A dream of playing in a band means friendships are going well.
To see a famous musical band in your dream, symbolizes a sense of belonging.
To understand the deeper meaning of your dream, think about whether you were chasing the band (wanting to belong), accepted by the band (feeling like you belong) and so on.
If your dream focuses on a certain band member, this could be a straight-forward dream of romantic attraction.
[1]If the image of a band is that of a stripe, there is some limitation within the dreamer’s circumstances which needs to be recognised.
If however the image is that of a group of musicians, this would indicate the need for teamwork.
There is an appreciation of harmony on a psychological level which needs to be made use of.
A band suggests harmony within the Self.
[2]Dreaming of a band as a group of musicians suggests harmony within the self. All parts of the personality are integrated.
If the image of a band is that of a stripe, there is some limitation within your circumstances which needs to be recognized, and you may need to work within well-defined guidelines.
[3]Aid-Dreams of a band-aid represent your desire for a quick fix to a problem; perhaps a temporary mend for a deep pain. Your dream may be asking you to consider the deeper wound that wants to be healed. This dream also represent that the healing process may have already begun.
[4]Playing in a band, orchestra, or other ensemble can represent: Relationships or group events in your life.
Teamwork, or cooperating or creating with others in your life.
An actual musical activity, or a desire to be involved in one.
[5]Material aspects: A band of material or stripe may be highlighting a division between two parts. If, however, the image is that of a group of musicians, this would indicate the need for teamwork.
[6]Dreaming of participating in a band indicates a committed team player.
A band can be a complex dream symbol, depending upon the dreamer’s past associations.
[7]Psychological / emotional perspective: There is harmony on a psychological level which you can access. However, this requires practice and imagination.
[8]Teamwork; sense of different aspects of the personality working harmoniously; work for a musician.
[9]Banding together to publicly present the same message
[10]Symbolic of collaboration and teamwork, Ps. 68:25
[11]See Also: Orchestra
[12]See Also: Music.
[13](Bond, Tie) To tie or band one’s hair in a dream mean amassing huge sums of money and to disband one’s hair means to squander one’s wealth.
(See Also: Bond’)