1- Whatever kind of analyst we dream about, we have within ourselves a monitor which alerts us to the need to analvsc our actions and reactions. We should exercise self-awareness and analyse our lives, breaking it down into manageable parts.
2- The presence of an analyst can represent the knowledge that we are not acting appropriately in a situation in waking life.
3- We are in contact with the transformative power within.
[1]An analyst, psychologist, psychiatrist in our dream depicts our self assessment. Our mind can transform itself in a number of ways. Sometimes one new piece of information, or a new mental discipline, can change the quality of all mental life.
The analyst represents such power to transform, as well as the often avoided self awareness.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: The presence of an analyst in dreams alerts us to the fact that we are not acting appropriately in a situation in waking life. Also, if we are undergoing therapy in real life, the professional person can become a figure of authority in dreams.
[3]When we dream of visiting an analyst or therapist we are in contact with the transformative power within, the monitor that alerts us to the need to analyse our actions and reactions. Spiritually that part of us that can heal us is making itself felt.
[4]If you dream of an analyst, psychologist, therapist or psychiatrist, this may be a symbol of self-assessment that has the power to transform your life; it might also suggest important insights or fears concerning your emotional well-being.
[5]Gives gender-specific: Often in dreams an analyst will appear as a member of the opposite sex, so it is worthwhile taking careful note of what the interaction is between you and other people in the dream scenario.
[6]To dream that you are an analyst indicates that you should re-evaluate your conduct and deeds.
To see an analyst in your dream means that you should change your behavior towards a certain matter or circumstance.
[7]A need for self-exploration, to look within and make new discoveries. Be kind but honest with yourself; clean out negative, limiting concepts and open to higher levels of self-perception.
[8]Material aspects: By analysing our actions and ideas – and breaking them down into manageable parts – we can improve our everyday lives.
[9]See Also: Therapist.