Being Lost

Being Lost

sleeping boy

Being lost

Possible meanings

You dream that you are lost, desperately trying to find your way home. No matter which direction you take, you never manage to find the right road and nobody you meet can help you. Often this dream indicates that you want a more fulfilling job or a different lifestyle but you have no idea how to proceed.

If you come to a crossroads and don’t know which way to take, it may mean that in waking life you are faced with several choices. You have to make a decision but don’t know what to base it on.

Your destination sometimes provides a clue to the meaning of the dream. Perhaps you are trying to get back to a place where you used to have happy times. This suggests that your current lifestyle is unsatisfactory. If you are looking for a place you associate with your youth the dream implies concerns about growing older.

Being lost in a place that feels dangerous reflects feelings of unease about a current situation. The dream is a warning that someone or something is posing a threat to your well-being.

Dreams about being lost have special significance if you’re middle- aged or elderly. The further you progress along your journey through life, the more essential it becomes to reassess your values and your priorities. Otherwise the more spiritual side of your nature remains unfulfilled so that, at a deeper level, you feel ‘lost’.

Questions to ask yourself - and what to do when the answer is ‘yes’

Do / feel unfulfilled?

  • If you find your job meaningless, career counselling could help you to identify both your innate abilities and the skills you’ve acquired through experience. It would also galvanize you into finding a more satisfying way of using them. Ifyou need to reassess your entire lifestyle, you could benefit from the services of a life coach.

Am I faced with several choices?

  • Your dilemma is offering you the chance to sort out your priorities, consulting your heart as well as your head. What do you most want from life? Which of the available choices would be most likely to help you get it? If you still feel confused, then why not follow a path that will make you feel glad to be alive?

Do I tend to live in the post?

  • The more you cling to the past, the less meaningful your life will seem. You need to find a way of rekindling your enthusiasm, perhaps by injecting some fresh stimulus into your life. This could mean finding the courage to do something you’ve always longed to do but lacked the confidence to try.

Do / long to find my ‘spiritual home’?

  • Your dream is urging you to embark on a quest for self-knowledge and find a more authentic way of being. This means turning your attention within, perhaps through meditation or prayer. Spiritual counselling or psychotherapy can also help you to get in touch with your inner world and find your ‘inner home’, a state in which you feel emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

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