Beggar Dream Interpretation

Beggar Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 22 Unique Sources

beggar image

Today's Dream Interpretation


Beggar Dream Interpretation

In dreams, beggars are symbols of low self-esteem as they depend on others for support. They may also represent a form of self-abasement and can remind you of the vanity of material concerns. Beggars, hobos and vagrants may also send a caution that you need to change some aspect of your life or you too might end up with nothing. In most cases, this nothing will not refer to material concerns but rather to emotional loneliness or to the fact that you have starved a part of your personality into destitution. The clue may lie in the identity of the beggar in your dream.

If the beggar is someone you know, have you been denying that person affection? If, however, the beggar is unknown, then perhaps you have been neglected your essential need for stimulation or affection in waking life.

Tramps share a similar symbolism to beggars but also represent a desire for freedom from routine; gypsies are a more powerful representation of this yearning for change, travel, adventure and a change of routine. The appearance of a dream gypsy fortune teller may suggest unexplored creativity.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

(Hobo, Mendicant, Poverty, Richness) In a dream, a beggar represents a seeker of knowledge.

If he is given what he is begging for in a dream. it means that he will succeed in his pursuit of knowledge. His humbleness and his submission when asking means victory. Beggars in a dream also imply sorrow, worries, distress, or contemplation.

If one sees a beggar receiving or taking something from him in a dream, it means being in dire need for something, or he could represent the death of the person intended in the dream.

If one sees beggars entering his house or his town in a group in a dream, it means dispersal of his family or household and if they take something from his house, it means a catastrophe.

A beggar in a dream also represents a student, and the giver represents the teacher or shaikh.

If one sees himselfbegging, but to no avail in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated.

(See Also: Hobo, Poverty)


Beggar Dream Interpretation


Homeless and penniless, the beggar is associated with dependence on the kindness of others, living on the streets, starvation and disease. It is easy to believe that when this archetype appears in your dreams, the interpretation should be a negative one, but this isn’t always the case. People don’t just beg for money; they can also beg for attention, love, authority, success and material objects. Learning about the nature of generosity, compassion and humility, and understanding what it is you really need, are fundamental to interpreting this dream image.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

Vision: Dreaming about a beggar walking into a house means a visitor is going to surprise you. Giving a gift to a beggar: a project will soon show positive results or you might get relief from an uncomfortable situation.

If you are the beggar: social isolation, fear of your own weakness, or hiding something from yourself.

Depth Psychology: The beggar in a dream is the symbol of your Shadow, your dark side. You are denying part of yourself or hiding it. Sometimes the beggar might provide wise counsel.

See Also: Guru.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

The unconscious is warning you, through this dream, that you are neglecting some important aspect of your personality. It may also indicate the beginning of a period of economic hardship.

According to the esoteric interpretation, dreams of poverty are generally precursors to prosperity, well-being, love, and happiness, or at least ensure that the dreamer has no cause for concern. Popular superstition adds this advice: if you wake up with your hand itching, you should rub it on wood. This will bring good luck.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

1- To dream of being a beggar represents our own feeling of failure and lack of self-esteem.

To dream of someone else as a beggar indicates we need to become aware of our ability to help others less fortunate than ourselves.

Emotions, drives and thoughts which have been ‘starved’ in our waking lives can often appear in dreams personalised as a beggar.

A beggar can be a hermit and therefore a spiritual petitioner.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

To see an old, decrepit beggar, is a sign of bad management, and unless you are economical, you will lose much property. Scandalous reports will prove detrimental to your fame.

To give to a beggar, denotes dissatisfaction with present surroundings.

To dream that you refuse to give to a beggar is altogether bad.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

There are some obvious associations with a beggar, such as feeling needy or feeling one has to beg for what one wants. Perhaps a feeling of failure (one is “reduced to begging”). Finally, it may represent inner needs or desires one does not feed, and which have thus reduced the person to the status of beggar.


Beggar Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a beggar symbolize poverty and victim consciousness. This dream may be showing you that it is time for you to own your power and give yourself the change you have been begging other people to make for you.

See Also: Homeless.


Beggar Dream Interpretation


To give freely to the beggar means you will be making great gams and having tremendous opportunities.

To ignore a beggar is to miss out on what could bring you big success.

See Also: Meeting.


Beggar Dream Meaning

1. Use caution in business affairs.

2. Reverse: good fortune and abundance.

3. A subconscious search for something miss­ing, often aspect of self or personality.

4. Poor self-esteem, self-value.


Beggar Dream Meaning

If you give something to a beggar, you are suffering from disillusionment.

If you just see a beggar, you may lose something valuable.

If you refuse to help the beggar. Your economy needs checking.


Beggar Dream Meaning

A dream of contrary.

You will receive unexpected help if you dreamed of begging or of giving to a beggar.

If your dream involved refusal, you will be disappointed by someone on whom you counted.


Beggar Dream Meaning

Symbolizes the fight for existence, inferiority complex, fear of poverty. Somebody is giving you a gift. Do you need to learn to ask for something or demand it?


Beggar Dream Meaning

To see a beggar in a dream, or to dream that you are begging, is an indication of self-doubt and poor self-esteem. You feel that you are not worthy.


Beggar Dream Meaning

The emotions, drives and thoughts you seldom al­low into expression. Feelings of failure. Desire to drop out.


Beggar Dream Meaning

It is a sign of an improvement in your financial and family affairs if you dream of giving alms to a beggar.


Beggar Dream Meaning

A sign that you will receive unexpected help —a dream of contrary.


Beggar Dream Meaning

1. Prayer request;

2. Desperate; Judg. 13:8; Jer. 42:2;


Beggar Dream Meaning

(See Also: Poverty)


Beggar Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 09-17-19-32-45-48

accosted in the street by a, being: you are hiding difficulties from yourself.

refused to give when: your actions are detrimental to your social standing.

aged, an: exercise economy or you wil lose property.

assisting a: you wil overcome uncomfortable situation.

begging, enemies: you wil escape a present danger.

friends: dissatisfaction with present surroundings.

others, for you: you are not admitting your need.

people you know: wil receive the help of a good friend.

street, in the: be where your enemies wil fail to see you.

being a: need intel ectual chal enge to prevent being a selfish miser.

and begging: affairs are prospering; don’t take undue risks.

crippled, a: feel inadequate in your disputes within family.

house, coming into the: trouble fol ows a surprise visitor.

many: your weaknesses need support, but management is poor.

money to a, giving: he expresses the thought you dare not.

of a: a period of sorrow from the revelation of your shame.

of one: unexpected help is received as scandals are proved wrong.


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