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Ice Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 33 Unique Sources About Ice

ice image

Universal Landscape: Absence of emotional warmth and fluidity.

Dreaming Lens: Where was the ice in your dream? Were you putting it to use? If so, how? Was the ice naturally occurring? Was it the result of weather conditions? Were you able to successfully maneuver over or through the ice?

Personal Focus: Water represents emotions and ice is frozen water. Symbolically, ice represents emotional content that has been dramatically altered. The resulting substance is cold and hard—adjectives that do not conjure pleasant sensations when applied to one’s emotional nature. From the world of physics, we know that ice is not created by adding cold, but rather by the loss of heat. This tells us that when ice is present, warmth has been lost or given away.

Ice can also be dangerous, especially when one must maneuver over it. An icy road has the symbolic connotation that a lack of emotional fluidity can be treacherous on your path through life. This will be the case for most dream images where ice is being formed in nature. Glaciers, ice flows, ice storms—these are all symbolic representations of the negative impact to your forward movement that results from a freezing off of your emotions.

Ice has a positive side as well. It increases the enjoyment level of many of the foods and beverages we consume and is also responsible for the invaluable process of their preservation. On the symbolic level, you should consider these constructive uses of ice. But when examined at closer range, these useful attributes are more like consequences than intentions. Ice preserves perishable materials, because in its presence, very few organisms can live and thrive. This usefulness can also be said of a person who has shut off the emotional warmth of their heart: they may feel protected from life’s occasional brutality, but only at the cost of losing life-sustaining warmth.

The Dreaming Lens will offer you insight by virtue of where the ice formed and how it impacted you in the dream. In your investigation, consider both sides of this equation. If there is danger present, then your interpretation is clear and should connect to where in your life you are withholding love, warmth, and expressiveness. If you are enjoying the value of ice in some way in your dream, you may have to probe a bit deeper for true understanding. Measure the value you are receiving against the impact and cost you may be suffering and you will be well on your way to receiving clarity about what this dream image has to offer you.


To dream of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work.

To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends.

To dream that you walk on ice, you risk much solid comfort and respect for evanescent joys.

For a young woman to walk on ice, is a warning that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

To see icicles on the eaves of houses, denotes misery and want of comfort. Ill health is foreboded.

To see icicles on the fence, denotes suffering bodily and mentally.

To see them on trees, despondent hopes will grow gloomier.

To see them on evergreens, a bright future will be overcast with the shadow of doubtful honors.

To dream that you make ice, you will make a failure of your life through egotism and selfishness. Eating ice, foretells sickness.

If you drink ice-water, you will bring ill health from dissipation. Bathing in ice-water, anticipated pleasures will be interrupted with an unforeseen event.


Ice, or water in the solid form, is associated with the emotions and the unconsciousness. Dreaming about ice suggests that you may have some emotions or denied psychological issues that are not readily accessible to you. These feelings may be negative.

(I.e. fear and anxiety about death or sexual frigidity [for some people these are one and the same, sorry, just a joke!].) Things that are frozen are generally not usable and they do not change or grow. This dream may be pointing to feelings or thoughts that are inaccessible to you or to that part of you that is inaccessible to others. Superstition based dream interpretation books tell us that sitting on ice in your dreams is a dream of the contrary. It indicates that you may have a life of comfort and prosperity (this is may be silly to some but others like to hear these type of interpretations!)


Some aspects of an ice dream are contrary omens and some are not To sit on ice forecasts comfortable living conditions, but to walk on ice is a warning of loss through speculation.

To slip, slide, or fall on ice indicates coming difficulties, whereas if you broke through the .

ice, it signifies that your greatest anxieties are groundless.

Ice seen floating in clear water (as in a brook, stream, or lake) is a sign that you will overcome jealous opposition.

Putting ice into drinks is a caution to stop wasting time, money, and energy on meaningless temporary pleasures.

Ice skating by yourself signifies recognition for work well done, but skating with a partner is a warning against indiscreet behavior or indiscriminate sex relations.

To see ice-laden trees or bushes indicates success after inexplicable delays, so don’t get discouraged, persevere!


Ice or something frozen can represent: Arrested progress or halted activity (since freezing visibly stops water’s movement).

Freedom or ease of progress (since it’s easy to slide across the ice).

Rigidity, stubbornness, or unchangeability.

Brittleness or fragility (such as of someone’s feelings or character).

A perceived risk (as in the risk of slipping on or falling through ice).

Cold-heartedness or unwelcoming.

Dormancy, a rest period, or putting something “on hold.” A wintry, icy landscape could represent hopelessness, bleakness, harshness, a temporary lack of progress in your life, or a setting for fun and adventure (depending on your feelings about it).

