Telephone Dream Interpretation

Telephone Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 29 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Telephone Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: Direct communication with a buffer of safety.

Dreaming Lens: Did the phone ring or did you initiate the call? Were you using the telephone or did you need to and could not? Was someone else using it? If so, was that an obstacle for you? Were you waiting for the phone to ring? Was the phone ringing off the hook or silently hung up? Was it a pay phone, cell phone, new, antique, large or small phone?

Personal Focus: Most people in the Western world are accustomed to the instant gratification of picking up the telephone to contact people with whom we want to speak. In a dream, this points to the need or desire to communicate, with the added texture of ease and immediacy.

The most powerful element of a telephone is the ring. We are conditioned to respond to that sound with a visceral and instantaneous reaction. The feelings elicited by this run the gamut from relief and excitement to dread, depending on who we think may be calling. Hearing a phone ring can be a sign that some part of your psyche is attempting to get in touch with your conscious awareness. Wanting or wishing it to ring may connect an area of your life where you need some information. Whether it is reassurance you crave, validation of some kind, or the solution to a problem that requires insight that has yet to occur to you, your hope with regard to who is calling will let you know what it is that you need.

Being involved in a conversation on the phone implies that various aspects of your personality are collaborating in some fashion. Whom you are speaking with will offer insight into what qualities within you need to be consulted at this time in your life. The nature of the conversation will, of course, reveal a great deal of data for an accurate interpretation. Hanging up connects to the desire for control. If this is the case, notice how politely or abruptly this is done, as this can reveal the level of defensiveness you may be expressing.

An important perspective to consider when a phone is being utilized for communication is the absence of a face-to-face connection. The physical distance that a telephone allows may imply the presence of vulnerability and fear around an issue in your life. Using a phone rather than connecting in person could indicate a number of darker motivations, such as a lack of authenticity, the need to avoid, or a deception in the works. On the lighter side, a telephone can unite loved ones separated by distance. If this is the case in a dream, it could represent that integration is taking place between aspects of your personality.

If you remember a telephone number from a dream, there may be some meaning to explore through using the meaning of numbers. Add up all the digits you can remember until you get to a final, single digit between one and nine.

See Also: Numbers for an interpretation of the numerology being revealed.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

To see, hear or speak on a telephone in your dream, signifies a message from your unconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues which you have tried to avoid.

To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone your know, signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself.

To dream that you do not want to answer the ringing telephone, indicates lack of communication. There is a situation or relationship that you are trying to keep at a distance.

If you can’t reach someone on the phone in a dream, you must listen to your inner voice more closely for your life to move on the way it should.

If you dreamed about hearing static on a telephone line, you need to pay closer attention to what people tell you. This dream also suggests that you are feeling left out of things.

To dream that you have trouble hearing over your phone suggests that you are the center of some malicious gossip.

To dream of a broken telephone means there could be some rumors going around about you. It also symbolizes a breakdown in communication between you and a person or group in your real life. Also see “Caller I.D.”, “Message”, “Pay Phone”, “Prank Phone Call”, “Telephone Book”, “Telephone Charger” and “Telephone Number”.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

Vision: The telephone says a lot about your personal “connections.” A telephone ringing: yrou will “get the message” about a certain matter. Are you calling long-distance? Are you told the number has been disconnected? Both possibilities are a sign of relationship problems. Being unable to make a connection means that—in real life—vou “can’t connect” either! Hearing a phone ring: you will soon get a negative reply or cancellation. Having a positive conversation on the phone: expect an important contract.

The party you are calling is not answering: you made arrangements for a meeting, but the other party will not show up. Hearing the phone ring in your sleep but you are not answering: you are afraid of your innermost feelings or denying them.

Depth Psychology: The telephone reflects your personal relationships and your contact with your unconscious. Are you feeling lonely? Do you receive few or no phone calls during the day? The rest of the dream symbols are very important because they may give you useful insights or helpful hints.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

1- Using a telephone in a dream suggests the ability to make contact with other people and to impart information we feel they may need. This could actually be communicating with someone in our ordinary everyday lives, or with a part of ourselves with which we are not totally in contact.

Being contacted by telephone suggests there is information available to us which we do not already consciously know.

2- When we are aware of the telephone number we are ringing, it may be the numbers that arc important (See Also: Numbers).

