Vision: The rhinoceros is a warning: use good sense and don’t rush headlong toward your goal. In a man’s dream, the rhinoceros means that he would like to have more sexual stamina.
Depth Psychology: While this animal is a symbol for external power and might, its insides do not match its imposing appearance. Does this also apply to you? Do you feel inferior to people who are as imposing as the rhinoceros? Either way, ambition or feelings of inferiority could be a problem in sexual relationships and need to be addressed.
[1]Well protected or shielded (physically, emotionally, or mentally).
Determination and follow-through.
A show of strength (or even overreaction) in response to provocation.
Lacking delicacy, gentleness, or diplomacy.
Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.
Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.
See Also: Animal, Hippopotamus
[2]A rhino brings the message to charge ahead in order to break through the barriers that are in the way of achieving your goals. It may call you to incorporate a more aggressive method or attitude to get the job done. Rhino never takes no for an answer, achieving results through his sheer brute force.
[3]To dream of a rhinoceros represents a firm standing about a matter at hand. You know what you want and you will not take no for an answer. Stay focused and persistent in pursuing your goals. You also need to display increased drive in your endeavors.
[4]Seen in his native surroundings this fellow is a warning against carelessness in meeting your obligations; but if he was in captivity or in a zoo, the dream suggests that you will have a social benefit due to your sexual prowess.
[5]Dreams of a rhinoceros are a message that you have the power to move mountains. Your dream may be giving you the message to make sure that you are channeling your power in the direction of what you really want to manifest.
[6]This animal predicts that, by patient attention to your present work, you will reach the goal toward which you are aiming, If you dream of killing one, the dream is just that much more auspicious.
[7]To dream that you see a rhinoceros, foretells you will have a great loss threatening you, and that you will have secret troubles.
To kill one, shows that you will bravely overcome obstacles.
[8]1. Business matters and activities.
2. An aggressive personality, highly focused, straightforward and seemingly impenetrable.
3. Sexual energy, prowess, usually male.
[9]Success in business affairs, but delays and disillusion to those in love.
[10]A “thick-skinned” person who is unaffected by the negative
[11]To dream of this East India animal, denotes success to the man of business, but disappointment in love matters; but to dream they injure you is unfavorable to the dreamer. If you dream you see one dead, you'll soon leave a relative.
[12]lucky numbers: 04-05-07-14-27-32
cage at a zoo, in a: disil usionment for those in love, in your revealed secrets.
fighting: someone is seeking revenge upon you; block them with your chaos.
killing a: appearances do not reveal the whole man.
of a: use steady powerful common sense when faced with the work jungle.
[13]In a dream, a rhinoceros represents a great king or a powerful ruler.
If one sees himself milking a rhinoceros in a dream, it denotes money one may earn from such a great person. Riding a rhinoceros in a dream means rising above such a ruler, or it could mean betraying him.