Arm Dream Interpretation

Arm Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 19 Unique Sources

arm image

Today's Dream Interpretation


Arm Dream Interpretation

(Forearm, Limb, Member, Wing) One’s two arms in a dream represent his two brothers. his two close friends, two sons or partners. Ifone sees a person with short arms in a dream, it means that he is courageous, generous and wondrous. One’s arm in a dream represent his brother and supporter or a spiritual example he follows. Ifone’s arm is broken in a dream, it means the death of one’s brother or closestfriend, or it could mean an accident or a calamity. One’s arm in a dream also signifies protection from sin or it cold represent his wife, his mother, his teacher, wealth, craft, source of income, a supporting son or a close brother one can depend on at times of difficulties.

If one sees that his arm is missing something in a dream, it could mean that he has little brain, though he is filled with pride and haughtiness.

(See Also: Air, Body’, Forearm)


Arm Dream Interpretation

Dreams of an arm represent that you are reaching for something, and/or that you have the ability to embrace and extend yourself to another.

If the arm is broken, then there is a break in your ability to embrace, hold, or envelope something or someone.

The right arm represents giving strong support.

The left arm represents receptivity and your ability to lift, push away or hold something or someone.

If the arms are crossed, then this represents protection and boundaries.

If the arms are open, then they represent that you are open hearted and trusting of the people in your life.


Arm Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about your arms indicates you are a nurturing person with the ability to reach out and care for people.

To dream that your arm has been injured, signifies your inability to care for yourself or your helplessness in reaching out to others. You may have been feeling limited and restricted in terms of your freedom or activities.

The right arm signifies your outgoing nature and is associated with masculine energy, while your left arm signifies your supportive or nurturing nature and is associated with feminine qualities.


Arm Dream Interpretation

If you dream your arm or arms have been injured and unusable then this is brought on by a feeling of loss connected with the ability to care for yourself, (if you are an older person), or a feeling of helplessness in reaching out to others, ( in a sense that your arm is bound ), and a restriction of your activities. Your right arm is associated with your outgoing nature, and the left arm represents your supportive, or nurturing nature.


Arm Dream Interpretation

If it is an arm offered to you, it can mean assistance.

If you find an ami barring your way, exercise caution; carefully think through any plans you have for the future.

A broken arm means the death of a relative (Gypsies say the left arm represents a female and the right arm a male).

An arm that is excessively hairy indicates money coming to you.


Arm Dream Interpretation

Expression of power or energy, extension of self.

If right arm, sending or giving out; if left arm, receiving or bringing in. Depending upon dream context, arms may symbolize support, creativity or way of expressing yourself in the world.

See Also: Body.


Arm Dream Interpretation

Divorcc either in your immediate family or in that of someone close to you is foretold by a dream of having an arm amputated.

To dream of having your arm around a stranger of the opposite sex predicts an experience of which you will be ashamed.


Arm(s) Dream Interpretation


(1) Arms are what we do things with. They therefore represent our ability or effectiveness, creativity or usefulness.

(2) Aches or pains in the arms may symbolize feelings of inadequacy, or a loss of self-esteem.

firearms see Gun


Arm Dream Interpretation

To dream of an accident to your Arm is a sign of ill-health in the family circle.

To lose one Arm generally foretells death, or a long and serious illness.

To dream of a stiff Arm is usually a sign of some money loss, due to ill-health.


Arm Dream Interpretation

Which arm is it? The arm that gives or receives, works or supports? Take caution concerning that arm depending on the rest of the dream. Arms hold, support, produce and nurture. Relates to your strength, masculinity and feminity. 


Arm Dream Meaning

If the general aspect of the dream was pleasing, it is a promise of pleasant times ahead with good friends, but if the dream involved injury, accident, or discomfort to the arms, a medical checkup is suggested.


Arm Dream Meaning

1. Strength,

2. Faith,

3. Spiritual reach, reference to strong arming someone

4. Christ;

5. Church member;

6. Unable to assist (arms tied);

7. God’s judgment (broken arm). Isa. 40:10; 59:16; 63:5.


Arm Dream Meaning

To dream of seeing an arm amputated, means separation or divorce. Mutual dissatisfaction will occur between husband and wife.

It is a dream of sinister import. Beware of deceitfulness and fraud.


Arm Dream Meaning

Basics for action, reaching for or getting something. Wanting to accomplish something (“the arm of the state,” for instance). See Also: Beggar.


Arm Dream Meaning

1. If damaged, a feeling that one cannot “reach out” to get help as well as one used to.

2. If in good condition, one should reach out.


Arm Dream Meaning

1. Strength Isa. 40:10

2. God; Jer. 32:17-18

3. Deliverer;

4. Helper;

5. Reaching;

6. God’s judgment (broken arm). Dan. 6:14-16


Arm Dream Meaning

A right arm is a symbol of God’s strength and might, Ps. 89:13, Isa. 62:8


Arm Dream Meaning

(See Also: Weapon)


47 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about arm related.


Help, unless the enemy, which is a warning...

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Represent one’s ability to bear the fruit of their labor, as the branches of a tree bear fruit...

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Spiritual protection, i.E. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, word of god, prayer...

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To dream of seeing your coat-of-arms, is a dream of ill luck. You will never possess a title. ...

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Take time to relax every now and then. ...

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The emotional and intellectual rigidity we use to protect ourself from hurt. Can depict muscular tension which blocks free flowing sexuality and feelings. ...

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One may feel odd, but also well-protected by personal assets. ...

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Symbolic of an end-times event, Rev. 16:16 ...

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Armed Forces

Any armed force is a disciplined group made up of many elements.It is this bringing together of the correct balance of factors which gives us a spiritual interpretation – a stron...

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(See Truce)...

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A symbol of bringing stored weapons to bear against an enemy, Jer. 50:25 ...

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Salvation Army

Figurative of salvaging the lost and desolate, spiritually and physically...

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(See Odor)...

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Army’s Flag

(Banner, Flag) In a dream, the flag of an army represents a pious man, a scholar, a religious doctor, a spiritual leader, an ascetic, or a rich and a generous person who is an exam...

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Mechanical Arm

Wanting to use force see “arms” and “machine”...

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Armageddon (end Of World)

Deep worry about one’s own world, including job, family, romantic relationships—everything. ...

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1. Weapons.2. Protection.3. Love.4. Perception of hostility. ...

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Army Officer

1. One wants to get respect from one’s colleagues.2. Not a run-of-the-mill person. ...

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Ira (irish Republican Army)

Fear of being accosted by fanatical forces, terrorists. ...

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Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one’s daughter in marriage to one’s nephew. Wearing an armlet made from beads in a dream means suffering pressure and distress c...

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Armor Maker

In a dream, he represents a person who advises people to live in peace and harmony.(Also see Armor)...

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Armour, Helmet Etc.

Armour, coat of mail*helmet, shield, flag etc, is seen in the dream means protection just as protection is sought through forts and shields. Also, victory, superiority and power wi...

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Army General

(Commander, Military) In a dream, an army general or a commander represents someone famous who is self assured and dauntless.If one sees himself as an army general in a dream, and ...

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Bracelet For The Upper Arm

If symbolises some unpleasant matter caused by his brother or friend.If it is made of silver the matter will be less unpleasant and it will disappear in a short period of time....

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Dreaming Of Arms, Weapons Etc.

Generally speaking, arms, firearms, ammunition and all other weapons-primitive or modern-symbolise power, strength, honour, superiority, vicotyr and grandeur for the persons who se...

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Hair Of The Armpits, Public Hair And The Moustache

If the hair is small or few, it symbolises steadfastness on Deen and Sunnah.If the hair is plenty is symbolises wilaayat which is bereft of Deen....

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Long Arm

A long arm suggest increase in income and also excessive spending due to generosity....

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March Of An Army

In a dream, it means sorrow, or earnestly seeking knowledge, desiring to become wealthy, preparing to perform a pilgrimage, or celebrating a religious festival. Ifone sees himselfm...

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The Hand And Arms

Both symboise either the observer or his brother or companion – depending on which of the three is implicated in the dreams....

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A symbol of allegiance.The insignia on the band can give insight into the interpretation, Song. 8:6 ...

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Body Armor

This is symbolic of a well-protected Christian, Eph. 6:13 ...

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Broken Arms

Symbolic of being powerless, Ps. 37:17...

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Northern Army

Symbolic of a heavenly army, Joel 2:20 ...

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Knight In Armor

A dream of peril to come (Gypsy). ...

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Separation and disarmament, distancing, which may be positive or negative. Protection from emotional pain.See Knight....

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Armored Truck

Running into an armored truck may be a very direct sign that you have met someone who is well guarded emotionally.An armored truck may also signify the need to protect your bank ac...

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Army Base

Whether you have ever lived or worked on a military base, visiting or revisiting a place with extreme regimentation may indicate that you arc back in an authontanan stronghold, whe...

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Success in your business, trade or profession is predicted if you dream of tearing the armhole of your coat....

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This b a good omen for those who need protection against evil forces. If it is in color, look up the significance of that which predominates....

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Tank, Armored Car

Vision: Seeing a tank means difficulties arc piling up. Somebody on the job wants to “roll over you”—look for safety. Riding in a tank: you are reminded—rather cruelly—o...

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Armed Men Or Army

An obstacle dream, but it only foretells difficulty, or a journey, followed by a successful issue of your venture.If the men are fighting, it becomes a serious matter. ...

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A certain indication of a coming quarrel. ...

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Armed Guard

Right brain protection...

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Right Arm

What one is able to grasp right now about spiritual and creative ideas....

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Armed (or Army)

This kind of dream indicates obstacles to be overcome; if the army was marching, you will have to travel to achieve your goal.See also Battle, Fight, etc....

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Arm / Armpit / Elbow

To see your arms in your dream highlights your ability to reach out to others. Alternatively, it may represent the struggles and challenges in your life, loss of confidence and not...

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Armed Men

To see them in your dream is a good sign, and denotes one void of fear; to dream you see an armed man fly is a sign of victory; to see men come in arms against you, signifies sadne...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation