The meaning of the symbols of moving, new, home, friendly, neighbors and children seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Moving Into New Home With Friendly Neighbors Children | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Moving New Home Friendly Neighbors Children

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about moving, new, home, friendly, neighbors and children related.


To dream of newspapers, denotes that frauds will be detected in your dealings, and your reputation will likewise be affected.To print a newspaper, you will have opportunities of ma...

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To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over.To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative.For a youn...

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Dream of children sweet and fair. To you will come suave debonair, Fortune robed in shining dress, Bearing wealth and happiness. To dream of seeing many beautiful children is po...

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To see your neighbors in your dreams, denotes many profitable hours will be lost in useless strife and gossip.If they appear sad, or angry, it foretells dissensions and quarrels. ...

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1. If easy, one’s life is easy.2. If difficult, one’s life is diffi­cult.3. Desire to improve oneself. ...

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To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist. ...

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This is a classic ex- ample of contrary omen; the worse the news in your dream the better will be the news you get, and vice versa....

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Unassimilated personality traits....

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1. A return to innocence, purity.2. A new idea or project is generated.3. A need for nourishment, oxygen, usually intel­lectual (to hear a newborn cry). ...

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Reading a newspaper in a dream is good luck if the news is very exciting or distressing....

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Newspaper Reporter

If in your dreams you unwillingly see them, you will be annoyed with small talk, and perhaps quarrels of a low character.If you are a newspaper reporter in your dreams, there will ...

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A new hall, authoritative leader...

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Creative spirit...

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A new town, adventurous, creative...

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News Reporter

1. To suffer doubt, possible deception; a feeling of having been used.2. Varied and unusual travel is in the offing (to be a reporter). ...

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Coming Home

(See Arrival)...

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Dead Person Entering The Home Of A Sick Person

Either his sickness will prolong or he will die soon....

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Home Coming

(See Arrival)...

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Newborn Boy

It suggests grief and harships for the one to whome a boy is born....

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Newborn Girl

It is deemed a better dream than a newborn boy. It symbolises joy and happiness for the one who sees her....

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Entering the Sacred House in Mecca in a dream means entering one’s house as a newlywed....

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(See Broadcaster)...

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Moving Van

Symbolic of relocation ...

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Home (of My Own, A)

Home and security; but also cutting the umbilical cord; emotional independence. Pay attention to the type of house: it often is the image of your own identity, your own personality...

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Home / Apartment

Area of life.A longing for a relationship that will bring security and a feeling of belonging.A new home or apartment points to a new area in your life.It is a symbol for the inner...

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Moving Out (of Home)

Like Emigration, Giving Up / Getting Out, and Foreign Country. Moving. Changes....

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Retirement Home

See Age, Harvest. This dream symbol is often connected to an invitation for self-accep- tance—to just be, and to pursue appropriate goals....

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Moving Truck

The arrival of a moving truck at your front door may be a direct message to move out of an old environment, mentioning that a change is needed. Metaphorically, it may reflect a cha...

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Paul Newman

Known for his powerful yet sensitive leading roles. Paul Newman may represent a “new man” entering a woman’s life. In his later years he has been recognized for his generosit...

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Moving Pictures

This depends on the character of the exhibition, the omen usually follows the suggestion of the action seen on the screen....

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Home, Apartment, Dwelling

Vision: As was already mentioned earlier, dreams about a home where the doors are open always symbolize, in men’s dreams, their relationship to women.If the home is primarily fu...

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Slide (children’s)

Vision: Seeing a slide: the pleasure you are pursuing is a waste of time.The dream is also a warning: don’t get involved in “slippery “ adventures, you could end up “going...

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A newt in a dream symbolizes the power to overcome danger. This small creature has been said to put out fires and was once featured on the shields of great knights.The newt represe...

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Home (family)

If you dream of visiting your old family home you will hear some very good news.If the home itself, is in a dilapidated condition and general neglect, this then is an omen that you...

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Moving Or Removal

It is not a fortunate dream to see your furniture being Removed from one house to another It represents an obstacle.If you see everything settled in comfort before the dream ends, ...

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Home School

Dreams of home schooling may be assisting you to process your feelings and associations with the concept or the reality of home school. This dream also reflects your awareness that...

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Home Shopping Network (hsn)

Dreams of the Home Shopping Network represents a fascination with all that glitters, sales, marketing, convenience, luxury, and instant gratification.See Shop, Bling-Bling, and Ret...

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News Stand

See News or Library....

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Caravan Or Motor Home

A caravan that is static will represent temporary security on a small scale, being similar in meaning to hotel.A moveable caravan or motor home will have the same symbolism as that...

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Home Town

To see your home town in your dream, signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may finally be feeling settled and “at home” in a new environment. This dream may also ref...

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Leaving Home

If you dream of leaving home, important changes are about to take place in your life.To dream that someone else in your family is moving out, suggests that any troubles you have ha...

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Motor Home

To dream that you live in a motor home (if you don’t in real life) suggests that you need to move on with regards to some aspect of your life. You may be dwelling too much on a s...

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Moving Objects

If you dream of objects moving around by themselves, it suggests that you are feeling a lack of connection or a need to become more grounded. Also see “Telekinesis.”...

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Trailer / Trailer Home / Trailer Park

If you dreamed of a trailer home or trailer park, you can expect a complete change of circumstances. Be confident - this dream also suggests that you have have the flexible persona...

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