A tumor forms when cells divide faster than is considered normal. In this way, a tumor is a symbolic representation of the damage that can occur when things are allowed to get so chaotic as to be completely out of control. Over time, such chaos can lead to drastic consequences, and the damage may be done long before it is discovered.
A tumor in a dream represents something that has been going on under the surface for a while but that is now demanding attention to be healed.
[1]A personal issue that you feel you need to deal with.
Something that’s “eating at you” or gradually encroaching on you.
A dynamic within your consciousness that you’d benefit from releasing (such as a judgment or self-defeating belief).
Something problematic you’ve been holding onto, avoiding, denying, or ignoring a long time (such as a relationship issue or work-related problem).
[2]Its interpretation is similar to that of ABSCESS. It indicates an interior or exterior burden that makes you heavy and resentful. It tends to be a distressing dream in that you see your body deformed or grossly exaggerated. It would benefit you to analyze your life to discover what is bothering you so much and to be able to solve it in the most appropriate manner.
[3]To dream that you or someone else has a tumor, suggests that some repressed memory or feeling remains unsettled and is threatening to emerge into your consciousness. You need to confront these issues. Consider where in the body is this tumor is located for additional symbolism.
[4]Dreams of a tumor signify negativity and disempowering beliefs that have become stuck within you. This dream is a wake up call to heal past traumas and shocks to your body, mind an soul. Keep in mind that you cannot heal what you cannot feel.
[5]1. Repressed emotions emerging.
2. Once small annoyances are becoming an issue.
3. Possible illness.
4. Forgotten event or wound needs to be addressed.
[6]If literal, it needs to be checked out; see “diagnosis”; figuratively, it is an undesirable and unnatural attachment, foreign to one’s spirit
[7]To dream of a cancerous tumor may be a warning to pray for healing for someone or a metaphor for unwanted habits in your life
[8]Need to change a belief system that is not healthy for your growth.
See Also: Cancer.
[9]A strange omen of contrary signifying new and interesting responsibili- ties.
[10]lucky numbers: 12-19-27-28-35-39
having a, on the neck: take advantage of good luck when it comes.
children: family wil be bothered by undermining annoyances.
in the throat: your reluctance to change your opinions to the truth you now know.
on the waist: unhappiness caused by an inheritance.
others: wil meet the beautiful wife of a friend.
[11](Abscess, Boil, Ulcer.
See Also: Pimple)