are easy to squash in the natural, so can you easily take authority over any work of the enemy in the spirit.

See Also: Ant, Beelzebub, Bees, Caterpillar, Fleas, Flies, Locusts.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: Disturbing thoughts, hidden fears.

Dreaming Lens: What sort of insects were you seeing in your dream? Were there many, or just one? Were you frightened or curious? Was the insect recognizable from life, or a fantastic dream fabrication?

Personal Focus: Insects and bugs are generally found to be repulsive by most people. For some, they can evoke wildly irrational fears. As any animal is symbolic of some element of thought, any dream insect represents some small, but frightening unconscious thought. To arrive at an accurate interpretation, you may need to do a little research about the insect in question. Once you know a bit about it, you can come to an interpretation of what it might represent.

As an example, bees exhibit sophisticated forms of communication and a communal production of honey that represents enormous industriousness and the power of collective thoughts gathered for a common purpose. Cockroaches are famous for being hardy enough to survive a nuclear blast. They can, therefore, be said to represent the staying power of the creepy thoughts that live in the Shadow. Certain beetles manufacture a substance similar to paper or cardboard, embodying the powerful transformation that is available by attending to small details. The silk made by any number of different insects connects to the amazing power of creativity and strength that actually has its origin in the Shadow.

Flying insects connect to the vast mobility of our darker thoughts. Slimy, ground dwellers point to the ever-present underbelly of our psyche. If you have an insect show up in a dream, take a moment and look up some details about it. What you discover may trigger an important message that your unconscious is trying to give you.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Example: ‘I have to keep walking because there is something I am afraid of behind me. When I am pressed up against the ceiling being crushed I look down and the stairs and bannister rail are swarming alive with a black moving wave of crawling things, like some awful insects. In the hall­way is a swamp with crocodiles and other hideous things. My terror is terrible.

The person who actually lived in this pan of the house was the owner’s mother. She treated me badly but no one knew as she was artful in her abuse. She pulled me along by my hair, locked me in a cupboard, and once locked me in the orchard—four high walls and a hidden door’ (Rita).

The example shows memones of pain and anger are still irri­tating or ‘bugging’ Rita.

The swamp shows these feelings un­dermine her confidence.

Generally insects represent irritations or feeling something ‘bugging’ one; feeling insignificant—the ant in the mass of other ants, sexual urges, especially with cockroaches. As Jiminy Cricket suggests, insects can represent our conscience and guilt which remind us of feelings wc might sooner forget; perhaps insects represent these areas because they live their life in our house and garden largely unseen, so depict thoughts and feelings occurring on the edge of consciousness. Also one’s children; if flying off, children leaving home. Wasp, hornets: painful emotions; feeling stung by remarks. Lice, par­asites: thoughts or sexual habits which are purely selfish or carry a health risk; feeling others are parasitical. Spider: often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother, any emotions you don’t want to ‘han­dle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Insects embody resentment, fear, and disdain for others. Because of this, dreaming that insects invade your house signals that you fear rumors. A giant insect indicates that someone oppresses you, perhaps a parent or strict boss. Also, they can symbolize all those repressed desires and impulses. On the other side, insects represent all the little problems in daily life. In Kafka’s Metamorphosis (1912) the protagonist wakes up one day as an insect. Kafka spent a lot of time doing office jobs that he hated. This dream could represent how the work sphere transforms you into something insignificant, eradicating your personality. In this sense, ants represent social conformism, manifesting that you are too obedient. Flies are crises, rot, and guilt; ladybugs, happiness in your job; locusts, lack of psychological nourishment, destruction of creativity; and finally, wasps are angry emotions and thoughts.

In Ancient Egypt they worshiped the beetle, which symbolized creation. In dreams, this insect can represent the soul. In some stories, insects appear when the resolution of the plot seems impossible and their help is the only option (for example, asking them to separate grains of sand or some similar task). In oneiric terms, they symbolize precision and meticulous thought.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Insects in dreams can reflect the feeling that something is irritating or bugging us. They may also indicate our feelings of insignificance and powerlessness and it will depend on the particular insect in the dream as to the interpretation. Thus, a wasp might indicate danger, whereas a beetle could mean either dirt or protection. Fleas are an irritation; there may be people or situations in our lives that are causing us difficulty, or that we feel are being parasites, and we need to go through a process of decontamination in order to be free. Flies are always associated with something nasty, which does not allow for the fact that they also devour rotten material, and thus are cleansing. So to dream of flies is to be aware that we have certain negative aspects of our lives that need dealing with.

To dream of a swarm of flies indicates the deliberate intention of a large group of individuals. Where one insect may appear to be moving aimlessly, large numbers do not. Often we can only succeed in changing matters by group behaviour. As with most insects, the mantis often represents something devious within our lives.


Insects Dream Interpretation

(See Also: by specific Insect, Wings)

If a single creature, this may be a communication from your inner self. Bees were considered divine messengers by several ancient civilizations.

Revulsion: Sickness, decay, corruption, or filth. What the insects are flying around should provide more insight as to the source of these feelings.

If you are an insect with wings, possibly a type of flying dream.

Feeling as small and insignificant as an insect.

Petty annoyances. Usually manifested in the dream as buzzing or flying insects from which you cannot rid yourself.

(See Also: Clothes, Fabric)

Working out a difficult situation by diligently applying a little pressure.

If the iron appears at a dry cleaners, this indicates that you’re hoping for someone else to straighten things out.

The advice here is not to pass the buck on a problem that is best handled yourself.

An unattended iron symbolizes a potential hazard resulting from misapplied energy, often of an emotionally heated nature. Take care right now that you’re paying attention to those who care about you, and their feelings.

If something’s amiss, iron it out!


Insects Dream Interpretation

Vision: Being surrounded by insects means unpleasant and irritating people or events ahead. Are there spiders among the insects you see? Be very, very careful: somebody is spying on you from a distance. Looking at insects: some annoying person is bothering you with empty gossip. Being bitten by a large insect: you need to deal with a loss; or your soul— because of either future or past experiences—is reacting by bringing on an illness.

Depth Psychology: Seemingly insignificant events turn out to be more important than you thought. Guilt feelings or a bad conscience is bothering you.

See Also: Bee, Fly, Spider.

The insect represents instinctive actions and conduct. Whether your actions are beneficial or harmful can be determined bv look- ing at the rest of the dream images.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Insects tend to signify negative feelings and link us to primal instinctive behaviour, that of survival against all odds. In dreams, we often translate a quality or a situation we are struggling with into an object such as an insect; psychologically, insects can represent feelings we would rather do without. This could be something niggling at our consciences, or guilt. We may additionally be aware that we are not being treated properly and that people who should be our friends are not being fair.

To be aware of a predatory insect such as a mantis may indicate that we are conscious of trickery around us. Whatever threatens us does so on a very basic level, and we may have no defences, except those of our own nature.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Insects in dreams can reflect the feeling that something is irritating or bugging us. It may also indicate our feeling of insignificance and powerlessness. It will depend on the particular insect in the dream as to the interpretation. Thus, a wasp might indicate danger, whereas a beetle could mean either dirt or protection.

Psychologically, insects can represent feelings we would rather do without. This could be something niggling at our consciences, or guilt. Insects tend to signify negative feelings.

3- Psychically insects can appear in dreams as some kind of threat.

This is one reason why they are often used in psychological thrillers and science fiction. More positively, insects can appear in dreams as reminders of instinctive behaviour.


Insects Dream Interpretation

Psychically, insects can appear in dreams as some kind of threat. This is one reason why they are often used in psychological thrillers and science fiction. Some form of spiritual ‘infection’ may have taken place. Fleas are symbolic of the type of disruption that is likely to hurt, rather than destroy, such as gossip.

A mantis represents deviousness, particularly of a spiritual kind.

It is that trickster part of us that can create problems when things are effectively working out for us; it is that aspect of our personality which perhaps preys on the other parts and will not take its place within our overall integration. More positively, insects such as ants can appear in dreams as reminders of instinctive behaviour.


Insects Dream Meaning

Some dream interpretation books name specific insect symbols. However, the main idea to consider when you are interpreting this dream symbol is that you may currently be annoyed or “bugged” by a person or a situation in life. Use common sense and some general impressions about the specific insect when interpreting your dream.

For example, if you are dreaming about bees stinging you think, about some of your relationships.

If you are dreaming about ants consider you social interactions and work ethic.


Insects Dream Meaning

Insects are another common dream theme. Generally, they appear in your dreams much as they show up in life; as sources of minor irritations or annoyances with people or situations.

• However, insects left unchecked can grow quickly, in vast numbers and be harbingers of disease. Infestations in your dream indicate a course of action that is long overdue! • Ants indicate a need to work together as a team, bees are about being busy but also appreciating the sweetness of your life.


Insects Dream Meaning

If you dream about bees stinging you, think carefully about your relationships and the motives of others. Insects in a dream can also represent obstacles that you must overcome to reach your goals.

If you manage to exterminate them, or if they are not bothersome to you, then you will meet your obstacles with strength and be able to overcome them. Insects also represent excessive worry over certain things.


Insects Dream Meaning

An obstacle dream.

If you succeeded in killing them or otherwise getting rid of them, or if they didn’t annoy you, it signifies that your difficulties will be easier to overcome than you anticipate.

If the insects were identifiable, see also under separate headings, as Bees, Flies, etc.


Insects Dream Meaning

A dream about insects suggests the dreamer must confront unpleasant feelings, or possibly an unpleasant person, in real life before a situation will be resolved. Also see “Beetle”, “Cockroach”, “Crickets” and “Ladybug.”


Insects Dream Meaning

The interpretation of a dream concerning Insects depends on the circumstances.

If the Insects fly or crawl away from you, it is considered that a disappointment awaits the dreamer in his business affairs.


Insects Dream Meaning

Deeply rooted unconscious content. Almost always a sign of nervousness and unconscious fears. Insects behave like mini-robots and, in that sense, this dream image is a warning against living carelessly.


Insects Dream Meaning

Insects such as bees, bugs, flies and the like are not very serious as omens for the dreamer. They represent small worries that accompany most any task when it becomes irksome.


Insects Dream Meaning

Troubles or troublesome people; research type of insect and avert; to kill an insect and find medicine inside, is reversing the formidable


Insects Dream Meaning

A dream about insects indicates that something is “bugging” the dreamer, perhaps some person or condition in the person’s life.


Insects Dream Interpretation

To be bothered by small insects means that you are restless and need to change jobs or relocate.

See Also: Flies, Fleas.


Insects Dream Meaning

A dream of illness and loss (Artemidorus). This dream usually due to overindulgence in alcoholic liquors.


Insects Dream Meaning

To dream of being annoyed by insects is a prophecy of trouble with your relatives.


Insects Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 01-07-18-22-30-35

being bitten by a large: the insignificant becomes significant.

cockroaches, of: your work is contaminated with your undesirable motives.

killing: survival is temporal, if you repress your shadow.

cricket, rubbing its forewings: unpleasant foreboding develops into melancholia.

in the house: good luck, if you do not catch it.

dragonfly: your casualness is easily drawn away from dealing with real problems.

firefly, a: your conduct wil be severely criticized.

fly, a: are losing your temper over petty annoyances.

killing a, with a, swatter: annoyances through minor afflictions and skin irritations.

flypaper, on: wil have to defend yourself in court for repeating gossip.

gnats, of: thoroughly investigate project before you invest.

being on others: pangs of conscience are showcased in others’ looks.

killing with poison: a friend is trying to help you secretly.

swarming around you: dissension with an irritating neighbor.

having, in own house: be considerate of family.

katydids, hearing: a quarrelsome and unusual dependence upon others.

killing, inside own home: are plagued with guilty thoughts.

outside: financial gains.

with poison: a mystery wil be solved.

ladybug, of a: luck with your family.

dirty: gold and silver in abundance.

spiders: annoying empty gossip.

tick, a: the tiniest of issues unsolved becomes an infected bite.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Way of Dreams and Visions by [Back to dream]
  2. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  3. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  4. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  6. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  7. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  9. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  11. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  12. The Premier in Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  13. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  14. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  15. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  16. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  17. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  18. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  21. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  22. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  23. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  24. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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