Mankind Dream Interpretation

Mankind Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 1 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Mankind Dream Interpretation

(Conduct, Quality, Magnitude) The quality of humankind in a dream may represent the quality ofthe like creations. Thus, a beneficial bird may mean a praiseworthy person, a beast may represent the like quality in man, a harvest projecting a particular person denotes human qualities of a lesser magnitude, etcetera.

(See Also: Human being, Man)


Sources and Authors

  1. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about mankind related.


also see Maze1- On a purely practical level, the labyrinth appearing in dreams signifies the need to explore the hidden side of our own personality. With its many twists, turns and...

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Mankind in the sea of life...

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Farmer, one who walks with god, cultivating good for mankind...

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Mankind as a vessel of service; research accordingly, i.E. Plastic, clay, glass, plastic, iron, gold, silver, etc....

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Mighty defender of mankind...

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Human Being

To see one of the children of Adam (uwbp) one does not recognize in the dream perhaps may represents oneself. Ifhe does good, then it represents one’s own deeds, and if does evil...

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Intoxication without drinking wine suggest something unfavourable, for Allah Tal’aala says: you shall see mankind as drunk, yet they are not drunk: but (the truth is that) the pu...

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Venus (aphrodite)

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Collective Unconscious

Jung describes this as the inherited potentialities of human imagination.It is the all controlling deposit of ancestral experiences from untold millions of years, the echo of prehi...

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See Ball, Wreath.A symbol of wholeness, a magic defense against danger: whatever takes place within the circle has special meaning. Ghosts and demons always move in a straight line...

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Psychological / emotional perspective: Alchemy from a psychological perspective is a philosophy of the cosmos and of mankind’s place in the scheme of things.It is the refinement ...

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Because of the aztecs’ emphasis on warfare, the warrior class was highly valued, and often warriors would volunteer for the most important sacrificial rituals. These were needed ...

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Spiritually the cauldron symbolizes renewal and rebirth. Many folk tales use the symbolism of cooking to represent the making of mankind.A cauldron can also represent the womb....

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Technically the opposite of friend, a fiend is a manifestation of satan as the enemy of mankind. In dreams a fiend can symbolize the enemy within, that part of us that resists spir...

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Spiritual Dream Interpretation Guide

You were created to have fellowship with God. His plan for mankind from the beginning was that we would walk in an intimate relationship with Him. You were created to hear His voic...

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In being so similar to the human being, gorillas have represented the more frightening aspects of mankind. As time passes, we recognize familiar aspects of a somewhat undeveloped p...

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A law is an instruction or way of working deliberately laid down or fixed so a spiritual law is a universal code which works for all mankind, sometimes more accessible in dreams th...

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Psychological / emotional perspective: Mud represents the fundamental substance of life, which, handled properly, has a tremendous potential for growth but, handled badly, can be d...

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Spiritually there is a kind of innocence and purity which can often be dedicated to the service of mankind. This quality can often manifest more clearly in dreams than in waking li...

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Snake dreams, much like serpent dreams, occur when we are coming to terms with our more instinctive self. These dreams often relate to the recognition and harnessing of energies th...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation