Miser Dream Interpretation

Miser Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 13 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Miser Dream Interpretation

To dream of a miser, foretells you will be unfortunate in finding true happiness owing to selfishness, and love will disappoint you sorely.

For a woman to dream that she is befriended by a miser, foretells she will gain love and wealth by her intelligence and tactful conduct.

To dream that you are miserly, denotes that you will be obnoxious to others by your conceited bearing To dream that any of your friends are misers, foretells that you will be distressed by the importunities of others.


Miser Dream Interpretation

One who dreams of a miser counting his money will be disappointed in someone who seemed to be a true- friend or lover.

A maiden who dreams thai a miser has settled a sum of money on her will have reason to loot forward to a whirlwind courtship by a wealthy and handsome young maa.


Miser Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a miser symbolize that you are venting out your fears of loss, lack, greed, deceit, limitation, and victimization. This dream is helping you to release the negative attachments and associations you have with and about money and support.

See Also: Venting Dreams.


Miser Dream Interpretation

Unaware of own self-worth; lack, limitation. Not using talents, abilities, creative power. Selfishness through ignorance. The universe is abundant; you have only to tap its resources.


Miser Dream Interpretation

If you see a miser counting his gold, its the best dream you can have. It means you will become rich and prosperous and have a full and happy life.


Miser Dream Interpretation

An unfavourable dream, for the more you hoard, the more unfortunate you will prove in business.

It is a bad sign, particularly for those in love.


Miser Dream Interpretation

Any dream concerning a miser or miserly ways is an unfortunate omen for either love or business


Miser Dream Interpretation

Like all dreams pertaining to money or hoards, this is unfavorable (Gypsy).


Miser Dream Interpretation

Suggests that one is not as giving in life as one should be.


Miser Dream Interpretation

Revealed to prevent one from being absorbed


Miser Dream Meaning

See Also: money


Miser Dream Meaning

To dream that you are a miser, and hoarding up money, foretells affliction, either personal or relative, and probably death.


Miser Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 01-06-30-39-47-48

being a: have highly inflated your importance and are unfitted to fil your position.

with children: wil make martyrs of people.

woman: taking from men and not giving in return is not tactful conduct.

counting money near his safe: inheritance wil not come to you at the last codicil.

gloating over his money: manner in which money is obtained speaks volumes.

hoarding more money: variety of problems wil be solved without partner’s knowledge.


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