Burden Dream Interpretation

Burden Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 11 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Burden Dream Interpretation

Vision: Carrying a great burden: you are going through a difficult time, but you are strong and up to the challenge. Throwing a burden off your back: you have enough strength to find a solution to an old problem. Watching others carry a burden: you are managing a difficult job at the moment.

Depth Psychology: A burden is the symbol of a responsibility that has become burdensome. Can you free yourself from it? See Ix>g.


Burden Dream Interpretation

To dream that you carry a heavy burden, signifies that you will be tied down by oppressive weights of care and injustice, caused from favoritism shown your enemies by those in power. But to struggle free from it, you will climb to the topmost heights of success.


Burden Dream Interpretation

(1) What load are you carrying through life with you? Guilt collected from childhood traumas? Whatever it is, drop it. Stop playing the martyr.

(2) Is there some person on your back - in real life? If so, tell him or her where to get off!


Burden Dream Interpretation

1. Feeling a lack of independence.

2. Success after bearing many responsibilities.

3. A need to reduce the number of re­sponsibilities (as in to “lighten the load”).


Burden Dream Interpretation

This can be a symbol for a person’s sins or anxieties in life, Ps. 38:4, Matt. 11:30.

A burden can also symbolize other people’s problems, Gal. 6:2


Burden Dream Interpretation

This dream is an omen of success, providing you were not yourself carrying the burden; if you were, you can expect an increase in your responsibilities.


Burden Dream Interpretation

Any kind of a burden carried in a dream predicts trials and worries of a personal nature.


Burden Dream Interpretation

To carry some Burden in a dream, shows that you will be dependent upon other people.


Burden Dream Interpretation

(Carrying weight, Forbearance, Porter, Serving others)


Burden Dream Interpretation

Heavy burdens signify that you will have to labor for another person's support; if you cannot bear the burden, many persons will depend upon you; if it is supportable, you will be able to sustain the additional care with honor and credit.


Burden Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 04-13-20-17-29-39

carrying a burden: your strength wil struggle to be independent of others.

others: expect a large inheritance from a difficult job.

throwing off a: unjust favoritism toward enemies weighs on you.


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