Having too many responsibilities and too little time, or so many options from which to choose that you become indecisive.
What is the juggler juggling? Knives, for example, may indicate the need for extreme care and caution to avoid being hurt in your current situation. Juggling hearts could represent being torn between two or more lovers.
An extreme focus in your life on precision and timing. This focus may act as a coping mechanism during particularly trying times so that tasks get accomplished effectively (See Also: Acrobatics).
[1]Are you trying to juggle life by keeping all the balls in the air? If you juggle balls in your dream, it means that you need to keep your energy in motion, be more playful, and keep your goals and desires in balance. On the other hand, this image might also symbolize a fear of making decisions; you are too often undecided.
[2]1. The juggler may have “too many balls in the air at one time,” have too many responsibilities or be emotionally overwhelmed.
2. Ventures may have an element of risk about them (also note what objects the juggler is juggling and their potential to do harm).
3. A fear that someone is being deceptive.
[3]This dream tells you that you try to keep all matters in your life active and in order. Without a doubt, sometimes this means too much work. In this sense, it would be more advantageous to do things little by little.
Your indecision will result in failure.
[4]Symbolic of being busy or overwhelmed
[5](Conjuring, Magic arts, Sleight of hand, Tricks) In a dream, jugglery means deceit, pride, artificiality and a temptation.
(See Also: Magician)