We also may be aware of the need to contact a specific person who we can help, or who can help us.

If we arc searching for a telephone number we are having difficulty in co-ordinating our thoughts about our future actions. Using the telephone suggests a direct one-to-one relationship.

3- Because communication via the telephone suggests that we are not able to see the recipient, using the telephone in a dream can signify communication with Spirit or with Guardian Angels.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

(See Also: Answering Machine, Conversations)

Matters of communication and effective speech.

News or messages from your Higher Self, others, or the Universe.

Endlessly ringing: Overlooking or misconstruing the signals you’re receiving.

Out of order: Closing yourself off from communication or socialization with a large group of people. This situation may have been by personal choice, or something that was caused circumstantially.

A telephone left off its hook indicates not wishing to listen, often to a specific person.

The question here is whether or not turning a deaf ear is the right solution to your problem.

Dialing a phone in your dream and always getting a busy signal implies that other people always seem too busy to listen to your ideas or problems.

Being put on hold represents people or situations inhibiting free discourse in some way, including the constraints caused by propriety and societal expectations.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

The telephone embodies communications with your loved ones. Therefore, the conversation in the dream reflects the quality of your relationship with the person in question. On the other hand, dreaming that you do not respond to the telephone despite its insistent ringing reveals that you are ignoring the advice of your subconscious. You should be attentive to what it communicated to you, because it could contain a lot of information about your fears and hopes.

Many people believe that dreaming of a telephone call is a sign of good luck, as is announces advantages in business. However, if it is you who is making the call, and important appointment will be postponed. Long distance calls foretell happiness.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are aware of the telephone number we are ringing, it may be the numbers that are important. We also may be aware of the need to contact a specific person who we can help, or who can help us.

If we are searching for a telephone number we are having difficulty in co-ordinating our thoughts about our future actions. Using the telephone suggests a direct one-to-one relationship.

The type of phone will also have relevance; an old-fashioned one suggests ancient ideas or concepts.

A modern up-to-date digital or mobile phone indicates we are easily able to make ourselves understood in various situations.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

Desire or attempt to communicate; attempt to make contact with an aspect of oneself or someone else. Dreamer not answering phone: avoiding contact or communi­cation; someone is trying to get through’ to you. No reply to dreamer’s call: feeling someone is out of contact with you, not aware of your feelings. 999 call: Probably a crisis in your relationship or life; reaching out for help, moral dilemma. Telephone number: if it is of someone known, most likely an attempt to communicate with that person—see numbers.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

Telephone calls from a specific person, living or dead, implies a telepathic message from that person.

If the person is living, the dreamer should hear from him or her within a very short time.

If the dreamer is making a phone call, she wants to tell someone something but is holding back out of fear.

A telephone that is not being used indicates that the dreamer is holding back from making a contact that needs to be made. Astrological parallel: Mercury/Uranus combinations Tarot parallel: The suit of wands


Telephone Dream Interpretation

(1) A telephone ringing may mean your unconscious has something important to tell you.

(2) Are you afraid to answer it? That may mean you are afraid of hearing messages from your unconscious; or afraid of other people - in which case you urgently need to listen to your unconscious, in order to discover and deal with the cause of the phobia.

(3) Arc you just afraid of using the telephone? That may mean you are frightened of getting something off your chest. Why are you frightened?


Telephone Dream Meaning

Staying connected with others is at the heart of this symbol, which is rapidly becoming an obsolete item as more and more people abandon their telephones for the portable benefit of the cell phone as their only means of connection. No matter what form the phone takes, the meaning of communication and instant gratification applies.

If every person in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer, the phone is the power of the connectedness of thought.

(See Also: Cell Phone.)


Telephone Dream Meaning

W&king up to the ring of a telephone in a dream may mean that someone is trying communicate something telepathically to you through the dream state.

If you are in the middle of having a conversation with someone and the phone suddenly goes dead, this may indicate frustration about being cut off by someone Dialing a wrong number may represent that your perceptions of someone are wrong or that you are approaching the wrong person for what you need.


Telephone Dream Meaning

Material aspects: Using a telephone in a dream suggests the ability to make contact with other people and to impart information we feel they may need. This could actually be communicating with someone in our ordinary everyday lives, or establishing contact with a part of ourselves. Being contacted by telephone in dreams suggests there is information available to us at some level of awareness that we do not yet consciously know.


