Carpet Dream Interpretation

Carpet Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 20 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Carpet Dream Interpretation

(Straw mat) Owning a carpet or a straw mat on which one sits in the wintertime in a dream means comfort, promotion, high ranking status and exaltation. Acarpet in a dream also represents the master ofthe house. All types of carpets or mats are included in this category.

If one sees himself sitting on a carpet in a dream, it means that he will purchase a property or a farm. In a time ofwar, sitting on a carpet in a dream means safety from danger.lfone sees himself gazing at a carpet in the dream, and ifhe sees in it the image reflection of a person he recognizes, it means that the figure drawn on the carpet is a person who has gone astray. It also means that such a person will present him with an amazing report that will be infested with falsehood.

A carpet in a dream also means worldly gains for its owner.

If it is folded in the dream, it means that his worldly interests are limited.

A folded carpet in a dream also means restricted income, difficulties in travels, tightness in one’s heart about some concerns or lack of success in establishing a good livelihood.

A new and well made carpet in a dream also represents a long life to its owner, prosperity and decisiveness. Seeing a carpet spread for one to sit on it and whose owner is unknown in an unknown place in a dream means that one will emigrate to a foreign land and succeed in establishing a good livelihood for himself. Ifin such a place the carpet is thin in the dream, it means worldly gains and longevity. Sitting on a carpet in a dream also means associating with leaders and judges. Ifone’s carpet is stolen, burned or thinned in a dream, it means nearing the term of his life in this world, afflictions, illness or emaciation.

An old torn carpet in a dream means distress, or a man who boosts about himself, who exalts his status and consequently emerges to be a liar and false.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

To see a carpet in a dream, denotes profit, and wealthy friends to aid you in need.

To walk on a carpet, you will be prosperous and happy.

To dream that you buy carpets, denotes great gain.

If selling them, you will have cause to go on a pleasant journey, as well as a profitable one.

For a young woman to dream of carpets, shows she will own a beautiful home and servants will wait upon her.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

This element is much more important for the eastern culture than for the western. It represents happiness and tranquility, as it symbolizes the warmth of home. It predicts well-being in emotional and romantic relationships. The unconscious is seeking comfort and happiness.

If in dreams you sell carpets, it means that you intend to deviate from the routine in order to jump into unknown adventures.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a carpet symbolize that you are cushioned from life’s hardships, that you are enjoying luxury and comfort. Consider the condition of the carpet, the color, the room that is in, and whether or not you are hiding something under the carpet.

If this is a magic carpet, they you are rising above troubles, overcoming obstacles and getting a higher view.

See Also: Aladdin, Rug.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

Soft and luxurious or shabby with spots, the carpet may say something about the quality of comfort in your daily life. It may also reflect the lining of the womb or creative sexual center. Thus, cleaning the carpet may remark on cleaning up your sexual attitudes and clearing them of shame. Stains on the carpet are stains that mar the beauty of what you have laid as your foundation.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

The floor in a dream always relates to how grounded you feel.

It is the foundation upon which the consciousness of the room stands.

The presence of a carpet relates to a desire for softness and comfort beneath your feet.

The state, color, and texture of the carpet in your dream should inform how grounded you are feeling at this time.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

Sometimes depicts one’s financial state, bare floor­boards being poverty; can be the colour or design which are important; comfort or lack of it in life (Do you feel satisfied with yourself?); a cover up; feeling of being walked on. Idi­oms: sweep something under the carpet; on the carpet, roll out a red carpet.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

A carpet decorates but can also hide, as in the expression “to sweep under the carpet,” so a carpet in a dream can indicate something that is hidden. Carpets also have a positive, welcoming meaning, as in the expression “to roll out the red carpet.”


Carpet Dream Interpretation

Walking on carpets in your dream portends luxurious living.

If you are cleaning them, your personal affairs need attention. Buying or selling carpets indicates a commercial trend that involves you or your associates.


Carpet Dream Interpretation

Carpets in dreams represent your need to protect yourself from life’s harsh realities.

To dream of a magic carpet symbolizes your desire to escape from a situation, relationship, or responsibilities.


Carpet Dream Meaning

An omen of general good luck, unless it was shabby and/or soiled, in which case you are being warned to get out (or stay out) of debt See also Furniture.


Carpet Dream Meaning

Often when carpets appear in a dream we are looking at our emotional links with finance.

The colour of the carpet should also be noted.


Carpet Dream Meaning

Grounding, insulation, protection. Luxury you may enjoy. Also, do not pull the rug out from under yourself; stay centered and positive


Carpet Dream Meaning

A luxurious home with servants is in store for the young man or woman who dreams of carpets.


Carpet Dream Meaning

1. Desire to slow down and soften the way one is living.

2. Desire for a better life.


Carpet Dream Meaning

To dream that you are in a room containing a handsome Carpet is a fortunate dream.


Carpet Dream Meaning

See Also: carpet under furniture; colour; shapes and sym­bols.


Carpet Dream Meaning

See Also: furniture/ furnishings


Carpet Dream Meaning

See “foundation”


Carpet Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 04-13-28-40-45-50

carpeted room, being in a: expect good news from exposure of a cover-up.

cleaning a: an annoying visitor wil step into your plans.

colorful, a: no time for boredom when you deal with complex situations.

burning: out of seeming chaos arises the superb design.

buying a: a mystery is being created by your cover-up.

exchanging for a new one: dissatisfaction in love is possible; watch your step.

intricately designed: a map of your life from the complicated to the serene.

laying a: big catastrophe ahead from your being walked on.

making a: a pleasant, profitable journey with grounding, insulation and protection.

Persian, a: sweep away your mediocre past to gain room for your ambitions.

several: danger for the one who owns the carpet.

worn out, a: wil scrimp and eke out a living.


13 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about carpet related.

Carpet / Rug

A rich ornamental or oriental carpet means you wall receive riches.An old and worn carpet means you will fall on hard times....

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Red Carpet

Energy coming into brain for alters....

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Carpet Or Mat

A carpet or mat symbolises the material things of this world and person’s age....

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Carpet Weaver

(Architect, Engineer, Graphic artist) A carpet weaver in a dream represents a marriage officiant.(Also see Architect, Artist, Carpet)...

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Thick And Wide Carpet

A thick, wide and new carpet means he will live long, enjoy a peaceful life, receive ample sustenance and acquire much of the material things of this world....

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Thick But Narrow Carpet

It means a long life for him but not plentiful of sustenance....

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Thin But Wide Carpet

If the carpet is abnormally think but wide it means plentiful of rizq but a short span of life....

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Thin, Old, Torn And Short Carpet

It is a bad omen. There is no goodness to be found in such a dream.The same is the case with a carpet that is folded or rolled up....

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Carpet / Rug / Mat

if it was large and new, then it is interpreted upon 8 sides: glory, high standing, honor, rank, blessing, wealth, long lifetime, compliments in proportion to his importance....

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Woman, Wrapped In Carpet

Abduction/control of logic....

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Magic Carpet

A staple of the genie, the magic carpet is about the power of magic, of course, but consider that anything that flies through the air is also working in the realm of the intellect ...

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Carpet / Mat / Rug

In some instances, these can indicate the state of your finances; so bare floorboards, for example, would indicate hardship. Alternatively, do you feel as if you are being walked o...

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