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Dragon Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 34 Unique Sources About Dragon

dragon image

(1) Is the dragon guarding treasure, or a cave which might contain treasure? If so, the cave probablv represents your unconscious, the treasure represents your self, and the dragon that stands between you

and vour true self represents the fearsomeness of the unconscious for one who is still afraid of what may be lurking there, (For self)

(2) For Jung, the first stage of the individuation process is the conscious ego’s heroic struggle to lift itself out of the original all-encompassing unconsciousness and to establish its control of unconscious forces. This finds symbolic representation in the legendary dragon-slayer, St George (St George = the ego; the dragon = the unconscious).

(3) The dragon may represent the devouring aspect of (your relationship with) vour mother. ‘Slaving the dragon’ may therefore mean putting an end to whatever in your attachment to your mother is detrimental to the process of finding your own psychic individuality. Once the individual has achieved liberation from the ‘dragon’, the feminine side of the man’s psyche and the masculine side of the woman’s psyche will no longer appear in threatening form, but as an indispensable companion and guide in the further stages of self- discovery.

(In some male initiation rites in which boys are given adult status, the boys withdraw from the communin’ and live in huts shaped like a dragon or crocodile. This may be seen as a symbol of a young person’s victorious struggle with the devouring mother or all-encompassing unconsciousness: descending into the unconscious realm, acknow’- ledging its powers, and transforming any negative functioning of those pow ers into positive ones.)

(4) A dragon may represent the generative pow er of (Mother) Nature; the unconscious, felt as a wromb pregnant with new possibilities of life.

(5) A winged dragon may symbolize some kind of transcendence, some passing from a ‘lower to a ‘higher’ level of personal maturin’. The fact that it is a dragon that does the flying suggests that the energy for further personal development must be looked for in your unconscious, perhaps in something you have been hitherto afraid even to look at. A winged creature may symbolize spirituality. But a winged dragon is a symbolic reminder that spiritual heights mav not be attained bv abandoning our ‘low’er’ natum, but by letting it serve us as a vehicle. For example, sexuality can be bogged down in fantasizing lust and unedifying topdog / underdog games; it can also be something that releases and activates the power of love within us, a form of self- expression in which sensuous pleasure fuses with the joy of worship; indeed, it can be an experience of the mystical oneness of all things.

(6) A dragon may be a symbol of your sexuality, particularly if it - your sexuality - frightens you. Is your fear irrational; or docs sexuality threaten to rule your life? In either case, don’t kill the ‘dragon’; if necessary, tame it.

(In China ‘chi’ is good, life-giving energy and the channels it runs along are called ‘dragon-lines’, which are said to follow the flow of underground water and underground magnetic fields.)


Universal Landscape: Greed, avarice, and overprotection. Also charisma and good luck.

Dreaming Lens: What was the dragon doing in your dream? Is it a dragon from the Eastern tradition or Western lore? Were you or someone else in battle with the dragon? Was a battle likely to occur or about to start? Were you fearful or courageous? What size and color was the dragon? What were you battling over? Was the fight winnable? How did it turn out?

Personal Focus: According to Western mythology, dragons are the guardians of treasure and virgins. These things are of no use to a dragon, a creature that does not need money to get what it wants; and a dragon cannot safely consummate a relationship with a woman. Despite this, it will face all comers with a mighty ferocity, challenging the courage of the most able warriors. In this way, we can say that dragons are a symbolic representation of a fight for something that is of no use to you.

The dragon in your dream may represent the battles you fight in life that either you cannot win or do not need to be fought at all. By the same token, you may have to fight an inner battle and face the part of you that is in the way of you getting what you want in life. Is it possible that your inner dragon may be keeping you from receiving the love you deserve and the abundance you desire? There is also an implied theme of confrontation in battle when a dragon appears in your dreams. What are the battles in your current life? Are you fighting for something that you do not need or cannot use?

This cross-cultural symbol may have other meanings depending on the Personal Lens you look through. In contrast to the symbolic meaning of the Western dragon, consider that the Chinese dragon carries the connotation of luck and charisma. This interpretation will apply if you have any connection to Eastern philosophy or culture, or if the Dreaming Lens contains this type of dragon. Additionally, through the power of the collective unconscious, no matter what your background is, if this interpretation resonates for you, it could be meaningful.


