Eating doughnuts in a dream may- signify greediness and ovenndulgent behavior. They may describe a character too consumed with money, as in “dough auis “ With a hole as its center, a doughnut may represent feelings of emptiness or a loss of what is central in your life.
[1]Whether you ate them, bought them, cooked them or just saw them, dreaming of doughnuts is a forecast of upcoming travel. Also see “Sprinkles”.
[2]1. Feelings of comfort and security.
2. Self, personal nurturance.
3. Possible travel in the offing.
[3](Sweets) Eating doughnut in a dream means money earned from fun or music and it could represent an escape from a dangerous accident, or a would be fatal accident. Doughnut in a dream also could denote either sorrow and regret, or joy and happiness. Seeing a doughnut baker in a dream is a sign of escaping from danger or it could be a sign of an approaching danger.