Cupboard Dream Interpretation

Cupboard Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 11 Unique Sources

cupboard image

Today's Dream Interpretation


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

(1) Cupboards may symbolize the womb, and therefore represent either your mother or women in general (in a man’s dream), or a desire to return to the womb - that is, to escape from life’s demands and problems.

(2) A cupboard may symbolize yourself. Do you, in the dream, open the cupboard? If so, what do you find there? Whatever it is, it should be seen as some part of yourself, albeit your unconscious - hidden - self. ‘Skeletons in cupboards’ are parts of yourself to which you have denied a place in your conscious life.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Various types of cupboard can appear in dreams.

A wardrobe suggests a period of transition and, because it houses our clothes, how we deal with our self-image, whereas a larder represents our ability to preserve or conserve our stores of energy. Finding a hidden cupboard suggests rediscovering something we may have forgotten. Opening a cupboard and finding it bigger than expected suggests available opportunities.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

A straightforward symbol that means what it says.

If your dream cupboard was bare, it predicts lean times in the offing; if it was full or reasonably well-stocked, you can expect your interests to flourish.

If your dream involved putting supplies in a cupboard, it signifies recovery of losses through your own efforts.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Clearing out a cupboard indicates that we may have to put our lives in order. Articles falling out of a cupboard suggest that we may be overstretched and / or overstretching ourselves.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty.

See Also: Safe.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

A cupboard was initially just that, a place to store utensils. Now it often represents a repository, perhaps in the spiritual sense, for skills or for hidden talents.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

To dream of an empty Cupboard is a bad sign for your business prosperity.

If you put things inside, it shows that you will recover your losses after some distress.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

If it is well stocked with food, dishes and other supplies, the cupboard is a good omen to those who are contemplating an investment or making a change.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

To see a cupboard full of stuff in your dream symbolizes pleasure and comfort. But if it’s empty or dirty, difficult times may be ahead.


Cupboard Dream Interpretation

An empty cupboard seen in a dream portends diminishing financial resources.


Cupboard Dream Meaning

See Also: Cabinet.


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