Fierce and fire-breathing, the dragon is a potent animal of dream-lore that is neither good nor evil, male nor female, light nor dark, but a symbol of the primal energy that upholds the world. The dragon embodies the union of opposites and the four elemental energies: of fire in its breath, air as it uses its wings, water because of its serpent scales, and earth as it dwells in caverns. In Chinese belief, the dragon is one of the creatures of the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Dragon being said to bestow energy, enthusiasm and charisma.

By contrast, Christianity brands the dragon as the embodiment of Satan, an evil creature who must be slain by the saintly hero; Jungian theory, meanwhile, suggests that the dragon may be a form taken by the terrible mother archetype who must be rendered powerless before freedom can be attained (we echo this personification in waking life when we call a fierce woman ‘a dragon’). So if you share the Chinese view of the dragon, your unconscious may have been trying to instill optimism by summoning it into your dream.

If you are influenced by the Western view of dragons, your mind may have been trying to alert you to a hostile person or presence in your life.

Dragons were also said to be guardians of treasure, so your unconscious could have highlighted a desire to undergo a dynamic process of inner renewal. The fire-breathing dragon in your dream may be a symbol of great inner strength and vision that the dreamer can draw upon to overcome doubt. It also may be urging you to come to terms with and confront your own passions and chaotic beliefs; the only way to do this may be through your dreams.


(See Also: Animals, Fables, Lizard, Monsters, Snake)

The guardian of great power, magic, and wisdom.

If you can befriend this aspect of yourself, many new talents and abilities will open to you.

Among Taoists, the dragon represents eternal change, and the part of the path that we cannot as yet see. Consequently, you must perfect the spirit and trust that your road is sure.

In China, the highest spiritual Yang (masculine) power attainable. On Earth, this was embodied by the power of the Chinese emperor.

Slaying a dragon: Overcoming negative traits. Alternatively, cutting off the feminine aspects of self (See Also: Sivord).

Fever breathing dragon: An overbearing person with strong words.

Procreative power of nature. In Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, Tiamat was a half- dragon, half-human (to show higher and lower self) Goddess who gave birth to all things.

Archetypal: The primordial consciousness and psychic transformation.

The ongoing struggle of light versus darkness, and good versus evil, that is always with us. Here you become the hero who preserves your vision of virtue.


It is a universal symbolic figure that is present in most traditions of the world. We can say that is a combination of all dangerous animals, both real and fantastic. For this reason, the dragon represents the enemy par excellence. Consequently, fighting it symbolizes your effort to excel and achieve your vital projects. This dream is very common in childhood.

If you manage to defeat your oneiric dragon you should interpret this victory as evidence that you are sufficiently prepared to play any position involving responsibility. On the other hand, sometimes dragons guard the entrance of a cave containing a treasure. This refers to fears that must be overcome in order to meet with your true Self. The dragon also could be guarding your spirituality. According to Freud, this figure is the devouring aspect of the mother.

It is the resistance that prevents men from developing their natural feminine side.

In China, the dragon represents wisdom of mind and has an extraordinary power, in addition to superior spirituality. So, dreaming of dragons is highly promising.


General Meaning: A picture high level demonic attack • Dreams


Because Dragons are mythological in nature, if you keep dreaming of dragons, it could mean that you have been getting into writings of this nature.

• Visions Negative: The devil is mentioned as a dragon in Scripture, so if you see a vision of a dragon, this speaks of high level demonic attack.

• Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

• If you always have visions of dragons and other such folklore, then I would say that you have opened up your heart to teachings and fables that are not of the Lord.

• You have contaminated your spirit and given the enemy a hold of your life.

See Also: Alien, Alligator, Demons.


This large, mystical creature may represent large and mystical forces inside of you. In the Far East it is believed that the dragons are spiritual creatures that navigate through the air and through the sky. In the West, dragons are considered to be dangerous creatures that need to be destroyed. As far as dream symbols go, the dragon may represent the enormous power in your unconscious. It could symbolize repressed unconscious material, including fear. However, the dragon in our dreams is generally a positive symbol. It may represent a period of time when the dreamer will confront his fears and empower himself to effectively cope with negative emotions, extreme materialism, and be able to obtain greater inner and outer freedom.


The dragon is a complex and universal svmbol. Seen as both frightening and yet manageable, under certain circumstances it will represent in us our own untamed nature. We must come to terms with our own passions and chaotic beliefs. Often we can only achieve this through dreams, in an environment that has been suitably created.

