Factory Dream Interpretation

Factory Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 21 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Factory Dream Interpretation

A factory in your dreams is likely to refer to conformity with society, a typical reaction to a life that lacks individuality, productivity and work. In some cases, it can also refer to the automatic functions of the body, such as breathing and digestion. A factory on strike may suggest an obstacle to hard work, such as lack of discipline. An endless production line clearly suggests frustration with your career or relationships. A dream of waterworks can suggest associations with water and the womb, turning the dream into a gigantic representation of the mother figure in your life. A dream of being confined in a barracks may be a warning that your life is too restricted, and that you are too much under the influence of someone else.

If you dream of a warehouse or other storage place, this suggests memories, past experiences or aspects of yourself that you have put on hold; for example, career ambitions whilst you raise a child.


Factory Dream Interpretation

Vision: Seeing a factory is a good sign, promising business success. Working in a factory: you are dealing with a tense situation: things are hectic, but overall you are satisfied with your job.

If you are the owner of the factory: you are spending great amounts of money and getting little in return.

A smoking factory chimney is a sign of your sexual desires.

Depth Psychology: The factory is a symbol of new plans at the expense of peace and quiet. Are you on automatic pilot? Would you like to change that?


Factory Dream Interpretation

A factory is ultimately a building in which something is built or made.

The building itself then is a symbol of a clear foundational structure of thoughts, ideas, or a belief system that exists within your psyche. What is created in the factory provides an important distinction when considering such a dream. Whatever the factory makes offers the primary clue to your interpretation. Then recognize that whatever meaning you attribute to that, there is a great deal of permanence to that belief system or idea.


Factory Dream Interpretation

Community spirit, team, collective action, integrating well, and, in addition to all this, a symbol for the different parts of your personality working together cooperatively. But also: slaving away, hard work, and being taken advantage of (as in Charlie Chaplin s film Modem Times). Also, becoming impoverished, social demotion, isolation, lifelessness. Loss of wholeness, being cut apart. In case of conflicts between people in the factory: poor cooperation.

Folklore: Unexpected events.


Factory Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a factory represent your inner space of creation, manifestation and plans for the successful output of your dreams and aspirations. Alternatively, if you dream of working in a factory and being a cog in a wheel, then you are feeling suppressed with regards to your creativity.


Factory Dream Interpretation

In dreams, a factory is like a thermometer of employment. Therefore, if you dream that you work in a factory, your position at work may improve. But if the factory is empty or abandoned, there’s a good chance you will face employment problems and could even lose your job.


Factory Dream Interpretation

Working in a factory may signify that you are workshop. It may express dissatisfaction with your th doing a monotonous job that’s getting you: tory may also come as a play on words, com- ly have to embark on a “fact-finding” mission abou] some issue or problem.


Factory Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Depending on what seems to be happening in a dream a factory can actually represent the workplace and our attitude to our employment.

An assembly line might suggest a sense of boredom for instance.


Factory Dream Interpretation

A Factory is a sign of some unexpected happening.

If the place shows signs of great activity, then the coming change will be all the more important.

An idle Factory shows that the change will bring worry and loss.


Factory Dream Interpretation

A factory in operation portends great activity in business with an excellent chance of making money.

To dream of working in a factory is an omen that faithfulness in your chosen work will be rewarded.


Factory Dream Meaning

If you dreamed of a busy factory, you will succeed after a hard struggle.

If you were working in the factory, you can expect some important and beneficial change in your life.


Factory Dream Meaning

Psychological / emotional perspective: A factory is often a large, busy space, so it is often representative of our own lives and the way we fill our inner space.


Factory Dream Meaning

1. Productive church; focus on production to the masses (positive or negative)

2. Business (good or evil);

3. Manufactured

4. Church; Ps. 127:1; 1 Tim. 3:3.


Factory Dream Meaning

To dream that you are at a factory suggests a traditional or outdated way of thought. It represents being stuck in a rut.


Factory Dream Meaning

Being a commercial building a factory suggests manifestation from the spiritual to the ordinary mundane world.


Factory Dream Meaning

Symbolic of work, school, or a feeling of monotony in life.

A factory symbolizes any place that is routine


Factory Dream Meaning

1. Drudgery of routine.

2. Productivity, ability to complete tasks.


Factory Dream Meaning

See Also: Buildings, Places.


Factory Dream Meaning

See Also: Mill


Factory Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 02-06-14-22-25-40

being in a: a life lacking in individuality.

belonging to others: are not using your opportunities to your productive advantage.

building, a: respect from the community for financial gains rendered.

closed and deserted, suddenly: that phase of your life is empty; move on.

clothing, a: congenial work and good activity in making money.

dish, a: wil live a long life.

glass: sights must be lowered with regard to risky project.

linen, a: use caution in business ventures.

paper, a: affairs wil prosper.

pottery, a: wil be visited by a good friend.

silk, a: affairs wil go from bad to worse.

velvet, a: wil entertain an unwelcome guest.

workers entering a: beneficial activities of industriousness and productivity.

buying a: wil be blessed.

chimney smoking, a: new plans wil disrupt your peace.

owning a: your investments yield little profit without your mastery and energy.

selling a: loss due to inattentive and narrow-minded management.

working in a: the hectic tense situation is part of a good job; to correct it is your job.


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