Dreams of a bug symbolize that something or someone is distracting or irritating you. This is a call to focus your attention on your major goals and not to sweat the small stuff. Recognize that distractions offer you an opportunity to master your attention and to live your life as a living meditation.
A bug can also represent a computer virus, or a sign that if you don’t take precautions, you will get sick, as in, “Catching a bug”.
[1]Vision: Seeing a bug: you have overbearing friends and need to let them go. Getting bitten by a bug: you can’t get away from annoying people.
Depth Psychology: Is your nervous system in trouble? If not, the dream tells you to treat people that bug you like small irritations (or annoying insects). They are not worth your energy—let them go! See Vermin.
[2]How you view the bug depends on your personal relation to it. As a germ or virus, it does not seem to offer any great threat. As a slang expression—”to bugger someone”—it has a sexual connotation.
In Egypt, the scarab (black dung beetle) symbolizes rebirth; later it became a symbol of luck. In our culture today the June bug is generally a symbol of luck.
[3]To dream of a bug represents an issue that is causing you apprehension. It refers to feelings of unease and concern. It also suggests that you are intense and serious about a new pursuit or leisure activity. In addition, the bug can symbolize fantasies and desires relating to sex.
[4]Something is bothering you - that is, “bugging” you. This may be on an unconscious level, so watch for other signals in the dream.
An illness that might not be readily apparent - in short, a “bug.”
A minuscule or unseen enemy. Astrological parallel: Scorpio
[5]Little things are bugging you; little annoyances. Get your energy up and you will have a better perspective.
[6]Someone or something that “bugs” others; for more clarity, see “insect”
[7](Any small, blood sucking insect.) Seeing a bug in a dream means facing a weak enemy.
If a small bug enters one’s body in a dream, it means that a poor person will visit him to receive some mental satisfaction or to solicit a small financial support.
(See Also: Flea)