Consider also the context and your feelings about and relationship to the ice.

See Also: Cold, Weather, Winter, Time of Year, Condition, Decreasing, Sparkle, Freezer


To put ice into a drink indicates that perhaps the dreamer is spending too much time indulging in pleasures and not enough on practical matters. However, to be surrounded by ice, or to sit on it, implies comfortable living ahead that has been well earned.

Slipping on ice or falling through thin ice implies difficulties and obstacles ahead, while deliberately breaking through ice indicates new friendships. Remember the metaphor, “breaking the ice”?

Skating on ice alone indicates success ahead, but skating with a partner COULD mean that someone is sabotaging your efforts. Or it could mean a successful partnership.

To judge which it is, look to other symbols in the dream.


1- When we dream of ice we arc usually looking at the emotions. We are aware that perhaps we are colder than we should be, shutting off any display of warmth and compassion. We are thereby enclosing ourselves in a situation from which it may be difficult to free ourselves.

2- Ice is also a representation of rigidity, of the brittleness that comes from not understanding what is going on around us, of creating circumstances where people cannot get or be in touch with us. Depending on how the ice appears in a dream, it can indicate a state of impermanence.

3- Spiritually, ice symbolises a part of ourselves which has bccomc frozen and needs to thaw out before we can progress.


Vision: Falling on the ice: a project that was headed for success is turning had. Looking at ice crystals on the window: frustration in your love life; emotions are beginning to cool. Falling through the ice: a secret adversary wants to harm you. Seeing an iceberg: search your unconscious, the part of the iceberg that is below the surface.

See Also: Snow.

Depth Psychology: Ice and snow are a symbolic expression of loneliness and poverty. Both reflect coldness—that feelings are cooling off (either your own or another person’s). Have your feelings for someone gone cold, “turned to ice,” or have the feelings someone had for you? See Cold.


Water represents emotions, and ice is frozen water. Symbolically, ice represents emotional content that has been dramatically altered.

The resulting substance is cold and hard—adjectives that do not conjure pleasant sensations when applied to one’s emotional nature. From the world of physics, we know that ice is not created by adding cold, but rather by the loss of heat. This tells us that when ice is present, warmth has been lost or given away. Ice can also be dangerous, especially when one must maneuver over it. An icy road has the symbolic connotation that a lack of emotional fluidity can be treacherous on your path through life.


Ice, or water in the solid form, is associated with the emotions and the unconsciousness. It can represent a coldness of character, frigidity, and rigidity. Dirty, murky ice is a bad sign that augers ill feelings between friends, or plots against you from evil-minded persons who are seething with jealousy. Clear ice, especially in chunks or ‘rocks’ could mean the giving or receiving of an engagement ring. Walking on ice that makes you fear is a sign that you are ‘treading on thin ice’ in some aspect of your life and should change this before disaster strikes.


Being cold or emotionally or sexually. It depicts what is meant by the term cold shoulder, where we shut off any dis­play of warmth or compassion. It also therefore shows the dreamer as having ‘frozen assets’ in a personal sense. Icicle: frozen male sexual feelings. Iceberg: similar to ice, but may suggest frozen potential. Body locked in ice, perhaps dead: deadening of all our feeling reactions and enjoyment or moti­vation. Idioms: break the ice, cut no ice; put on ice; tread on thin ice.

See Also: cold.


To dream of walking on ice implies a tenuous situation in your waking life.

It is possible that you are feeling insecure about one particular person and it is putting a strain on your relationship.

To dream of standing on ice in bare feet suggests ‘cold feet’ and a wish to pull out of an activity you have recently agreed to participate in.

A dream of ice may be a reminder to honor your own truth, follow your heart and speak your mind.


While water can show the creative flow of feelings, the presence of ice indicates little enthusiasm and emotional rigidness. You should try to live more intensely and give warmth to loved ones. Ice warns us of the risk we run if we harden too much to the detriment of our feelings.

It is the petrification of water, which signifies a lack of life force and love.

Skating on ice predicts disasters.


1. If ice is dirty and jagged, one feels threatened.

2. If ice is clear and shapely, a diamond ring may be in one’s immediate future.

3. If one is afraid of falling through the ice, then some situation in life is threatening one.

4. Lacking emotion or feeling.

5. Thoughts are frozen.

6. Emotions are frozen.

7. If walking on ice, one is in a precarious position.

8. Keep cool.


Frozen sheets of ice metaphorically comment on frozen conditions, which create hazardous areas to move across. Ice can also represent frozen feelings that may need thawing out. Moving on an icy road can thus represent moving through a fearful experience in life ir. which you might lose control easily. Skanng on ice can represent overcoming fears gracefully or performing some risky business.