Telephone Dream Meaning

Frequent dream for men, suggesting good connections. It also symbolizes contact with the other side of the self. Important is whether you have reached your party or not. Not reaching the other party could be a sign of difficulty in making / maintaining contact. Once the “busy signal” is removed, the dreamer can improve communication with the outside world. Pay attention to the style of communication, especially in relationships.


Telephone Dream Meaning

To dream of a telephone, foretells you will meet strangers who will harass and bewilder you in your affairs.

For a woman to dream of talking over one, denotes she will have much jealous rivalry, but will overcome all evil influences.

If she cannot hear well in conversing over one, she is threatened with evil gossip, and the loss of a lover.


Telephone Dream Meaning

1. A message is coming through from one level to the next, possibly the unconscious to the conscious or the heart to the mind.

2. Telepathic communication.

3. Difficulty in trying to communicate (to make a call).

4. Someone relaying an important message, guidance (to receive a call).

5. Delays, postponement.


Telephone Dream Meaning

If you are making a call, you are asking for help or understanding in a certain situation; or it is necessary for you to do so in order to gain clarity.

If someone is calling you, it usually represents your guidance trying to get your attention with an important message. Look at any telephone dreams closely.


Telephone Dream Meaning

In our dreams the telephone could be a symbol with which we are expressing a desire to communicate with ourselves and with others. Our unconscious and/or intuition may be trying give us messages that we have been unwilling to listen to.

If you don’t want to answer the ring, ask yourself why?


Telephone Dream Meaning

Because communication via the telephone usually means that we are not able to see the recipient, using the telephone in a dream can signify communication with spirit or with guardian angels. You might also like to consult the entries for angel, communication and numbers for further information.


Telephone Dream Meaning

The telephone is a symbol of communication with multiple meanings.

If the dreamer is not available, does not want to answer the ringing telephone, or hangs up it may indicate that communication from the unconscious is being ignored.


Telephone Dream Meaning

Rivals in love are predicted by a dream of talking over the telephone.

Having difficulty in understanding what is said over the telephone is an augury of lovers’ quarrels and apossi, ble broken engagement.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are talking on the telephone denotes a wish to increase your resources.

If you hear the ring of the telephone, someone, long absent, would like to talk you.


Telephone Dream Meaning

To dream of using a telephone is a warning that you have rivalry where you least expect it If your dream featured a telephone which was out of order, it portends sad news.


Telephone Dream Meaning

Talking over the phone; a warning of jealousy from someone close to you.

If you can’t hear the person on the other end; trouble with a lover.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

1. Communication with God in prayer; Gen. 23:8 .


Telephone Dream Meaning

See Also: Room. House & Accessories.


Telephone Dream Interpretation

See Also: Phone.


Telephone Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 04-09-10-26-36-42

being without a: balance and confidence so you control what you do.

can’t reach child by: what message do you not understand?

deceased person: wil inherit a smal sum of money from an old friend.

friend: boredom is difficult to rise out of when you continue to be boring.

lover/mate: are trying too hard to gain their attention.

parent: are slipping into an apathetic state even a parent could not love.

desperately trying to get through: frustrated at not being able to state your opinion.

dialing 911: your difference of opinion is seriously jeopardizing your relationships.

incorrect number: others would not know about it, until you accused them of it.

odd: are ignoring communications from your unconscious.

wrong: change direction; differences of opinion are seriously jeopardizing your love.

hanging up the: who on the other end of the other line do you wish to avoid?

interference with the: rivals wil talk much to persuade others against you.

making a, call: whomever you are thinking about needs you.

and no answer: are not getting your point across.

receiving: postponement of a date for you to sort out your problems.

not answering a ringing: are marrying or are married to the wrong person.

party won’t answer: someone is crying for your support, but the relationship is over.

hangs up on you: mate knows he wil become your ex.

pick up, but no one speaks: confront your feelings or a telemarketer.

receiving a, message: are less observant than you should be.

talking long distance on the: your curiosity wil be satisfied.

wrong, connection: cal er wants you out of his life.

wrong party, get: you feel for someone other than your mate.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  2. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  5. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  6. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  8. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  10. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  11. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  12. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  14. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  15. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  16. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  17. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  18. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  21. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  22. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  23. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  24. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  26. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  27. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  28. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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