The meaning of the symbols of gr seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about gr related.


To eat grapes in your dream, you will be hardened with many cares; but if you only see them hanging in profuseness among the leaves, you will soon attain to eminent positions and w...

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This is a very propitious dream indeed. It gives promise of a happy and well advanced life to the tradesman, rapid accumulation of wealth, fame to literary and artistic people, and...

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To dream that you see a newly made grave, you will have to suffer for the wrongdoings of others.If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hanging over you. Gr...

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Grain is a most fortunate dream, betokening wealth and happiness.For a young woman, it is a dream of fortune. She will meet wealthy and adoring companions. ...

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Spiritual peace, prosperity, life, service...

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To dream of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests.If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experience...

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An intermediate, depressed state, i.E.A gray horse, a divorce litigation...

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To dream of gravel, denotes unfruitful schemes and enterprises.If you see gravel mixed with dirt, it foretells you will unfortunately speculate and lose good property. ...

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To dreaam{sic} of meeting your grandparents and conversing with them, you will meet with difficulties that will be hard to surmount, but by following good advice you will overcome ...

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A greyhound is a fortunate object to see in your dream.If it is following a young girl, you will be surprised with a legacy from unknown people.If a greyhound is owned by you, it s...

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To see a grotto in your dreams, is a sign of incomplete and inconstant friendships. Change from comfortable and simple plenty will make showy poverty unbearable. ...

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This is symbolic of Christ or the sun, Ps. 19:5...

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1. If a group is observed that is controlled, not threatening in any way, the dreamer feels like he/she is accepted into the group.2. If the group is disorderly and threatening, th...

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Uncultivated, bare ground is a livelihood that is not groomed and painfully difficult; to improve, see “cultivate”; research type, i.E. Dry, muddy, etc....

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Need for unqualified love or other characteristics that are reflected in one’s grandmother. ...

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Initiation, lessons learned, completing a phase....

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To dream you are in grease, is significant of travels being enjoyed with disagreeable but polished strangers....

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To dream of general groceries, if they are fresh and clean, is a sign of ease and comfort. ...

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1. One wants to fly, to be free.2. Achieve somet hing significant. ...

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To be grateful to God Almighty in a dream means dispelling stress, gaining strength, wealth, blessings, prosperity or a good harvest. Ifsomeone in authority sees himself thanking G...

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See colours. ...

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To dream of eating gravy, portends failing health and disappointing business....

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For a person to dream of turning a grindstone, his dream is prophetic of a life of energy and well directed efforts bringing handsome competency.If you are sharpening tools, you wi...

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A symbol of “grand” authority...

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1. One is trying to change, to grow, but in a controlled way.2. One is too controlling. ...

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Mourning the loss of something. ...

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To dream that you are studying grammar, denotes you are soon to make a wise choice in momentous opportunities. ...

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A child that is considered especially “grand”...

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A warning given to avert the impending explosive action or accusation...

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1. Fear of the unknown.2. Visiting issues put to rest.3. Observing discarded portions of one’s personality.4. An at­tempt to deal with a loss. ...

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To become a grandfather in a dream means longevity or earning respect. Seeing one’s grandfather in a dream also means enjoying a happy life.A grandfather in one’s house in a dr...

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(Legendary bird, Mythical monster) In a dream, a griffin represents a haughty person, an innovator or a powerful person who disdains to follow the advice of the people of the faith...

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1- The Holy Grail is such a basic image that in dreams it can appear as something miraculous, something which fulfils our wish and allows us to move forward into our full potential...

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Dreams about Greece represent philosophy, theatre, education, spirituality and morality. You are connecting with the consciousness of great scholars, Gods and Goddesses that have g...

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Graffiti in dreams may be one way of the unconscious trying to get a message across. It may also suggest that some information we have received is inappropriate....

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Unmerited favor, gracious spirit; may be represented by a sky blue color...

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Research numbers if figurative...

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Great assurance...

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1. Hostility toward someone (from the james cagney movie where he pushes a grapefruit into his girlfriend’s face).2. Need to go on a diet. ...

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One is feeling pressure. ...

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Gray Hair

For young people, gray hair in a dream means dignity and it could mean longevity, weakness or poverty.If gray hair grows in one’s beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. S...

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(see Fruit, Vine, Wine)Eating grapes is supposed to increase the frequency of oracular dreams. Alternatively, according to folklore, eating grapes or raisins aids concentration and...

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Grocery Store

*Please See Market....

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To see a grate in your dream signifies your need to release and channel your emotions. You should not kept you feelings inside. Alternatively, this dream may represent a wasted eff...

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If you hear groans in your dream, decide quickly on your course, for enemies are undermining your business.If you are groaning with fear, you will be pleasantly surprised at the tu...

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Knife Grinder

To dream of a knife grinder, foretells unwarrantable liberties will be taken with your possessions.For a woman, this omens unhappy unions and much drudgery. ...

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Someone or something is indomitable. ...

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Signal to change the characteristics in oneself that are reflected in the character of the deceased person. ...

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