Wild animals in dreams represent our basic instincts and urges such as lust, fear and anger - the deep emotions that we are taught to repress.
• Dreams provide a safe outlet for exploring these deeper feelings. Taming a wild animal indicates a need to control your instincts.
• To understand the individual meaning of your dream, explore the specific characteristics of the particular wild animal you dream of.
For example, bears are about the need for strong boundaries and lions represent our strength and courage.
[1]Usually wild animals stand for danger, dangerous passions or dangerous people. There is a destructive force arising from the unconscious, threatening our safety. Such a dream may be a way of helping us understand and highlight particular anxieties.
Dreaming of domesticating wild animals shows that we may have come to terms with our wilder, more unrestrained side.
[2]To dream that you are surrounded by a number of wild animals in a travelling exhibition, is an indication that you will be subjected to some very unpleasant persecutions from one from whom you expected different treatment.
[3]If the males thereof are seen in the dream with no desire to hunt them, they represent such people who have no Deen; they have alienated themselves from the Muslim community so as to follow their own whims and fancies.