The meaning of the symbols of thrown seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


A Two Dead Body Thrown In The Body Of Water But It Keeps Coming Back Where It Was Thrown | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Thrown

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about thrown related.


To dream of a donkey braying in your face, denotes that you are about to be publicly insulted by a lewd and unscrupulous person.To hear the distant braying filling space with melan...

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Dreams involving horses can carry various meanings depending on the context and details of the dream. Horses often symbolize power, freedom, and success but can also indicate chall...

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Vision: Seeing dirt in a dream, stepping into it, or getting dirt thrown at you is a clear sign of good fortune knocking at your door.See Mud....

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also see Circle in Shapes1- A wheel in a dream indicates the ability and need to make changes to move forward into the future without being thrown off course.2- To lose a wheel fro...

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As rice feeds half the world’s population, it represents the sustenance of life. Rice thrown at a wedding symbolically blesses the mamage with health, wealth, and happiness.It is...

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(Green garments) Seeing paradise and not entering it in a dream means glad tidings of a blessed deed one will perform. Only an equitable person may see it, not an unjust person. Sh...

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1- In dreams, salt highlights the subtle qualities we bring to our lives, those things we do to enhance our lifestyle. It has been suggested that if the water was removed from the ...

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also see Plants1- Weeds are generally plants which grow on waste ground and their symbolism in dreams reflects this. Thev mav indicate misplaced trust, misplaced energy or even mis...

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Having too much mental clutter, or scattering attention in too many directions. In a dump: Feeling literally “dumped on” by others or circumstances. Alternatively, being surro...

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Performing On Stage

Life can often feel like a performance. In this way, dreaming of this image indicates that your unconscious is expressing a sense of your current life as being under public scrutin...

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To dream that you accuse any one of a mean action, denotes that you will have quarrels with those under you, and your dignity will be thrown from a high pedestal.If you are accused...

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To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work; to the farmer, an abundant crop; favorable indeed to women. Cold, or small, favors may be expected from those...

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To dream of baptism, signifies that your character needs strengthening by the practice of temperance in advocating your opinions to the disparagement of your friends.To dream that ...

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To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to ...

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To dream of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens are about to be thrown upon your shoulders; but if you succeed in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpl...

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To dream of a jockey, omens you will appreciate a gift from an unexpected source.For a young woman to dream that she associates with a jockey, or has one for a lover, indicates she...

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To dream of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all.To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment an...

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To dream of marching to the strains of music, indicates that you are ambitious to become a soldier or a public official, but you should consider all things well before making final...

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If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you.If a youn...

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To dream of shearing them, denotes a season of profitable enterprises will shower down upon you.To see flocks of sheep, there will be much rejoicing among farmers, and other trades...

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