If magic featured in your dream, you need to bear in mind the nature of your attitude towards the mysterious arts in waking life. Do you regard anything magical as evil and dangerous, or do you believe that the powers of witchcraft can be used as a force for good? Alternatively, have you been influenced by reading or watching The Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter books, in which magic can be used for both good and evil purposes? Whatever your attitude towards the magical arts in waking life, you need to bear in mind that it will influence the meaning of your dream. Whether you actually believe in magic or not, you were probably first introduced to the magical arts in childhood fairy tales; vestiges of your childhood belief will linger in your unconscious mind, surfacing now and again in dreams in which you are exposed to things you can neither understand nor explain.
For example, you may sense that someone doesn’t like you or wishes you harm; in your dreams, this person may appear as a witch or evil sorcerer.
If you are using magic in your dream to make something happen, this is pure wish- fulfillment. On the other hand, depending on whether or not you feel empowered or afraid in the dream, it can suggest that you are capable of controlling the situation you are in by utilizing your intuition.
If you had a dream in which you were standing in a magic circle, this is a symbol of protection against evil forces.
If you are using a wand or watching a witch or wizard use a wand, it is probable that the wand is a phallic symbol and conductor of energy.
Pentagrams and hexagrams are symbols of defense against outside forces and a broomstick’s significance may lie in its phallic shape, as well as in its ability to help a rider take flight. Cauldrons can denote both the womb and the mystical powers of regeneration. A hex wards off evil and spells symbolize your deepest desires or fears, depending on the nature of the spell being cast.
[1]You are relying on distraction and manipulation to get your needs met. This may or may not be a positive use of your energy; only you can decide that. At the heart of magic tricks is the power to distract and hide the true intentions of the person performing the magic trick or illusion. This has the benefit of getting a need met, but by means that are ultimately inauthentic.
The person performing a magic trick in your dream will yield some important distinctions for your interpretation.
If it is you, there may be a need to hide your true motivations.
If it is someone else, you may be being deceived by a particular choice you are making in your life.
[2]1- When we are using magic in a dream, we are using our energy to accomplish something without effort or difficulty. We are capable of controlling the situation that we are in, to have things happen for us and to create from our own needs and wants.
2- Psychologically, when there is magic in a dream it is to do with our ability to link with our deepest powers. They can be the powers of sexuality or the powers of control, or of power over our surroundings.
3- Magic has always had an appeal. This may well be due to the mystery that surrounds it, and the idea of something which is beyond our own understanding.
[3]A wish or desire.
A feeling or fear of illusion (that something “is not what it seems”), trickery, or manipulation in your life.
Acknowledgment of the existence of a higher power (or at least of something beyond your understanding).
Doing magic can represent: a desire to change or control situations or people around you, the idea of accomplishing a task so challenging that it seems “like magic.” Someone else doing harmful magic against you can represent: a feeling or fear of being disliked, victimized, or manipulated, feeling a lack of power.
See Also: Spell, Curse, Powers, Luck, Trickery, Witch
[4]To dream of accomplishing any design by magic, indicates pleasant surprises.
To see others practising this art, denotes profitable changes to all who have this dream.
To dream of seeing a magician, denotes much interesting travel to those concerned in the advancement of higher education, and profitable returns to the mercenary. Magic here should not be confounded with sorcery or spiritism.
If the reader so interprets, he may expect the opposite to what is here forecast to follow. True magic is the study of the higher truths of Nature.
[5]Might be the wish to accomplish something without effort or difficulty; desire to control situations, without knowing the underlying processes, our mind and emotions do things which appear as magic.
To the child mind in us all, growth from a cellular speck to becoming a person is pure magic. Magic also represents the power of unconscious sexuality and how it can be hurt, bewitched, or controlled.
[6]To dream of things happening by supernatural or unknown means is a sign that changes are coming in your affairs, through some unexpected source.
The ultimate result, fortunate or otherwise, will depend upon the details of your dream, but as a rule, the result will be beneficial. But the unexpected happening may mean the loss of a friend, or some event that appears at the time to be unfortunate.
[7](See Also: Circle, Divination, Incantation, Kjwts) A power greater than yourself, but one that vou seek to control.
The creative spark that unites the self to the ego, the masculine aspects to the feminine, etc.
Black magic: Using manipulation and exploitation to obtain your goals.
[8]Magic has both positive and negative connotations. Positively, magic may represent a creative mind that will “magically” achieve just what the dreamer is hoping for. Alternatively, black magic is a symbol for evil, and for getting what one wishes through underhanded “tricks.”
[9]To visualize that you are performing a magic trick is a sign that you have reached the limit of rational possibilities and you don’t know how to face the difficult circumstances around you. The “enhancement” of the magic makes you believe you can solve your problems easily.
[10]Any form of magic in a dream predicts unexpected changes.
To dream of being mystified and/or amused by a magician indicates a reunion with a long-lost friend or the rekindling of a past love affair.
[11]1. Desire to return to the happy-go-lucky times of childhood.
2. Impressed with the skill of someone else.
3. A solution to a problem that in reality seems insoluble.
[12]Magic may symbolize a power stronger than your ego: some (good or bad) unconscious force.
[13]See “witchcraft”
[14]See Also: Conjurer.
[15]lucky numbers: 01-07-11-14-32-43
being an alchemist: transform human attitudes to spirit.
casting a spell: be careful trusting one who influences you.
conjuring up: negotiation relies on skil , not solid facts.
discussing: loss of a friend who adamantly refuses to enlighten their thought.
events, being involved with unpredicted: progress in enterprises wil become evident.
of: a change wil come in your affairs when you act on your interest in the supernatural.
performing: your base qualities can become golden ones.
potion, making a: the deception of non-reality.
drinking a: wil gain fortitude and support from your destiny.
making another drink: your error in judgment cannot be relieved by others.
reading about: you keenly see an unexpected source of unfavorable news.
sorcerer, being a: are taking advantage of others, because of disil usionment.
using: careful with what you do not understand.
wizard, being a: family prosperity through your intervention.