To dream of handling dishes, denotes good fortune; but if from any cause they should be broken, this signifies that fortune will be short-lived for you.
To see shelves of polished dishes, denotes success in marriage.
To dream of dishes, is prognostic of coming success and gain, and you will be able to fully appreciate your good luck. Soiled dishes, represent dissatisfaction and an unpromising future.
See Also: Crockery
[1]1. A measure of good fortune, sometimes financial security, depending on how full the plate is.
2. Domestic difficulties (broken dishes).
3. Feelings of being overwhelmed—usually with powerful emotions, often responsibilities.
4. Repressed feelings of sexual attraction to another (old-fashioned wordplay on “dish”).
5. Domestic bliss (washing dishes).
[2]The portent here depends on the condition of the dish (or dishes).
If it was full, it signifies good fortune; empty, the augury is of a static period of marking time unless the beauty of the empty dish was the main feature, in which case the dream predicts luck in love affairs.
Broken, damaged, or dirty dishes are a forerunner of family quarrels or domestic problems.
[3]The mode by which you receive emotional, mental or spiritual nourishment (for example, a plate presented to you that represents an opportunity for learning or enrichment).
Consider also the context, how the dish is being used, what it contains, and your feelings about it.
See Also: Glass, Drinking, Container, Cooking Vessel, Silverware, Food, Eating
[4]Dreams of a dish symbolize your ability to take in the nurturing that is around you. Broken or chipped dishes represent a break in your ability to receive.
See Also: Bowl or Plate.
[5]Self-nurturing vehicle; conveyer of spiritual food. Broken dish means denying a part of self that nurtures and serves.
[6]Research the type of dish and it’s contents, i.E. Glass, clay, metal, paper, etc.; See “food”
[7]To break a plate or Dish is a bad sign—it shows domestic trouble.