Woman Dream Interpretation

Woman Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 24 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Woman Dream Interpretation

Example: 41 gave birth to a baby girl I named Char­lotte. I had mixed emotions about this, uncertainty, excite­ment. I wanted to share the news with my friends. I phoned one, a woman in Australia. I told her with enthusiasm, but she listened quietly and remained silent. I felt uneasy, then she said “We lost Luke”—her son—”the week before.” I then woke with muddled feelings’ (Mo).

A woman in a woman’s dream: an aspect of herself, but often a facet of herself she is not immediately identifying with.

The above example helps make this plain. Mo explored her feelings about the dream characters. It all fell into place when she asked herself what she had ‘lost’ recently. She had left a lover of some years’ standing. This gave her a lot more free­dom and new opportunity, depicted by the baby, but also muddled feelings of loss. Her Australian friend represents her feelings of grieving for the death’ of her relationship. Her muddled feelings arise because she both loves the new life which opens up, but grieves for the death of her romance.

A woman’s sister, female children: particularly used to rep­resent herself.

The character of the dream woman, loving, angry, businesslike, lazy, sexual, gives a clue to what pan of the dreamer it is referring to.

If the dream woman is a person known well, the above can still be the case, but the woman may represent what the dreamer feels about that person.

A woman younger than the dreamer oneself at that age.

An older woman: could be the dreamer’s mother, her feelings about aging, her sense of inherited wisdom. Two women and the dreamer, conflicting feelings or drives. One woman, one man: behaviour patterns arising from parental relationship.

A goddess or holy woman, the dreamer’s highest potential; what she is capable of but may not yet have lived.

Man dreaming of a woman

Example: ‘On a raised mobile platform a goddess stood. I loved her and flew to her, skim­ming above the heads of the people. I calked to her. She told me the only love I could receive from her was that which I gave to a human woman. Inasmuch as I gave love to a human female, she would love me. She was all women’ (Andrew P).

The example shows Andrew meeting his archetypal concep­tion of a woman, his ideal. But he understands that you can­not love an ideal. His love must find a real woman. Through a real love he would call love from out of himself, out of his unconscious reserve.

In a man’s dream: his present relationship with his own feelings and intuitive self; his sensitivity and contact with his unconscious through receptivity; or how he is relating to his female partner.

The latter is especially so if the woman in the dream is his partner, how capable he is of loving a woman.

An old woman, usually the dreamer’s mother.

The woman, because she is his feelings, is obviously also his sexual desires and how he meets them.

A younger woman: can depict his desires for a woman of that age, or his more vulnerable emo­tions. Two women and the dreamer: an ‘eternal triangle’; con­flicting feelings.

If one woman and one man: pattern of be­haviour developed in relationship with parents.

The conditions or situations of the woman, see under ap­propriate entries, such as illness; murder, swimming; etc.

See Also: anima, the Great Mother under archetypes.


Woman Dream Interpretation

1. Church;

2. The Holy Spirit;

3. Israel;

4. Spiritual mother;

• Godly Woman

- The Holy Spirit; /An angel;

• Old Woman

- Person of the flesh/Church history; Prov. 8:1-2, Eph. 5:25, 27, 31-32; (3) 2 Tim. 1:5.

Take note Also take the prophecies of Jacob and the stone color of the tribes (breastplate) into consideration to get the meaning of the color. (next chapter)

God is a God of colors, just look at the rainbow and the flowers around you.

Dreams in colour are generally from God and gets its meaning directly from the bible. Dreams that are black-and-white or have black in them or images or shadows of black and gray are generally demonic dreams leaving you with a feeling of danger, fear and the unknown.

Most of our dreams are in Technicolor. Only some of our dreams are in colour. The rest is in grayscale. Colors get their meaning from scripture. For example in Genesis 1, 1 darkness was upon the deep, this is the colour black which means the absence of light. Remember most symbols have a positive and a negative meaning.

Colours The colour of clothing and vehicles is a very important indicator of the meanings they carry. Colour may communicate Newness; Personality and character; Splendour; Honour; Heavenly glory; Promise (rainbow); Favor (multi-colored covering); Innocence/purity (multi-colored covering); Glory (multi-colored); (10) May relate to a recent association of someone/something or someplace using that color; (11) Prophetic anointing (multi-colored). Also seeMulti-Colored, Rainbow, and individual colors.

