Symbolic of being weighed down with sin, Isa. 1:4
[1]Destructive weight which symbolically belittles
[2]Increase of family.
[3]In a dream, a millstone represents a husband and a wife.
[4]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Symbolic of being weighed down with sin, Isa. 1:4
[1]Destructive weight which symbolically belittles
[2]Increase of family.
[3]In a dream, a millstone represents a husband and a wife.
[4]A mill symbolizes transformative energy, turning the crude into the usable.The two large stones that make up a millstone are said to signify will and intellect, the tools we use in...
Learn more about the meaning of Mill / Millstone1- A mill extracts what is useful from the crude material it is fed.It is this quality that is symbolised in dreams. We are able to extract from our experiences in life what is use...
Learn more about the meaning of Mi Ll / Millstone