Poet William Blake stated that “progress is the punishment of God.” The life’s path is a personal experience that often involves gradual loss of childhood’s values. Age-related dreams can have several different meanings. Dreaming that you are younger indicates the need to review the past. Some aspect of childhood or adolescence that has not been settled is emerging now. However, if you dream of being older than you currently are, you may be anticipating events. In this case, the unconscious is reminding you to live day by day, intensely, without thinking too much about the future.
Dreaming of senior citizens reports good luck.
If you grow older, a failure is announced.
If it’s a friend who gets older the dream tells that she will let you down.
Dreaming of young people, however, is a sign of family reconciliation and favorable time for launching new companies. Dreaming that you become young again predicts you will make great efforts to regain lost opportunities.
If a mother dreams that her adult child is a baby again the dream announces healing of old wounds and revival of youthful hopes.
[1]To dream you are older than you are indicates an energy leak in you life. Someone or something is draining you.
To worry about your age in a dream, or to dream you are or have aged beyond your actual years, indicates you should see a doctor; however, to see aged people in a dream is an omen of great good luck.
If they are poor or ragged, you may have some difficulties ahead, but you can easily overcome these by positive bold action. **Aging: Dreaming about old people or your own aging may have several different meanings.
An old man may symbolize wisdom and forgiveness while an old woman may represent life and death. In general, aging may represent the wisdom that a person acquires through experience.
The dream may also be giving you a message in regard to life’s lessons. This may be a good time for you to apply some of your experience and knowledge to a current situation. This dream may also be a reflection of your concerns about aging.
If you are thinking about your mortality and do not welcome maturing and age, the dream may be bringing out some of your worries and/or vanities.
[2]Your age in a dream, if different than your current age, can represent a specific time frame depicted (or imagined) in the dream.
Lying about your age might represent: a wish to be older or younger (or to at least appear that way), a judgment against yourself or your age, a concern about others’ opinions.
The age of another person may provide clues to whom or what they represent in your real life.
For example, if you dream about someone who’s 95, consider who you know who’s that age (or whom you think of as elderly).
If the person is someone you know and their age in the dream is different than their real age, this might indicate that you think of them as younger (“young at heart” or immature) or older (more mature) than their actual age implies.
See Also: Aging, Time Frame, Baby, Child, Old Person
[3]Dreams often return us to our past. In some cases we are witnessing a past setting from our current life perspective, while other dreams of this type may find us transformed back into the person we were at the time and in the specific surroundings we are visiting. No matter what the actual structure of the dream, anytime we return to earlier moments in life, we are exploring who we are today as a result of our past.
The age of someone who appears in a dream may also relate to the amount of time that particular consciousness has been alive in you. For example, a five-year-old child may represent something that emerged into your awareness five years before you had the dream.
[4]Elderly people in dreams represent authority figures, and the accumulated wisdom that comes from living a long life. They may also represent members of your family or friends who are aging.
Seeing yourself at younger ages is likely a memory surfacing that somehow affects or taints present circumstances.
Dreaming of specific ages, like the occasion of a birthday, may be an alternative type of number dream.
Matters pertaining to our own mortality, like the wish to go back and relive our younger years, or a fear of growing old.
[5]To dream of age, portends failures in any kind of undertaking.
To dream of your own age, indicates that perversity of opinion will bring down upon you the indignation of relatives.
For a young woman to dream of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn.
To see herself looking aged, intimates possible sickness, or unsatisfactory ventures.
If it is her lover she sees aged, she will be in danger of losing him.
[6]To worry about your age in a dream, or to dream you are or have aged beyond (older than) your actual years, indicates you should see a doctor - there may be a health problem. But to see aged people in a dream is an omen of great good luck.
If they are poor or ragged, you may have some difficulties ahead, but you can easily overcome these by positive bold action.
[7]To worry about your own age, when dreaming, is a bad sign, and indicates an approaching illness. In a sense, it can be looked upon as due to physical causes rather than as a dream warning.
The more you worry, the more serious the coming illness will be.
[8]If you dream of being a particular age, then you may be processing your concern about the aging process or are dealing with the issues and concerns related to that age.
See Also: Birthday, Number, Youth, Adolescence, Middle Age, Old Age.
[9]Denotes the state of spiritual maturity