1. Pastel or light colors Faded or washed-out colors in dreams generally represent, camouflage, secrets, lies and a hidden agenda. This can apply to clothing, coverings and garments of any kind.

2. Medium color intensity represent truth, honesty, sincerity, accuracy

3. Deeper hue and the intensity of color represent determination, strength, power, authority, steadfastness, strong will, the ability to see a project or idea through to its completion, integrity, honor, reliability, and a person who is forthright.

4. Bright colors represent insight, information, knowledge, wisdom, answers and solutions and hope.

5. Vivid colors represent God working for good in your life through situations, problems and obstacles.


Note the + is for positive and the – is for negative


Woman Dream Interpretation

(Beads; Garden; Glass, Pearls, Ribs, Silver, World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity.

A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place.

A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it.

A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable.

A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than seeing a woman one knows.

A young woman in a dream represents an enemy.

An old woman in a dream represents the world.

If one sees his wife looking like a man in a dream, she then represents his grandfather, or she could represent prosperity for that family.lfone sees his wife carryinghim in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or perhaps that he may become rich. Seeing a female of unknown species in a dream means loss of money.

If one sees his wife getting married to someone else in a dream, it means that he may deviate from God’s path, then repent for his sin.

A woman in a dream also represents wealth, the world, a farm, pleasures or authority, for a wife governs the needs of her husband and con troIs his life in one way or another.

If a woman sees her crown stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband.

If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or it could mean the death of her husband.

(See Also: Belt; Crown; Glass bottle; Glass; Gray hair, Ribs, Silver, Vat, Women)


Woman Dream Interpretation

Vision: If you are a woman dreaming about a female sex-symbol; you are unsure of your partner and questioning your own femininity.

If you dream about a “motherly” type of person, you are anxious for more emotional security. Seeing a woman you know: good news. Seeing a strange woman: quarrels, envy, and frustration.

If you are a man flirting with a woman: be careful with your spending habits.

A woman with a child warns of worries to come.

A pregnant woman means unexpected pleasure.

If a woman is flirting with you: you have acted foolishly and your finances are tight—nothing will save you except being more frugal. Meeting a strange woman: you are meeting a new friend.

If you see several women together: people are gossiping about you. Hugging a woman: avoid a superficial love affair.

A woman with black hair: you are envious and don’t know it.

A woman with red hair: somebody is setting a trap for you.

A woman with long hair: a relationship will intensify.

A naked woman: you are unconsciously passionate about somebody; it might also be a sign that you have acted foolishly.

A woman laughing: worry and despair about your love relationship is draining your strength.

Depth Psychology: Dreams about old women or old men are regarded as memories of vour mother whom vou have idealized. Women (particularly in mens dreams) could be a symbol of erotic needs, expectations, and desires, or may represent emotions or the irrational in the man’s personality. Dreams about women who are pleasant and peaceful are a sign of devotion to other people and objects, and sensitivity to external impressions and influences.

See Also: Old Man.


Woman Dream Interpretation

“I love you,” in a dream, it means that he truly hates her.

If one sees himself indulging and satisfying every desire he has and without feeling any restrictions in the dream, it means that he will stray from God’s path and lives a corrupt life. Love in a dream also means distress, worries and sorrow. Love in a dream also represents one’s ability to express something. Otherwise, it could mean that he keeps to himself. Love in a dream also means trials and fame that incurs people’s compassion for the person in love. Love in a dream also means poverty, sickness and death. In fact, death in a dream also could mean love, or living distant from one’s beloved or life after death.

To burn in the fire in a dream also means love.

To enter paradise in a dream also means love and to enter hell-fire in a dream means separation from one’s beloved. Yearning for one’s beloved in a dream means heedlessness, and love in a dream also indicates corruption in one’s religious life, or loss of money.

To love someone in God in a dream, means mercy between people. Otherwise, to love one another for personal interests in a dream means a partnership that will end in betrayal or it could mean a marriage without family consent. Pretending to be in love in one’s dream means straying from God’s path.

If a knowledgeable person or a scholar pretends to be enamored in a dream, it means that he will deceive people with his ornate presentations and contradict their standards.