There is a heroic part in each of us which must face dangerous conflict in order to overcome the lower side of our natures and reach our inner resources.

Dreaming of a dragon allows us that conflict.

The dragon is traditionally the Guardian of Power. In conquering the dragon, spiritually we become custodians of our own future.


Vision: Winning a fight with a dragon means that you have learned to master the powers of the unconscious. Being injured during the fight: you might get hurt by a powerful enemy.

If a man dreams he is confronted by a dragon: he is unconsciously afraid of being devoured by a woman (spiritually and emotionally). Defeating the dragon means he wants to dominate women.

Depth Psychology: The dragon represents a person with cold-blooded power who will do anything in order to be successful. Killing a dragon: let go of shrewd and heardess attitudes. Or is there a “dragon” in your house that gives you griefr


Dreaming of a dragon depends greatly on the individual’s attitude towards such creatures. In British mythology, dragons were viewed as fearsome and dangerous beasts, while in Chinese tradition dragons were considered harbingers of good luck. Therefore, it is important that the dreamer recall the circumstances of the dream.

If the dream was dark and ominous, the dragon probably symbolizes the “beast in you,” which could mean that your own weaknesses could well get the best of you. But if the dream was happy and optimistic, something wonderful is going to happen.


A dream of sudden changes in the worldly condition, riches and treasure (Raphael). In Christian art the dragon symbolizes Satan, or sin. With the Chinese a dragon, or winged serpent, is regarded as the symbol of the Infinite Intelligence, keeping ward over the Tree of Knowledge; a dragon was also the standard of the Welsh, of the West Saxons, of the Phoenicians and of the Chinese Manchu dynasty.

The Celts use the word dragon to signify a chief, a dictator in time of danger, and probably the dream interpretation is de”


Fear of a woman, usually the partner or mother. Great wealth and luck.

The dragon might be threatening and combative (Blake related it to mental battles). Often, as in depictions of St. Michael or St. George and the Dragon, a symbol of desire that needs to be resisted in favor of intellectual development. Pointing to one’s own “poisonous” and destructive side. Are you hoarding too much? What do you want to own?

According to dream interpreter Artemidorus, wealth and treasure.

The dragon is also a Chinese symbol for luck.


In the traditions of the East the dragon is a fortunate omen and a symbol of wealth and success, while the West takes a more cautious approach. To them the dragon is vengeful and often destructive. To dream of a dragon is a sign that you’re about to step into the limelight in some way. You could take on a leadership role or start a new venture. Whatever you decide to do, fortune is on your side. You may have to defend your decision in some way, but your natural charm will win people over.


Dragons can have the same meaning as snakes and other serpents. Dragons symbolize very different things in the Western and Eastern traditions. In the West, heroic knights slay evil dragons that guard treasure or helpless damsels, which may symbolize the struggle between the noble and the ignoble elements of the self. In China, dragons are wise spiritual beings associated with the sky and air (Chinese dragons have wings), which indicates a very different set of connotations.


Dreams of a dragon symbolize the power of your subconscious mind, your mysterious, primal energy, sexuality, and rage. Your dream is giving you the message to harness this power to assist you in attaining -mastery, otherwise, you might spend your life hiding, suppressing and feeling victimized by the gift of your power.

The dragon can also represent your biggest challenge and to recognize the wisdom you will learn and earn as you deal with it will make you a hero/shero.


Power, or power that seems magical or “bigger than life” (or a wish for such).

A challenge, problem, quest, or goal.

Consider the type of dragon, its actions, what stood out about it, and how you felt about it (for example, a friendly dragon might represent personal power or the importance of friendship, whereas a fire-breathing dragon might represent self-protection or aggression).

See Also: Mythological Character, Dinosaur


Because the pan of our mind we name ‘the uncon­scious’ is so ancient and huge, we sometimes depict contact with it as a dragon or monster. Also the untamed or unsocial- ised sexual drive which can overpower or trap a girl emerging into womanhood, or threatens a youth facing manhood.

The overcoming of it means facing one’s fears of the vast power of such natural drives, and finding satisfying expression.


This mythical creature brings the element of fire as a transforming agent.

The dragon can come to represent the power of creativity as well as sexuality. It can signify alchemy and magic.

A dragon may also represent someone who has fire breath or who uses his anger to get his way.