Dreams about ice often mean that you are nervous about a real life endeavor. They can also be a sign that you don’t care for someone as much as they care for you.

To dream of standing on cracking ice (or falling through ice into water), it is a warning against trying to advance at the expense of others. Also see “Skating”.


Dreaming of ice can be the result of a physical discomfort such as actually being very cold or being so warm that you are thirsty. Floating ice on a river warns the dreamer of jealous associates. Walking on ice warns of many distressing interferences. Icicles warn of despondency, perhaps temporary illness.


You are too “cool,” too distant. Frozen emotions, emotional coldness.

See Also: Iron, isolation. In rare cases, there is also the suggestion that the water (of the soul and the emotions) can be carried. Falling through the ice—danger that emotions are going to crash.


(See Also: Cold)

(1) As water may symbolize emotion, so ice may symbolize ‘frozen’ emotion, emotion paralysed by fear or guilt.

(2) Ice may be a symbol of sexual frigidity.

In either case, melt the ice by warmly embracing the repressed feelings.


Ice often symbolizes the dreamer’s emotional state.

The dreamer may not be conscious of being blocked or frozen emotionally. Falling through the ice suggests the dreamer may be “skating on thin ice” and should alter course to avoid mishap.


If you dream ol tee, it is a sign that your best beloved will do something particularly nice for you.

Hearing the dink of ice in a tumbler ^ pitcher is an Indication that some pressing problem wiii be solved to your entire satisfaction.


1. Cold personality;

2. Without love

3. No flow of the Spirit; Job 37:10; 1John 4:7.


1. Prayer;

2. Worship;

3. Praise;

4. Idol worship;

Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4; Is. 60:6; Luke 1:10-11; Jer. 1:1.


Frozen emotions and feelings, insensitivity; blocked from giving and receiving. You are on hold, immobilized, not growing. On thin ice means taking a risk; situation or relationship is uncertain.


Always a bad dream (Raphael). Probably a dream caused by unnatural chilling of the sleeper’s body, and therefore not good.


Symbolic of spiritual apathy, Rev. 3:15. Ice under your feet is symbolic of the path of wickedness, Ps. 73:18


Symbolizes a betrayed confidence. Secrets you have shared have not remained secret.

See Also: Icicles.


Dreams of ice represent frozen emotions, sexual inhibitions, insecurity and unhealed wounds.


This is always an unfortunate dream; expect many difficulties.


Lingering hardships; hard feelings


To dream of ice is a favorable omen: to the lover it shows your sweetheart is of an amiable temper, and faithful. To dream you are sliding or skating on the ice, denotes that vou will pursue some unprofitable concern, and be much worried by your engagements.


lucky numbers: 08-14-24-25-43-48

breaking through the: an association based on a common ground.

businessman dreaming of: inability to break through obstacles in affairs.

farmer: good harvesting is your job; the weather is God’s.

ladies: cannot cope adequately with own cooling emotions.

merchants: are taking a risk for improvement in business.

military men: promotion within their ranks or death on the front lines.

working people: feels bound to fol ow leaders who cannot aid him.

young people: threatening danger if unacceptable impulses are not control ed.

crystals on the window: your beautiful emotions are unrequited.

falling on the: a slight bump in your progress is a dealbreaker.

in the: a secret adversary undermines your efforts.

floating in clear water: your happiness is surrounded by jaundiced eyes.

iceberg, of an: don’t be frightened; it is al a part of your unconscious.

icicles, hanging from the eaves: distress wil soon melt, leaving new sensations.

melting and dropping water: your life is out of your control and into Mother Nature’s.

melting: frozen emotions previously restrained take form.

of many: big business prosperity freezes over, no movement up or down al owed.

refrigerator, in own: discomfort during warm weather.

running on the: restlessness, waiting for deception in love.

sliding on the: a new, exciting, fast-tracked disaster threatens.

storm: those in distress wil attempt to injure your creative effort.

vessel used to break up: make big efforts and you wil triumph.

walking with others on the: waste time and money on temporary daring.


Buying a container of ice during a hot weather in a dream means profits that will bring financial stability to one’s family, or hearing good news that will comfort and cool one’s heart. Winter’s ice in a dream means washing away one’s difficulties and trouble. It also means forcing one’s conditions upon his opponents.

A snowstorm that culminates in icy roads, freezing and impeding the traffic in a dream means economic depression and slowing of the travel industry. Ice in a dream also represents men’s endurance. Filling a pot of water to make ice in a dream means saving money, or locking a coffer.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  2. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  7. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  8. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  9. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  10. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  13. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  15. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  16. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  17. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  18. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  19. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  21. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  23. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  24. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  25. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  26. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  27. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  28. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  29. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  30. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  31. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]
  32. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]

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