(See Also: Enamored, Honey, Lick, Pretending)


Woman Dream Interpretation

A woman or women generally represent intuition, creativity, nurturing, and love. At times they can also represent the negative attributes which are given to women and include physical and emotional weakness, gossip, martyrdom, passivity, moodiness, temptation, and guilt.

The content of the dream is to be considered, as well as the emotional tone.

If the dream is sexual in nature, look up sex.

If the woman in your dream was a stranger and you are a man, she could be symbolic of your feminine side or your attitude about women.

If you are a woman, this stranger may be symbolic of different parts of your character or personality. Carl Jung believed that the unknown woman in a man’s dream is the Anima.

It is the “personification of the animated psychic atmosphere; the autonomous activity of the unconscious.” Thus, when you meet an unknown woman in your dreams, pay close attention to what she is saying and doing.

It is Carl Jung who suggested that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force or current inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you.

It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part that uses the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well we have balance and experience awareness that leads to peace and productivity.

See Also: People, Old Woman, Mother


Woman Dream Interpretation

(1) A man’s dream of a woman may simply express sexual desire (but see (4) below). Recurring pornographic dream-encounters may mean the dreamer’s feelings - including his moral feelings - are still at a primitive level of development.

(2) The woman may be, or represent your mother, in which case you need to pay attention to the way you react to her in the dream, or what she says.

If the woman has a negative ‘feel’, remember that loosening strong emotional ties to your mother may be a precondition for establishing your own identity.

(3) For a man, a woman may represent your anima, the (unconscious) feminine side of your personality. In this case the woman may be either friendly or threatening, which means that your anima is either introducing you to the hitherto neglected parts of yourself, or trying to lead you astray from your true ‘destiny5. The threatening anima may be represented by a femme fatale, an alluring but dangerous siren.

(4) If the woman in a man’s dream is a real-life acquaintance and the dream-encounter is erotic, the significance may be as in (1) above; or the woman may be a projection of your repressed anima, in which case the message is probably that what you ought to be relating to in real life is your own anima, not the woman.

See Also: Wise Old Man/ Woman.


Woman Dream Interpretation

In a woman’s dream a woman, such as a family member or friend is often representative of an aspect of her own personality, but often one she has not yet fully understood. In a man’s dream such a figure denotes his relationship with his own feelings and with his intuitive side. It may also show how he relates to his female partner.

A goddess or holy woman signifies the highest potential for working with the greater good that the dreamer has. Oriental women appearing in dreams usually suggest the mysterious side of the feminine. In a man’s dream such a figure will often reveal his attitude to sexuality, while in a woman’s dream it will reveal more about her own intuitive transcendent powers.

An older woman mostly represents the dreamer’s mother and her sense of inherited wisdom.

An unknown woman in dreams will represent either the anima in a man’s dream, or the shadow in a woman’s.

It is the qualities of surprise and intrigue that allow us to explore further the relevance of that figure. We can gain a great deal of information because the figure is unknown.


Woman Dream Interpretation

If a woman dreams about women, it is almost always about her shadow and seldom about herself.

If a man dreams about a woman, he is dreaming about his emotional side, which, in the end, is about his connection to his mother. In the case of a man, the behavior of the woman in the dream often gives insight into his unconscious life, his unknown characteristics, physical urges, and behavior.

According to ancient Egyptian dream interpretation, the image of a beautiful woman is always a warning that a task is too large.

According to Jung, a strange woman in the dream of a man is always the feminine side of the dreamer, his anirria. Jung also thinks that a woman in a mans dream always represents his emotional “teacher.”

Women also appear in many dreams as old and wise (woman or hag), lecherous (threatening or liberated), imprisoned (like Rapunzel’s trapped physical drive), ugly (as a witch), young (as a temptress), powerful (as the mother), and beautiful (the lover, the ideal).


Woman Dream Interpretation

In a woman’s dream a woman such as a family member or friend often represents aspects of her personality that she needs to understand and nurture in waking life. In a man’s dream such a figure represents his relationship with his own feelings and his intuitive side. It may also show how he relates to women in his life. A goddess or holy woman suggests the potential for compassion.

Oriental women signify the mysterious side of the feminine, whilst an older woman represents the dreamer’s mother or a sense of inherited wisdom. A beautiful but unknown woman will represent the anima in a man’s dream, said by Jung to personify instinct, emotion and the capacity for love; she will represent the shadow in a woman’s dream. Dressed in black, dream widows may represent your feelings about death, but in Freudian dream interpretation the widow, like the hag or the crone, suggests the loss of male energy in life and, in a man’s dream, may represent unconscious fears of castration.