To dream of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control.

See Also: Devil.


Psychological / emotional perspective: There is a heroic part in each of us which must face dangerous conflict in order to overcome the lower side of our natures and reach our inner resources.

Dreaming of a dragon allows us that conflict.


The dragon is traditionally the guardian of power.

The original of all dragons was a version of the serpent tiamat goddess of chaos and darkness. In conquering the dragon, spiritually we become custodians of our own future.


You will get an enormous boost in your progress toward financial success from a powerful and influential personage if you dreamed of a dragon.

And if you don’t now know such a big wheel, you soon will.


1. Extreme passion, carried away.

2. Expression of extreme anger (breathing fire).

3. Good fortune, great riches.

4. An ex­tremely annoying, destructive individual.

5. Symbol of evil.


Kundalini power. Fire from dragon purifies negative thinking, dispels illusion. Slaying the dragon means confronting and eliminating fears, enabling yourself to awaken higher level of awareness.


You see a dragon at your doorway: you’ll enjoy a prosperous and auspicious life • Dragon and snake enter your home: money enters your pocket


A dragon symbolizes a dangerous undertaking.

If you slay a dragon, you achieve great success.


To dream of a dragon represents a struggle between the good and the dark sides of yourself.


1. Satan; Rev. 12:3-5,

2. A fiery issue you must slay! Eph. 6:12.

3. China.


Satan, the devil, Rev. 12:9


To see one. great riches.


A dragon in a dream represents a tyrant and an unjust ruler, or it could mean a killing fire.

The more heads a dragon has in a dream, the greater is his danger.

If a sick person sees a dragon in his dream, it means his death.

If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a dragon in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a child who will be chronically ill. Giving birth to a dragon in a dream also represents a child who will be a great speaker or who will be known by two different names, or that he might become a fortuneteller, a monk, an evil person, a bandit or an insolent person who will be killed later.

A dragon in a dream also connotes the stretch of time.

If one sees a dragon coming his way without causing fear, and if the dragon talks to him with clear expressions, or if the dragon gives him something, it mean glad tidings or good news.

If a giant dragon is transformed into a man or a woman in a dream, it represents an army of male or femalejinn (See Also: alphabetically), and a marching army offemalejinns in a dream means an enemy who conceals his true purpose or-identity. Such an enemy has many heads and ways in the arts of ugly actions and evil thinking. Each head from one to seven represents an adversity of a different magnitude or an art of evildoing. Ifthe dragon in one’s dream has seven heads, it represents an enemy that cannot be equalled and whose evil designs cannot be paralleled. Ifone sees himselfowning and controlling a dragon in a dream, it means taking advantage of a person who is mentally ill.

(See Also: Jinn)


lucky numbers: 03-22-23-26-31-40

being chased by a: materialism surrounds itself with covetousness.

fighting with a: have a negative relationship with your mother.

and winning: are mastering the powers of your unconscious.

being injured: a powerful enemy wil attempt to hurt you.

man: fear of being devoured by a woman.

flying in the garden, a: a voyage to tropical islands to be governed by your passions.

killing a: rid yourself of your heartless, disdainful attitudes or be avenged for them.

many: big disappointments when you try to dominate in love.

military man dreaming of a: wil be visited by a harbinger of spiritual awakening.

rescuing a maiden from a: are preserving virtue from the forces of evil.

slaying a: conquer your inner darkness and master yourself.


Sources and Authors

  1. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by Eric Ackroyd [Back to dream]
  2. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by Dr. Michael Lennox [Back to dream]
  3. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  4. The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco [Back to dream]
  5. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  6. The Way of Dreams and Visions by Colette Toach [Back to dream]
  7. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar [Back to dream]
  8. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  9. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center [Back to dream]
  11. The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig [Back to dream]
  12. Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar [Back to dream]
  13. Dreams Interpretations Hidden Meanings Symbols by Alison Davies [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  15. Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  16. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by Nancy Wagaman [Back to dream]
  17. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  18. Ariadne's Book of Dream by Ariadne Green [Back to dream]
  19. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  22. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  23. New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin [Back to dream]
  24. The Dream Books Symbols by Betty Bethards [Back to dream]
  25. Chine Dream Interpretation by Duke Zhou [Back to dream]
  26. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland [Back to dream]
  27. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  28. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  29. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  30. Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  31. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]
  32. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]

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