Attack Dream Interpretation

Attack Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 16 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Attack Dream Interpretation

Dreams in which your anger turns into violence and you start attacking someone usually suggest hidden hostility towards someone or something in your waking life.

If you do find yourself punching, kicking or fighting with someone in your dream, try to think about what triggered the violent attack. It is possible that your dreaming mind conjured up the image of an attack as a safety valve through which you can release your frustration. Another interpretation suggests that dreams in which you inflict violence on someone or something may be prompted by a sense of helplessness or resentment in waking life.

Perhaps there is someone whose authority you find powerless to resist? If this is the case, your dream may be compensatory by allowing you to exact revenge against the person or object of your resentment. It is also possible that your unconscious was encouraging you to stand up for yourself.

Alternatively, dreams which feature violence can symbolize your hidden desire for power and control in waking life. When interpreting this dream, try to identify whether the target of the violence represented an aspect of yourself, particularly if the victim was a stranger. Or could your unconscious have conjured an archetypal image of the stranger to bear the brunt of your anger?


Attack Dream Interpretation

Being attacked: feeling under threat from external events or internal emotions, impulses or ideas; feeling a victim in relation to others and self; taking a defensive attitude. At­tacked by animal: one’s own aggression or sexuality. Bird at­tacking: fear of ideas or opinions, verbal attack by others. Being the attacker: positive self expression; defending oneself against something one feels threatened by; attempt to destroy some urge or feeling in oneself.

The word attack is also used in many ways, so might refer to an ‘attack’ of an illness, or ‘heart attack’. Can express the difference between feeling threatened by a work/relationship/sex problem, or feeling challenged by it in a way to stimulate creativity or research. Someone else being attacked: anger or aggression towards an­other.

See Also: fight; war.


Attack Dream Interpretation

Danger. Research shows that the content of most dreams is more frequently unpleasant than pleasant. Most people have experienced violent dreams or dreams in which they are being attacked.

To understand your dream consider all of its details and think about whether you are the attacker or the attacked.

If you are being attacked, then maybe you are feeling somewhat vulnerable in some area of your daily life.

If you are doing the attacking, it may be that you are releasing some of your frustrations and anger while expressing negative feelings in such ways that you are unable to do in daily life.


Attack Dream Interpretation

If one is being attacked in a dream, it can reflect feelings about something threatening in one’s environment. Defensiveness.

The same kind of dream can mean feeling threatened by one’s own repressed aggressiveness, anger, or sexuality, especially if one is being attacked by an animal.

If one is the attacker, it can reflect everything from selfassertiveness to the desire to attack something or someone in one’s environment. “Attack” can also be used as a metaphor, as in attacks of hunger, illness, conscience, guilt, etc.


Attack Dream Interpretation

1- Being attacked in a dream indicates a fear of being under threat from external events or internal emotions. Unknown impulses or ideas force the dreamer into taking a defensive attitude.

If we are being attacked by animals we are turning our own aggression and/or sexuality inwards; we have fear of our own natural urges.

2- If the dreamer is the attacker he needs to defend himself by positive self-expression he is making attempts to destroy some urge or feeling in himself or others.

3- There is a Spiritual or psychic threat.


Attack Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you attack someone, your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You feel that you have been wronged in real life.

To dream that you are being attacked by someone suggests that you are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless, or facing difficult changes, in real life.

A dream of being attacked by an animal is a warning to be careful with those around you. Someone means you no good.

If you dream that you kill an attacking animal, your life will be saved by a stranger.


Attack Dream Interpretation

Dreams of an attack are about suppressed emotions. You are realizing that which is suppressed must eventually express.

The message of this dream may also be preparing you to protect yourself from negative projections coming your way, or to find a healthy outlet for your stress.

See Also: Victim, Perpetrator, Anger.


Attack Dream Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream, being attacked will often be to do with her feelings of vulnerability. In a man’s dream, being attacked perhaps highlights his poor self-image. In both men’s and women’s dreams, playing the part of the attacker suggests frustration and lack of control.


Attack Dream Interpretation

(Charge against, Comeback) Charging against one’s enemy in a dream means victory in wakefulness, or it could mean disturbance, anxiety, concern, going through a mental conflict or having doubt, and it may mean regret, repentance and correcting the course of one’s actions and thoughts.


Attack Dream Interpretation

Vision: Being the victim of an attack: your projects are going to fail.

Depth Psychology: Character traits, cravings, or needs that you haven’t been aware of until now appear suddenly and violently from nowhere, making you anxious and afraid.


Attack Dream Meaning

Psychological / emotional perspective: If we are the attacker we need to defend ourselves by positive self-expression – we are making attempts to destroy some urge or feeling in ourselves or others.


Attack Dream Meaning

There is a spiritual or psychic threat. We often become aware on very subtle levels of threats or challenges to our beliefs and ideals and these can manifest as warnings of, or actual, attacks.


Attack Dream Meaning

Similar to Being Run Over, only more aggressive, and accompanied by the fear of losing property.


Attack Dream Meaning

See Also: Assault, Fight, Quarrel, etc.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation