Mat Dream Interpretation

Mat Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 9 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Mat Dream Interpretation

Vision: A braided mat: vou have created a solid foundation and have no need to worry. Lying on a straw mat: stop spending so much money, because your budget is shrinking. Looking at a green mat: circumstances are going to change for the better.


Mat Dream Interpretation

(Plaited fabric, Seat, Woven straws) In a dream, a mat represents a servant, or the court of justice. Sitting on a mat in a dream means that one will commit an act which he will regret.

(See Also: Straw mat)


Mat Dream Interpretation

To dream that a door mat has been stolen forecasts that some one will try to enter your house (Raphael). A dream obviously originating in the unrecorded observation made by the subconscious.


Mat Dream Interpretation

Mats, anywhere except in front of a door, are held to signify obstacles of a size in ratio to the size of the mat; in front of a door, they forecast unwelcome visitors.


Mat Dream Interpretation

Keep away from mats in your dreams, as they will usher you into sorrow and perplexities.


Mat Dream Interpretation

To dream of a Mat, either in a room or at the door, is held to indicate trouble.


Mat Dream Interpretation

One will have to fight to achieve something (wrestling mat).


Mat Dream Interpretation

See Also: Cushion, Doormat.


Mat Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 21-34-35-36-40-47

braided, a: your careful planning wil bring prosperity.

door, being at the: indicates trouble from unwanted visitors.

exercise: increasing responsibility over which you have no control.

green, a: a growth of circumstances conspiring to do you harm.

straw, a: warning of poverty if you continue spending.

wrestling: are overconfident in your abilities.

yoga: to stretch further in ventures, keep to actions that are supported by previous ones.


43 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about mat related.


To dream of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed.To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings.To dream of...

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1. Striking a match signifies the need to put a spark in one’s life.2. Looking for a romantic partner. ...

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To dream of matches, denotes prosperity and change when least expected.To strike a match in the dark, unexpected news and fortune is foreboded....

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One who enjoys bullish behavior...

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Research the numbers, i.E. Calculation...

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1. The need to be more precise in one’s life.2. Don’t make decisions based only on emotion. ...

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Wrestling Match

In a dream, a wrestling match means a dispute between two people, even ifit were between a man and a lion.The winner’s stand in a dream is always better than that of the loser.If...

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Boxing Match

Ability to assert yourself. Aggression.A frequent symbol for work / profession or marital situations, but it can also point to a positive fight....

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To dream of matting, foretells pleasant prospects and cheerful news from the absent.If it is old or torn, you will have vexing things come before you. ...

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Welcome Mat

See Doormat and Co-dependant....

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Bed, Mattress

Example: ‘I sit on a bed. Near me, looking at a book I am holding is a woman I know, Jane. I realise as we talk that her foot is touching mine. As my wife is on my left across th...

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Soul Mate

A soul mate is the embodiment of an idea that there is a very particular person you are fated to connect with in intimacy and partnership. As a symbol, this is really an inevitable...

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Air Mattress

Reveals a useless situation which will come to nothing...

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Research the type, i.E. Cotton, plastic, polyester, leather, etc....

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See “baby”...

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Discerning conqueror...

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Beloved, noble lady...

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The lady of authority; research the name...

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Matt, Mattie

See “martha”...

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See “matthew”...

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Gift of god...

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See “matthew”...

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1. One wants to be controlled.2. One needs a mother figure in one’s life. ...

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Prizefight (boxing Match)

1. A struggle for financial success, opportunities.2. An inner struggle, often between two conflict­ing points of view.3. A feeling that difficulties are out of control. ...

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Carpet Or Mat

A carpet or mat symbolises the material things of this world and person’s age....

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Material Gift From Allah :

If a person sees Allah giving him something pertaining to the world, it means he will soon be afflicted with sickness. It may also mean that some hardship will befall him. As recom...

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Math Teacher

(See Educator)...

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(See Yoke of matrimony)...

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(See Shovel)...

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Prayer Mat

A prayer mat in a dream represents a pious woman, or it could mean receiving a religious duty, or a spiritual appointment....

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Straw Mat

(See Carpet, Mat)...

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Yoke Of Matrimony

(See Marriage, Yoke)...

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Place Mat

Putting a place mat on the table may signify that you are welcoming someone new into your space. It may also mean that you are welcomed at someone else’s table...

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Door Mat

Dreams of a door mat represent that you’ve been allowing people to walk all over you. You are afraid of saying “No” for fear that you will not be loved. Low -worth has you pu...

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Dreams of represent your desire to meet someone special and to expand your circle of possibilities. This dream also signifies your awareness that you are connected to a m...

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Dreams of a matrix are about your awareness of the conditioning that binds you to the system you live in, whether it be your financial system, family system, or the belief system o...

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Carpet / Rug / Mat

if it was large and new, then it is interpreted upon 8 sides: glory, high standing, honor, rank, blessing, wealth, long lifetime, compliments in proportion to his importance....

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Math / Math Class

If your dream involves you or someone else doing math, or you dream about in math class, it symbolizes unsettled conditions in your life, possibly related to money, school or socia...

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Mattress Spring

Activation of dormant alter....

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If you ate it, you can expect a period of hard work with small reward.Spoiled bananas indicate disappointment in friends.See also Fruit....

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If you dreamed of eating or serving this unleavened bread, you can expect that some past kindness will be returned to you in a surprising form....

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Old Age And Maturity

As we move towards maturity, we find that we are freer to explore parts of ourselves that may have been put on hold because of family or work responsibilities. During this stage of...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation