Garlic Dream Interpretation

Garlic Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 22 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Garlic Dream Interpretation

(See Also: Herbs)

Talmudic: An emblem of increased fecundity. Among Hebrew men, it was customary to eat garlic before intercourse to ensure fertility.

Protection: Garlic was used regularly in spells and charms for safety, especially against spirits and evil creatures like vampires. You may want to consider this dream more metaphorically, like safeguarding yourself against the spirit of the vine, or people who “suck” your energy dry.

Vows, commitments, and promises.

The ancient Egyptians swore oaths on garlic, rather like we swear on the Bible.

Strength during trying times. Ancient Egyptians, Israelites, and Romans ate garlic for this purpose, especially before battle.

The pungent flavor and smell of garlic makes it an alternative fire symbol.

Passing through a field of garlic portends increased prominence and a better financial outlook.

Eating garlic represents having sensible views of life, and well-rounded ideals.

Being able to endure a time of difficulty and still land on your feet. Seamen and mountaineers alike carry fresh garlic to protect them against wreckage and foul weather, respectively.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

As an oneiric symbol, garlic suggests the need to dispense with appearances so you can focus on what is considered the most appropriate. Not surprisingly, despite its unpleasant odor, garlic is a food with great healing properties.

It is indicative of arguing, adventures, and erotic relationships. Touching it promises good business, and strongly smelling of garlic resembles a feeling of disclosed secrets.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

1- Garlic in olden times had much significance. Because of its shape and its many parts it was often seen as a symbol of fertility; because of its smell it was seen as protection.

Dreaming of garlic may therefore link back to either of these meanings.

2- Garlic as the protective amulet is important against evil. Physically il protects the heart area and therefore protects one against fear.

3- Magic.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

Garlic in a dream means agony and distress. Eating raw garlic in a dream means receivingunlawful money, speakingbad words, making sarcastic praises or bartering good for evil. However, eating cooked garlic in a dream means repentance. Only a sick person can benefit from eating fresh garlic in a dream. Gathering garlic in the fields in a dream means suffering from harm caused by one’s own family.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

To dream of passing through a garlic patch, denotes a rise from penury to prominence and wealth.

To a young woman, this denotes that she will marry from a sense of business, and love will not be considered.

To eat garlic in your dreams, denotes that you will take a sensible view of life and leave its ideals to take care of themselves.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Garlic is now known to help all sorts of physical conditions – including strengthening the heart – and therefore protects one against fear.

Dreaming of garlic may be a way of our body alerting us to a need for such protection from infection.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: As a fertility symbol a full head of garlic in a woman’s dream may symbolize the testicles. In a man’s case such a dream is more about essential masculinity. You might also like to consult the entries for magic / magician, protect / protection and witch.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

Vision: If you see or smell garlic: it is a good sign—you will recover from an illness soon.

The garlic can also be a sign of robust health.

Depth Psychology: This smelly bulb is nevertheless a promise of good health for body, mind, and soul.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

A dream of eating garlic shows that you are the practical type who will think with the head and not the heart, looking for security over love.

If you dream of strolling through a garlic garden then you will rise to wealth and prominence in your field.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are eating garlic represents your realistic nature and approach to love. You seek to be safe rather than in love.

To dream about a garlic patch indicates your success and rise to prominence and fortune in your business life.


Garlic Dream Meaning

Garlic is considered a herb of magic. As a protective amulet, particularly against the evil eye, it is of significance against negativity. In chinese lore it also symbolizes luck, health and many children, so in dreams may signify all of these.


Garlic Dream Meaning

An improvement in both your financial and love affairs is presaged by a dream of walking through a garlic patch.

A young woman who dreams of eating garlic will make a marriage based on money considerations rather than love.


Garlic Dream Meaning

This pungent seasoning is considered an omen of general welfare and protection, unless you are one of the people who loathe it.

In which case it must be considered a sign of some brief but annoying unpleasantness.


Garlic Dream Meaning

1. If eating garlic, one is looking to achieve better health.

2. Eating garlic also might indicate a feeling that one needs to repel others (pungent breath).


Garlic Dream Meaning

Garlic represents that you are cleansing, energizing and providing a shield of safety and protection around you.


Garlic Dream Meaning

Dreams about eating garlic mean you are practical in matters of the heart. You look for security over love.


Garlic Dream Meaning

Words that gar and offend


Garlic Dream Meaning

Symbolizes prosperity.


Garlic Dream Meaning

(See Also: Onions).


Garlic Dream Meaning

For a man to dream he eats garlic, signifies he shall discover hidden secrets, and meet with some domestic jar; yet to dream he has it in the house, is good.


Garlic Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 06-09-12-15-29-48

buying: against what irritation do you need protection?

cooking with: are disliked by those working under you.

eating: recovery of your health, which you thought you had lost.

giving children, to eat: wil realize high position through repel ing deleterious forces.

growing in a garden: people detest you; those with evil intent, even more.

hanging: protection from those who wish you il .

of: discovery of the secret to robust health.

people who don’t like: are unfitted to fil your position.

seasoning with: your system wil repeatedly say thank you.


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