Dreams of seeing someone as a cartoon character symbolize that you don’t take them seriously or that you think they laughable.
To see a specific cartoon character in your dream represents that you are embracing the larger than life qualities that you ascribe to them. Consider the qualities that this cartoon character represents to you.
For example, if you dream of Sponge Bob Square Pants, this might symbolize your overzealous, “I’m ready for anything” attitude.
[1]If you dreamed about a cartoon character, you will have a period of disappointment in romantic matters.
To dream that your life is in a cartoon world means you don’t take life too seriously. Or, it could mean you need a break from a stressful daytime life.
[2]A story, joke, or something funny.
A situation or scenario in your life that doesn’t seem quite real.
Consider the context and what the particular cartoon means to you.
See Also: Animation
[3]Whether they were animated cartoons or comic-strip variety, if they amused you in your dream, they predict a period of disappointment in romantic matters but good luck in business.
[4]watching cartoons during a dream is symbolic of silliness or immature behavior for an adult
[5]Playing around instead of being serious