Woman Dream Meaning

The interpretation of this dream varies depending on the sex of the dreamer.

If a woman has this dream, it reveals her own personality. Thus, if the protagonist is an unknown woman, it indicates the dreamer’s unconscious desires and tendencies. The woman of her fantasies, therefore, embodies the model of herself that she would like to project. At other times, the female figure refers to the mother of the dreamer: how you interact with her in the dream will provide much information about your mother-daughter relationship in reality In a man, contrary to common belief, dreaming of strange women or seeing himself as a woman does not always have sexual connotations or mean a conflict of identity. It may be representing the more intuitive and sensitive side of his personality. (See Also: MOTHER)


Woman Dream Meaning

To see a woman in your dream, represents nurturing, passivity, a caring nature and love. It refers to your own female aspects, or it may also represent your mother. Alternatively, it may indicate temptation and guilt.

If you know the woman you dreamed about, then it may symbolize the concerns and feelings/hopes you have about her.

To see an old woman in your dream, indicates your feelngs about growing older.

To see a group of women talking in your dream, refers to some gossip that’s going on in real life.

To see a pregnant women in your dream, symbolizes abundant wealth.


Woman Dream Meaning

Dreams of a woman are about your connection to the goddess, the feminine archetype, to cycles, intuition, softness and sensitivity.

If you are a man, then this dream may be a message for you to let go and get in touch with your feminine side.

If you are a woman, then this is about your feelings, attitudes and acceptance of your femininity. Consider the feeling tone of this dream and the qualities you ascribe to this female.

See Also: Mother, Daughter, Gr, mother, Goddess, Sister.


Woman Dream Meaning

1. Love and nurturing.

2. May mean unknown desires are emerging.

3. Feminine aspects of self.

4. Fear of growing old.

5. If an old woman, laden with advice.

6. If a woman is preg­nant, the dreamer looks on the pregnancy in a positive way, forecasting abundance.


Woman Dream Meaning

Symbolic of a helper, Gen. 2:18.

A loud woman is symbolic of unwise living, Prov. 9:13.

A woman in dark clothing is symbolic of a spiritual enemy, Matt. 13:33.

A woman clothed in purple is symbolic of a good wife, Prov. 31:22


Woman Dream Meaning

whoever was awoken / alarmed from a woman coming to him [in the dream] and she is the reason, that is [interpreted as] his non-fulfillment of zakat to its rightful people.


Woman Dream Meaning

To see many Women in a dream, wealth and renown; a beautiful Woman, a happy marriage; an ugly Woman, worry and vexation; a Woman’s voice, changes in position.


Woman Dream Meaning

To dream of woman argues infirmity (Gypsy).


Woman Dream Meaning

Left brain; ego self.


Woman Dream Meaning

See Also: People Metaphors.


Woman Dream Interpretation

See Also: Female.


Woman Dream Interpretation

See Also: People


Woman Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 14-25-33-34-36-40

accosted by a, being: envy destroys honor.

amorous, being: you demand too much with your confidence and decisiveness.

approached by a, being: wil be humiliated.

bachelor to marry her, getting a: a rich woman is found for you to marry.

bald, going: difficult love affairs.

beating her suitor: great triumph in love.

beautiful naked, a: symbolizes your feelings and your opinion about her.

birth to a child, divorced giving: wil inherit a large legacy.

buttocks of a: happiness and love

carrying a: difficulties wil soon be overcome.

conquest of a beautiful: must rely upon your own good judgment.

dancing, a: il ness.

desiring to have children: unfriendliness of others.

dreaming of being a man, a: birth of son who brings honor to family.

Cain: wil be highly considered by others.

dead, a: wil be abandoned.

divorcing husband: wil marry a very wealthy man.

