To dream that you see a registered letter, foretells that some money matters will disrupt long-established relations.
For a young woman to dream that she receives such a letter, intimates that she will be offered a competency, but it will not be on strictly legal, or moral grounds; others may play towards her a dishonorable part.
To the lover, this bears heavy presentments of disagreeable mating. His sweetheart will covet other gifts than his own.
To dream of an anonymous letter, denotes that you will receive injury from an unsuspected source.
To write one, foretells that you will be jealous of a rival, whom you admit to be your superior.
To dream of getting letters bearing unpleasant news, denotes difficulties or illness.
If the news is of a joyous character, you will have many things to be thankful for.
If the letter is affectionate, but is written on green, or colored, paper, you will be slighted in love and business. Despondency will envelop you. Blue ink, denotes constancy and affection, also bright fortune. Red colors in a letter, imply estrangements through suspicion and jealousy, but this may be overcome by wise maneuvering of the suspected party.
If a young woman dreams that she receives a letter from her lover and places it near her heart, she will be worried very much by a good-looking rival. Truthfulness is often rewarded with jealousy.
If you fail to read the letter, you will lose something either in a business or social way. Letters nearly always bring worry.
To have your letter intercepted, rival enemies are working to defame you.
To dream of trying to conceal a letter from your sweetheart or wife, intimates that you are interested in unworthy occupations.
To dream of a letter with a black border, signifies distress and the death of some relative.
To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink, denotes that gloom and disappointment will assail you, and friendly interposition will render small relief.
If the letter passes between husband and wife, it means separation under sensational charges.
If lovers, look for quarrels and threats of suicide.
To business people, it denotes enviousness and covetousness.
To dream that you write a letter, denotes that you will be hasty in condemning some one on suspicion, and regrets will follow.
A torn letter, indicates that hopeless mistakes may ruin your reputation.
To receive a letter by hand, denotes that you are acting ungenerously towards your companions or sweetheart, and you also are not upright in your dealings.
To dream often of receiving a letter from a friend, foretells his arrival, or you will hear from him by letter or otherwise.
[1]In a dream concerning letters the meaning depends on the content If you dreamed of receiving ‘ good news in a letter, your prospects are very bright indeed; but if the letter contained anything of a disappointing or upsetting nature, it portends an approaching struggle.
Unimportant or routine letters signify financial difficulties due to overstretched credit To dream of writing a love letter is a sign of regret over a foolish love affair.
If your dream concerned destroying an unopened letter, it signals a need to make amends for a past injustice.
To dream of reading a letter addressed to someone else portends a money loss, but a dream of mailing a letter predicts unexpected good news, and a chain letter indicates an unusual new experience in the offing.
A bundle of love letters featured in your dream suggests that you would benefit from relieving your conscience of a guilty secret; filing letters or looking for letters in a file augurs an improvement in your circumstances.
A letter delivered by messenger rather than by post indicates discord in small matters; letters written in brightly colored ink signify domestic problems; and to dream of hiding a letter or finding a hidden letter is a warning against an unfaithful friend or lover.
[2]Dreaming about receiving letters, just as in daily life, usually represents receiving news, information, or messages from someone specific, from your unconscious, or from the world at large.
If you look forward to mail, this dream may have positive connotations for you. However, if you dread the envelops which typically hold the monthly bills, then this dream may have negative and anxiety provoking meaning. Typically, however, dreaming about receiving letters has positive and, at times, spiritual connotations. You may be coming into greater awareness about some aspect of your life, having new realizations, increasing self- understanding, or getting to the truth of things that concern you. Some believe that seeing many unopened letters in your dreams may represent missed opportunities.
[3]See Also: Address
1- If we receive a letter in a dream we may be aware of some problem with the person it is from.
It is possible that the sender is known to be dead, in which case there are unresolved issues with that person or the situation connectcd with them.
If we are sending a letter we have information we feel may be relevant to that person.
2- Often we dream about a letter without knowing the contents. This suggests some information which is at present being withheld.
If a particular letter of the alphabet is highlighted, we mav understand more if we can name someone with that initial.
3- Hidden information can often become acccptablc if we have made the effort to understand.
[4]Thoughts about or intuitions concerning person letter is from; unrealised feelings about sender, hopes, perhaps to have contact with person. Opening letter: realising something; receiving news; sexual intercourse. Unopened letter: unrecognised intuition, virginity. Black edged: news of or feelings about death. Idioms: French letter (condom); red letter day.
[5]Dreaming about receiving and reading a letter can indicate either our intuitions or our fantasies about what the sender thinks about us. We send letters in a dream when we want to tell someone something.
A dream letter can also be an allusion to certain idioms, from doing something “to the letter” to receiving a rejection “Dear John letter.”
[6]Vision: Writing a letter is a symbol of being too much involved in your own affairs. Receiving a letter means that the future looks very promising for your financial situation.
Depth Psychology: A letter in a dream symbolizes the intuition or insights you have concerning another person, or that you have gained more self-knowledge.
[7]Psychological / emotional perspective: Often we dream about a letter without knowing what the contents are. This suggests some information that is at present being withheld.
If a particular letter of the alphabet is highlighted, we may understand more if we can name someone with that initial.
[8]This almost obsolete form of communication is a symbolic expression of ideas being transported from one area of your consciousness to another. Such a dream may be asking you to consider slower, more restrained ways of expressing yourself.
[9]Dreams of writing a letter symbolize the expression of your true feelings.
If you dream of a venting letter, see Venting Letter.
If you dream of a particular letter of the alphabet, see A-Z.
[10]1. Messages from the unconscious need attention.
2. Virginity (an unopened letter).
3. News is in the offing.
4. Primary stage of new emotions (letters of the alphabet).
[11]In dreams, hidden and perhaps private psychic information often comes in the form of a sealed letter, which we must make the effort to understand.
[12]1. Word;
2. Letter closed/ instruction sealed;
3. Communication;
Heb. 13:22;Acts 15:23; Esther 9:26, 30; Jer. 29:1; 2 Cor. 10:11.
[13]Being connected with a loved one, news, communication with the outside world.
A message that has not yet reached your consciousness.
[14]writing a letter in a dream is symbolic of telling someone things you wanted to say but never had the chance to do so
[15]Indicating the importance of an oncoming message; research all details, i.E. Colors, return address, etc.
[16]News or information; teaching.
lucky numbers: 05-14-23-25-33-48
delivered by hand, your: your troubled conscience should redeem itself.
destroying a, of business: insurmountable obstacles confront you for lack of loyalty.
exchange, having a, of: unexpected profit from a number of exciting opportunities.
hiding another’s: beware of a fair-haired rival; a stack of overdue letters wil arrive.
love letters: frankness is an admirable quality when expended with passion.
mailing a: wil receive interesting news with little trauma.
reading a chain: unpleasant accusations from one you know is in the offing.
interesting, an: wil battle for your reputation against potential evil.
others, your: take precautions against being deceived by using simple routine information.
political: wil be assisted by a conceited, malicious person.
refuse to read a: shame, loss of social business standing.
romantic: wil forget your troubled conscience and gain your fondest desire.
receiving a: great wealth awaits you emotional y, if you al ow relief to be rendered.
anonymous, an: disagreeable, imaginative injury creates tensions in every move.
children: are embarking on a risky deal that is certain to fail.
friend: a visitor brings hopeless mistakes; identity issues harm your reputation.
relatives: wil come out wel from a present peril with sensational charges rendered.
suitor: prompt engagement, but fiancé wil lure other offers.
business: don’t rise to riot swiftly; the nasty situation wil turn in your favor.
money, with: are in the center of a heated difference of opinion.
open it with eagerness, and: a message you communicated.
put it aside: don’t want to hear the truth rewarded with jealousy.
registered, a: a breach of durable confidence through unstable finances.
receiving: the deal offered empowers your confidence in your competence.
return receipt, with a: wil not stand up to legal or ethical standards; dishonor comes.
wife or husband, from a: separation with accusations flying and reproofs stampeding.
lover: wil be slighted out of an advantageous marriage, with accusations flying.
sealing a: wil be successful in al your affairs until its contents are revealed.
sending a: be careful not to betray your secrets, yet be forthright in your offer of hospice.
business: be careful that in your warning of troubles, envy cannot be detected.
children, to: pay attention to finer details to raise the child.
fax: some element of your life demands immediate attention.
friend, to a: wil take an extensive voyage after an attempted suicide.
husband or wife, to a: regret for worry done long ago has had time to heal.
lover, to a: the air around a recent heated but friendly discussion needs to be cleared.
relatives, to: quarrels over being harassed by creditors for your debts.
shuffling out of another’s sight: where there is money, there is treachery.
suitor, to a: your intuition overcomes your enemies; don’t condemn without evidence.
tearing a: a rival wil take the affection of your sweetheart.
writing a: overinvolvement in your own point of view.
anonymous, an: cannot accept the receiver’s preeminence; destroying it won’t help.
[18](Message) Sendingor receiving a letter in a dream represents a respectable person, a rank, or a word of authority when personally delivered.
If one sends a letter addressed to someone known, exhorting him to do good and eschew evil in a dream, it means satisfying one’s needs and fulfilling one’s purpose.
If one receives a letter containing glad tidings in a dream, it means appeasing his condition, and calming his fears, whether it is bearing a son, or getting married.
If one repulses the messenger or letter carrier in a dream, it means renouncing one’s religion, or dropping one’s profession, or it could mean innovation, or that he maybe murdered.