Dreams that feature some kind of disobedience, mutiny and rebellion are about conflict with authority, such as a parent, a teacher, a corporation or even the government.
If you were disobedient or rebellious in your dream, whose authority were you up against? To whom is it that you feel you need to assert your individuality and independence? On the other hand, your unconscious may have simply allowed you to give vent to feelings of resentment in the safety of the dream world.
If you dreamed that you refuse to comply with your boss, or with someone who gives you directions in waking life, this may reflect your mounting anger or exhaustion in the face of demands and responsibilities being placed upon you.
If you felt liberated in your dream, perhaps this is a sign that you need to stand up for yourself more in waking life.
If you were involved in a mutiny, do you long to rebel against authority? If you went on strike, such a dream may reflect feelings of frustration and exhaustion in waking life.
If you found yourself engaged in arm wrestling, are you engaged in a real-life battle of wills? An alternative explanation for dreams of rebellion against an enemy, known or unknown is that you are in revolt against some part of yourself. Try to remember what you rebelled against in your dream and why, and see if you can draw a parallel in waking life.
[1]To be aware of disobedience in your dream predicts an important problem involving a decision you will find difficult to make.
Get advice from a more experienced head than your own before you commit yourself.
[2]Having an independent, rebellious spirit that may not always express itself positivelv.
Purposely not heeding the voice of reason, especially your own intuitive nature, Higher Self, or subconscious.
[3]To dream of your own Disobedience denotes a difficult choice before you, possibly regarding marriage.
[4]Symbol of liberation, but also of irresponsibility.
[5](Insubordination) Disobedience to God’s commands in a dream means insubordination or indulging in sin.
If one denies his act to be a sin in the dream, then such disobedience signifies that he will suffer from a severe punishment for his arrogance.
(See Also: Recalcitrant child)