Oyster Dream Interpretation

Oyster Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 16 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Oyster Dream Interpretation

An oyster in your dream may have sexual connotations. It usually represents the female sex organ or, if eaten by a man, may represent his ability or desire to perform well sexually. Oysters are also considered symbols of humility and wisdom. Their meaning is associated with that of pearls.

The most negative interpretation is that the oyster represents a well guarded individual; a person who has shut himself off from others. Attempt to connect some of these ideas to your emotional life and overall experiences and keep in mind the setting, context and outcome of the dream. When considering the interpretation of feeling pain in your dream, first look at you physical health.

If you are feeling pain in your daily life, it may carry over into your dream state. Additionally, if the pain is emotional in nature, question the painful feelings and attempt to identify their source.

The dream state is usually a safe way to experience negative feelings with which you may not want to deal.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

An oyster may be a sexual symbol, representing the vagina.


Pain felt in a dream may have a physical cause (though to what extent any pain is purely physical in origin is debatable: perhaps pent-up emotion is the root of all pain). Otherwise, it may express emotional deprivation. Where is the pain? It may be that what is associated with that part of the body (e.g. self-expression, associated with the throat) has not been allowed adequate expression. But there is no simple one- to-one correspondence between part of body and type of emotion: for example, any emotional blockage may cause pain in the chest; and the same applies to the belly - where we must not assume that pain invariably indicates unfulfilled sexual desire.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

1- The oyster is reputed to be an aphrodisiac food. In dreams it can therefore represent the sexual act or anything associated with sex.

2- The oyster is almost unique because of its ability to transform a grain of sand into a pearl.

It is this quality which tends to be brought to notice in dreams to demonstrate how we can change an irritant into something beautiful.

3- The oyster represents spiritual transformation. We can build on negative qualities in our lives without trying to eradicate them completely.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

To dream of eating oysters symbolizes the placing of sensual pleasures above wisdom. In your attraction to someone, or your desire for material goods, you may lose your senses and morality in your attempt to indulge your desires.

If you saw oysters but did not eat them, you are confident without being conceited, but you may tend to be a bit distant from others.

A dream of oyster shells foretells that you will be frustrated when your attempt to get something that belongs to someone else, does not work out.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are eating oysters signifies that you will lose all your senses and morality in the pursuit of low pleasures and indulgences. To see oysters in your dream symbolizes beauty, wealth, wisdom, and a laid-back atmosphere. On the other hand, dream oysters can also represent shyness or social anxiety, reflecting your inner fears of anything new or of having to interact with others. It can also indicate the wisdom gained from deep introspection and the resolution of inner conflicts.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

Opening oysters in your dream is a warning that you have misplaced your confidence and are in danger of being cheated by someone you trust; reconsider any dealings you might be contemplating with friends.

Eating oysters is a sign of good luck in love affairs, but if your main concern is business, this dream suggests that you will have to be more energetic and/or aggressive in asserting yourself if you want to succeed.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

Dreams of an oyster represent a tough shell to protect your insecurities, or an aphrodisiac, and your sexual thoughts and feelings. Keep in mind that a pearl is formed by sand that irritates the oyster, which symbolizes that our most painful moments are what yield our greatest life lessons and wisdom. Consider the feeling tone of this dream to discern its meaning for you.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

(See Also: Seashell)

Because of the chance of finding a pearl here, a type of treasure dream.

The shell of this creature equates to ainnor or obstacles to intimacy 7 .

Life’s little irritations helping you to develop wisdom and patience. Pearls in an oyster are actually formed due to the irritation in the skin caused by a grain of sand or dirt.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Practically, the oyster is reputed to be an aphrodisiac food; in fact, this is because of its high zinc content, which affects the production of semen.

For this reason a dream about oysters may be highlighting fertility issues. In dreams, as nowadays they can be expensive, they may well also represent the act of seduction.


Oyster Dream Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream oysters may signify seduction, but can also suggest sacrifice. Hypatia, an alexandrian mathematician and philosopher, was flayed to death by christians using oyster shells in 415 ce for her beliefs. In a man’s dream, oysters themselves may symbolize his own sexuality.


Oyster Dream Meaning

Psychological / emotional perspective: The oyster symbolizes our ability to make use of difficulty and negativity and create a new positive focus. In dealing with an irritant we are able to protect ourselves from further harm.


Oyster Dream Meaning

Symbolizing pearls of beauty, wealth, or wisdom, the oyster can also symbolize sexual arousal. In a dream the oyster may represent something of great value to be “shucked” in one’s waking hours.


Oyster Dream Meaning

Clamming up emotions; patient endurance of suffering ensures greatness; see “pearls”


Oyster Dream Meaning

Closed off; hiding from beauty within the self (pearl).

See Also: Clam.


Oyster Dream Meaning

Love, romance, something of great worth


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