Chickens Dream Interpretation

Chickens Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 9 Unique Sources

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Chickens  Dream Interpretation

This flightless bird may be pointing to personal characteristics and needs that you may not necessarily want to look at. Consider the activities in the dream, as well as the mood, and then attempt to make a good interpretation. Chickens can represent cowardliness, gossip, excessive talking, and powerlessness. They are not known for their intelligence or beauty, and their presence in your dream could be an invitation to get more serious and better focused.

The more positive suggestion in this dream is in that chickens lay eggs. Eggs are symbolic of something new and fragile. They represent life and development in its earliest forms and as such, their possibilities are limitless.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

To dream of seeing a brood of chickens, denotes worry from many cares, some of which of which will prove to your profit. Young or half grown chickens, signify fortunate enterprises, but to make them so you will have to exert your physical strength.

To see chickens going to roost, enemies are planning to work you evil.

To eat them, denotes that selfishness will detract from your otherwise good name. Business and love will remain in precarious states.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

Chicks or young chickens indicate the need for concentrated planning.

A large brood of chickens in the dream indicates many worries.

If you are eating a chicken, selfishness may hinder your prospects of financial prosperity.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

Those who see chickens in their dreams will have to fight the influence of someone they have suspected.

Eating chicken is a prediction that someone’s ¡selfishness will bring unpleasantness into your love affair.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

This dream is telling you not to count them before they’re hatched!


Chickens Dream Interpretation

To dream of a hen and her chickens signifies loss and damage.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

Ail very young animals show friendships.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

To dream of a hen and chickens is the fo-rernnner of ill-luck; your sweetheart will betray you, and marry another. If you are a farmer, you will have a bad crop, and lose many of your poultry; if you are in trade, some sharper will defraud you; if you go to sea, you will lose your goods, and narrowly escape shipwreck.


Chickens Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 09-25-28-35-38-50

chasing a: stop those one-night stands and concentrate on one lover.

several: are anxious at the extensive cost of your overdomestication.

cooking: wil make considerable money from an opportunity you thought lost.

eating: your job efforts wil find reward; your home efforts wil fail.

hearing hens cackle at dawn: warning that care is needed to not be henpecked.

evening: big peril if you do not exert henpecked power.

noon: fights between relatives; don’t let them take advantage of you.

henpecked, of being: be wary of being pushed to lose your temper.

killing a: your profit by taking advantage of another’s cowardice wil haunt you.

of a hen: overpossessiveness wil yield financial gains.

cackling: sudden suicide in neighborhood brought on by malicious fabricated gossip.

house: many petty concerns ultimately twist to your benefit.

laying eggs: unexpected money or child.

sitting on her: happiness at present comfort in life.

setting: promises fulfil ment of a long-cherished wish.

with her chicks: your deed has caused another’s displeasure.

of chicks: a family means you support each other.

eating a: you see melancholia where fun exists.

feeding: stop playing the martyr and keep your self-assurance to yourself.

killing a: are blaming an innocent person.

of one fine: wil be fortunate in the venture you are contemplating.

plucking a: seek higher compensation for your work.

several: good friends are around the corner.

chirping: don’t waste time on idle chatter


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