To dream of sawing logs signifies an improvement in home conditions.
To see stacks of logs, or fallen trees in a wood, is a generally favorable omen for whatever concerns you most; logs floating in water predict a new opportunity which should not be overlooked; a logjam portends obstacles likely to be in the form of inexplicable delays; plenty of patience will be required.
A brightly burning log augurs family joy; to sit on a log is a sign of personal contentment, and a log cabin is a symbol of satisfaction through diligent hard work.
See Also: Lumber.
[1]Vision: Splitting a log: you are trying to straighten out a “blockhead,” and bring him to his senses. Stubbing your toe on a log: boorish, uncouth people have insulted you. Carrying a log on your back: you are taking on an unnecessary Burden, one that will do nobody any good.
Depth Psychology: The log stands for an unnecessary’ burden or irritating responsibility you have assumed and for which you will not be rewarded. It can also be a warning to defend yourself against the rudeness of others.
[2]1. A good omen regarding prosperity and abundance, sometimes regarding aspects of self.
2. A negative omen regarding financial matters (to cut up a log).
3. Possible wordplay on “to sleep like a log.” 4.
A good family life (to see a burning log in a hearth).
[3]Dreams of burning a log represent a slow burning passion that sustains over time.
If you are building with logs, then this dream denotes that you are creating a solid relationship or a venture that can support your dreams and desires.
[4](Burning) Having the strength to purify and cleanse areas of self that are destructive and no longer necessary in your life.
[5]1. Our faults, mistakes, or sin;
2. Flesh;
Matt. 7:3-4; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; Ps. 1:3
[6]Symbolic of hypocrisy or having problems that you cannot see, Matt. 7:5
[7]See “wood”
[8]See Also: tree
[9](Inactive, Latent, Languid) In a dream, a log represents a chronic illness, or paralysis. As for a butcher or a shoemaker, a log in a dream represents money and profits.
(See Also: Firewood)