Depending on its size and shape, this can be an emblem of leadership (e.g., “speak softy and carry a big stick”).
Freudian: An alternative phallic symbol.
A metaphorical message to perk up and stop being a “stick-in-the-mud.”
The type of wood, its shape, and how it is used or seen in the dream will further delineate this image for you.
For example, a piece of hazel wood with a forked end may symbolize improved divinatory talents or the ability to empathically “douse” out a situation (See Also: Divination), as this wood was traditionally used for water- witching.
[1]A part of a greater whole (since a stick is part of a tree).
A tool or means of accomplishing a desired task.
Being or feeling nudged to do something.
A stick that has fallen off of a tree might represent: an ending or new beginning, something in your life (such as a person, situation, object, phase, or project) that you feel you’re finished with.
A stick used as a weapon could represent a feeling or fear of aggression.
See Also: Branch, Leaf, Tool, Weapon
[2]Dreams of a stick can represent anger and a desire to protect yourself against a real or imagined threat.
A stick also signifies intimidation, and that perhaps you are being overly forceful in your negotiations. Also, a stick can be a phallic symbol, which represents aggressive sexual feelings. Consider the feeling tone of this dream, to determine its significance for you.
[3]The stick is an instrument of power and, therefore, a symbol of wealth and action.
If you see yourself holding firmly to a stick in your dream, the scene suggests that you have decided to get to work to resolve a problem; if, however, you are hit with one, the scene could announce conflict due to a lack of initiative.
[4]A symbol of the “rod of correction”; if used as a walking stick, a symbol of physical weakness
[5]A stick may be a phallic symbol, or a symbol of power or authority.