Greek god Bacchus, the: are preoccupied with appearances.

handsome, a: love wil not last long.

having a baby: pregnancy.

flirting with a man: that woman is competing with you.

your: your lover is having an affair with your best friend.

gambling: wil be deprived.

hair, with black: your envy destroys any chance of a relationship.

beautiful blond: wil enjoy a happy life.

long: are preoccupied with appearances.

brunette: seduction without success.

red: acknowledge your temper and work with it.

white: dignity and distinction.

hearing the voice of a: permanent change of residence.

ill repute, of: wil suffer humiliation.

laughing, a: be wary of a confidante with a loose tongue.

lying on a bed: security.

making advances to your man: jealousy.

man dreaming of a beautiful: are insincere and bitter that he did not approach you

committing adultery with a: the hurt never goes away, nor does the need for revenge.

dead: wil soon be loved by a wealthy lady.

delivering a baby: prosperity.

ill repute, of: serious disaster as an unscrupulous person is stealing your reputation.

talking to him: big gossip.

with hair as long as she is tall: have an adulterous wife.

man being with a: pastimes wil be agreeable after earlier misunderstandings are righted.

married, dreaming of being pregnant: your envy destroys any chance of a relationship.

baking: unlucky events to come.

delivering a fish: very smart children.

slapping a man on the face: complete faithfulness to her husband.

wearing an apron: wil have ups and downs.

when pregnant dreaming of having a baby: big success in love.

when not: happiness.

naked, a: recognize the object of your passions and act on it.

nursing a baby: wil be deceived by a trusted friend and nurtured by a perfidious foe.

of a: the more emotional, intuitive and irrational part of yourself.

receiving services from a: wil have a bad reputation.

several at a maternity ward: much happiness.

strong, a: speculating on an undervalued gamble.

turning her back on you, a: opposition in love from one for whom your desires are intense.

unknown, an: wil entertain an unwelcome guest.

unmarried, wearing an apron: wil soon be engaged.

dreaming of being pregnant: trouble and injury through scandal.

the Greek god Bacchus: wil receive a marriage proposal.

having a small beard,: gambling losses.

visiting your house, a: good hopes.


24 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about woman related.

Old Woman

If unknown, she symbolises the current year.If she is beautiful, the year will bring good fortune.If ugly, the year will prove a disaster....

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Old Man / Old Woman

Carl Jung said that the wise old man is the “archetype of the spirit” and the “speaking fountainhead of the soul.” Dreaming about him may attempt to bring the dreamer into ...

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Old Man, Or Woman

To dream of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene.See Faces, Men, and Women....

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Washer Woman

A washer woman seen in dreams, represents infidelity and a strange adventure.For the business man, or farmer, this dream indicates expanding trade and fine crops.For a woman to dre...

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Crown Seen By A Woman

If a woman sees a crown in her dream. It symbolises her husband.If she is unmarried, she will soon marry a very dignified, respectable and influential man....

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Marrying A Dead Woman

He will succeed in acquiring his pursuit regarding which he has lost all hopes....

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Woman Acquiring A Spinning Wheel

If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindl...

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Woman Mounting An Ox

If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good...

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Woman With A Beard

This may be a reference to her husband who will enjoy a good reputation as a result of his high standing in the community....

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Woman With Male Generative Organ

If a person sees a woman with a male generative organ it means she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant in real life. Moreover, the son will grow up with good character and ...

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(See Courting, Yarn salesman)...

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Young Woman

(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news com...

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Bird Woman

A creature of myth, symbolic of excitement and temptation, the anima in her heavenly and at the same time animalistic role threatening and destroying. Also a symbol of the wise wom...

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Woman (beautiful)

Success in love and / or business. Recognition for your efforts....

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Wise Man Or Woman

Dreams of a wise man or woman symbolize guidance, an enlightened message and connection to your inner crone, witch, grandmother, grandfather, sorcerer, goddess, or guru.See Prophet...

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Woman Priest

Concept of loving physical reality more than spirituality....

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Woman, (in Crimson)

Anger at physical reality....

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Woman, Older, Dead

End of egotistical thinking....

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Woman, Wrapped In Carpet

Abduction/control of logic....

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Age (old Man Or Old Woman)

Happiness and satisfaction have been reached. On one hand, you are fascinated by age, because it implies maturity, experience, and the ability to judge. On the other hand, it repre...

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Wise Old Man / Woman

(1) A Wise Old Man. figure mav appear in a man’s dream, a Wise Old Woman in a woman’s dream. The Wise Old Man may take various forms: for example, old bearded man, guru, priest...

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Medicine Man / Woman

The medicine man or woman is an archetypal character aspect; they are part of your personality, but at a much higher, aspirational level.The medicine man or woman has two functions...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation