Book Of Dream

Book Of Dream

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Book of dream

By bringing meaning to the signs, symbols, archetypes, and elements of the Upper World, whether through night dreams or collected through the synchronistic events of the waking dream, we discover that the otherworldly intersects the worldly. Symbols of a divine origin, such as angels, halos. rainbows, suns, moons and stars, bring the qualities of the Upper World of dreams into life By engaging in meaningful play with these symbolic representations from our dreams, we may thus realize that our word can be traced to divine origins.

Upper World dreams deliver us into the certainty that spirit is all around us. assembled in the moment. And at any given moment our lives may take new. more positive direction if we choose to become lucid in our waking life and accept the grace around us. Enlightenment is the realization that heaven's dream is here on earth and we need not seek to leave our bodies to ascend Dreaming itself is a process of ascension.

Dreams in general are of transcendent value to the spiritually centered mind.

The related psychological work may even be viewed as spirit-driven. Eachç growth step we take through conscious dream work affects die collective unconscious, which includes every soul and every living thing The reverberation of our progress transforms the organism of the universe We may ourselves become like shamans and mediate the Upper World with the Middle World through recognizing dreams of a transcendent quality and bnnging the visions and information they communicate to those around us. By doing so, we bring inspiration and wisdom to our community of friends.

Spirituality and psychology have come together within the field of transpersonal psychology, which investigates transcendent states as an integral pan of the whole of an individual For the conscious dreamer, the exploration of dreams is a quest for personal truth and spiritual certainty. By honoring the dreams from the Upper World as containing sacred information, one may be guided and supported toward life's fulfillment.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

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