Reptiles Dream Interpretation

Reptiles Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 8 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

See Also: Animals

1- Reptiles in dreams link with our basic and instinctive reactions and responses. WTien there is a basic urge such as a need for food, sex, etc. - we sometimes cannot face it full on, but will symbolise it as a reptile.

2- When there is a need to understand why we do things, we first need to control our basic drives. Many reptilian dreams arc about control or management. Control of a crocodile would suggest some fear of an aggressive nature. Feeding a lizard or stroking a snake can be very simply interpreted.

3- With understanding of the basic urges and the way to manage them we can create a firm foundation. From there we can progress spiritually.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

To dream of reptiles indicates that we are looking at the more frightening lower aspects of the personality.

The unfeeling, inhuman aspect of the instincts, usually recognized as being destructive and alien, is often portrayed by reptiles and other cold-blooded animals. We may have no control over these instincts, and could, therefore, be easily ‘devoured’ by them. We learn to understand deceitful behaviour. Though we are afraid of death or the death process, we recognize that we must go through a process of change in order to be reborn.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

Reptiles symbolize the most primitive, voracious, and slippery aspects of your personality: your base instincts. The cold bloodedness of these animals is synonymous with the lack of emotion and consideration for others. In the case that you dream that a reptile devours you, it means that your instincts are dominating your actions. On the contrary, if you defeat a reptile, it is a sign that you are fighting to dominate your base aspects.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

Reptiles in dreams are as dangerous as in real life.

To see one snake denotes arguments. Two snakes warn that two friends or associates may deceive the dreamer. Various kinds and numbers of reptiles, convicting obstacles. Reptiles, especially the snake, are representative of the male reproductive organ. So it is argued that the snake in a dream is indicative of a man and his power.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: When there is a need to understand why we do things, we first need to control our basic drives. Many reptilian dreams are about control or management. Control of a crocodile would suggest some fear of an aggressive nature. Feeding a lizard or stroking a snake symbolizes taking care of our natural basic urges.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Reptiles in dreams link with our basic and instinctive reactions and responses. When there is a basic urge – such as a need for food, sex, etc. – We sometimes cannot face it full on, but will symbolize it as a reptile.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

With understanding of the basic urges and the way to manage them we can create a firm foundation. From there we can progress spiritually.


Reptiles Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-08-16-32-34-36

being bitten by a: business is going fine, but rivals are out to destroy your family.

relatives: people are slandering your name, slander theirs.

catching a live: people are gossiping against you, prove them wrong.

crocodile, a: a powerful adversary is submerged, ready to emerge from hiding.

dying from the bite of a: are surrounded by enemies, punt.

having a, in a cage: wil win at gambling, but not the high stakes.

others: be cautious in business affairs as finances are in jeopardy.

killing: deal with treacherous people before they damage you.

many, in the woods: are too egotistic to believe enemies would lie in wait for you.

of: have hidden enemies who would cause your partner to deceive you.

REQUEST 05-06-24-26-29-36

receiving a: wil be put under interrogation for your success.

for money: have sufficient competency to live above penury; review your priorities.

from several women: wil suffer humiliation for exceeding your expectations.

requesting things from others: you expect too many favors from others.

mates, of each other: relationship is on shaky ground; sharing was not part of the deal.


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