To dream of seeing fresh, crisp stalks of celery, you will be prosperous and influential beyond your highest hopes.
To see it decaying, a death in your family will soon occur.
To eat it, boundless love and affection will be heaped upon you.
For a young woman to eat it with her lover, denotes she will come into rich possessions.
[1]To see or eat celery in your dream represents your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally.
The dream may also be a pun on “salary”. Maybe you’re hoping for a raise at work, or in your allowance.
[2]Stalks of celery may signify your desire for a larger “salary’’ at work, or they may be asking you to look at who may be “stalking” you. Celery may also point to a need to cleanse the bowels.
[3]Happiness through love and abundant good health are promised in a dream which involves crisp celery.
See Also: Vegetables, Eating, Cooking.
[4]To dream of eating crisp celery, white or green, presages good health and happiness in love and marriage, limp celery is an omen of misfortune.
[5]Like most fresh vegetables, celery augurs well far the person who dreams about it The prediction is of general good fortune.
[6]Vision: Eating celery means you can look forward to many promising romantic experiences.
See Also: Vegetable.
[7]Dreams of celery symbolize that you are of good stock, strong and healthy.
See Also: Vegetable.
[8]Another useful vegetable—such a dream means good health and domestic comfort.
[9]lucky numbers: 09-11-15-29-31-47
buying: wil escape from troubles and rise to your wildest dreams.
chewing on: wil have a multitude of affairs.
stuffed with cream cheese: a promise of luxury.
eating: wil have domestic comfort, love and affection.
of: good digestive health and healthy finances.
[10]In a dream, celery represents money earned from someone in authority, receiving a commendation from one’s superior, ingratitude to one’s Lord, divulging secrets, or it could mean affectation.